英语人>词典>汉英 : 锁骨后的 的英文翻译,例句
锁骨后的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
postclavicular  ·  retroclavicular

更多网络例句与锁骨后的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: The sign object was put at each acromial end and clavicle end of normal acromioclavicular joint. And then acromioclavicular joint was tested the locations in abducetion+superduct 、 endoduction 、 anteflexion 、 post-extention 、 external and interior rotation by using 3D- laser scanning camera .Computer calculate the rotation of the two sign objects in x 、 y 、 z axis(x delegate clavicle axis,y delegate coronal section ,z delegate sagittal axis).


Both of the torsional stiffness and strength of the resected clavicle were measured.


Methods 23cases of the distal clavicle fractures(ⅱtype in neer classification system) were treated by fixation technique between coracoid and clavicle. after reduced the fractures, one method was using the ethibond 5 suture line to bundle and fix the coracoid and clavicle, the other was using the anchor to fix between coracoid and clavicle.

对neer分型ⅱ型的23例锁骨远端骨折采用喙锁间固定技术进行手术治疗,即骨折复位后,使用ethibond 5号线绕过喙突将锁骨捆扎固定;使用anchor将喙突与锁骨进行固定。

He received total excision of tumor mass, and the nasal defect was restored with a full-thickness skin graft from the left supra-clavicle region. Thirteen months follow-up, the patient was satisfied with the surgical result.


In the transverse plane, the angle betwen thesuPraspinatus and the clavicle axes became larger during abduction because of anincreasing retroversion of the clavicle.


Methods Suturing coracoclavicular ligament after clavicular hook plate fixation was applied in treating acromioclavicular dislocation in one group of 23 cases ;in the other group of 24 cases the suturing was not applied .


Methods: 37 patients with distal clavicle fracture were treated with three different methods, 1 fixation by AO plate (20 cases), and 2 reconstructed coracoclavicular ligament by using Ethibond 5# suture (8 cases), 3 reconstructed coracoclavicular ligament by using suture anchor (9cases a).

对37例锁骨远端骨折患者分别采用锁骨钩钢板固定;切开复位并用ETHIBOND 5#线穿过喙突固定于锁骨骨折近端以重建喙锁韧带;切开复位后在喙突上置入2枚缝合锚,锚尾端的缝线固定于锁骨骨折近端以重建喙锁韧带三种不同手术方法进行治疗。

The first special techniques was the method of tightening slip knot predisposed on atrial septal via veins. The suture with loop was placed on the atrial septum incision which will be closed during the decannulation. The loop was hitched up by the drawn-string via vein and tied with two or three slip knot after inserting left atrial cannulas.


Methods:14 calvicles gotten from 7 adult cadavers were divided into 2 groups randomly.


Results:No significant difference was found between the stiffness of intact left and right clavicles.


更多网络解释与锁骨后的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

basilic vein:贵要静脉

清除上肢前面全部浅筋膜.观察:头静脉(cephalic vein)起自手背静脉网的桡侧,至臂前区后,沿肱二头肌外侧沟上行,经三角肌胸大肌间沟,穿锁胸筋膜注入腋静脉或锁骨下静脉.贵要静脉(basilic vein)和前臂内侧皮神经走行于肱二头肌内侧沟的下部,

brachial plexus:臂丛

3.臂丛(brachial plexus) 由颈5~8和胸l的前支组成,在斜角肌间隙中穿出后,形成三个干,即上、中、下干,各干又分前支和后支. 上千和中干的前支形成外侧束, 下干前支形成内侧束,三干的后支合成后侧束. 三束在锁骨中点处共同进入腋窝,


(1)锁骨(clavicle) 横于颈部和胸部交界处,全长于皮下均可摸到,是重要的骨性标志. 锁骨上面光滑,下面粗糙,形似长骨,但无骨髓腔,可区分为一体两端. 中间部分是锁骨体,内侧2/3凸向前,外侧1/3凸向后. 内侧端粗大,与胸骨柄相关节,


这是四足 动物与鱼类的重要区别.肩带脱离了与头骨的连接后,不但可以增进头部的活动性,并且也 极大地扩展了前肢的活动范围.蛙蟾类的肩带由肩胛骨(scapula),乌喙骨(coracoid), 上乌喙骨 (epicora-coid) 和锁骨 (clavicle) 等构成,

internal jugular vein:颈内静脉

5.颈内静脉(internal jugular vein) 起于颈内静脉孔,为乙状窦的延续,出颅后进入颈动脉鞘内,始居颈内动脉的后方,继而位于其外侧,沿颈总动脉外侧下行,下端与锁骨下静脉会合形成无名静脉.

Jessica Lange:杰西卡.兰格

据香港>报道,继娜塔莎-理查森滑雪撞头重伤不治身亡后,>金像影后杰西卡-兰格(Jessica Lange)本周二亦发生意外. 据她的发言人表示,现年59岁的杰西卡-兰格在美国家中失足撞向楼梯,导致锁骨碎裂,肋骨及前额亦受伤,

sternocleidomastoid muscle:胸锁乳突肌

①胸锁乳突肌和锁骨上皮肤皱褶:胸锁乳突肌(sternocleidomastoid muscle)与颈根部软组织在两肺尖内侧形成外缘锐利、均匀致密的阴影. 锁骨下皮肤皱褶为与锁骨下缘平行的3mm~5mm宽的薄层软组织影,系锁骨上皮肤及皮下组织的投影. ①肋骨:肋骨后段呈水平向外走行,

subclavian artery:锁骨下动脉

左、右体动脉弓弯向背侧,在分出锁骨下动脉(subclavian artery)至前肢及食道后,便汇合成一条背大动脉,往后延伸并发出动脉分支到内脏各器官及后肢. 蚓螈类因无四肢而缺乏锁骨下动脉及髂动脉. 3.静脉系统心脏以静脉窦接受前大静脉和后大静脉的血液,


硬鳞鱼及肺鱼的软骨肩带开始有膜原骨,每侧至少有锁骨和匙骨(cleithrum)加入. 多鳍鱼的肩带显示出软骨原骨的比例减少,膜原骨的比例加大,计有锁骨、匙骨、上匙骨、后匙骨及后颞骨. 2.四足类:在最古的坚头类中,如始螈(Eogyrius)尚有后颞骨连于匙骨与头骨之间,


所谓鳍龙超目是一类水生和半水生的爬行动物,包括楯齿龙目(Placodontia)和始鳍龙目. 鳍龙超目的特征包括,大部分只有一个上颞孔;没有上颞骨、后顶骨和棒骨;方颧骨也可能没有;外鼻孔后缩;没有胸骨,肩胛乌喙骨未愈合,有锁骨和间锁骨等.