英语人>词典>汉英 : 锁骨下动脉的 的英文翻译,例句
锁骨下动脉的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与锁骨下动脉的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Six cases were found to have normal direction of flow,but in the functional test of the involved upper limb,the reversal flow peak value of the ill vertebral artery increased,or the direction of flow turned from normal to reverse.2-dimensional ultrasound showed that 90% of subclavian steal syndrome were caused by arteriosclerosis,10% caused by aortitis.

结果 TCD检查时,24例患者中18例均表现为椎动脉血流反向,肢体束臂试验反向血流增加,6例血流方向正常,束臂试验患侧椎动脉反向峰值血流速度增快,或由正向变为反向。二维超声示引起锁骨下动脉盗血综合征的病因动脉硬化占90%,大动脉炎占10%。

The success rate at inserting the needle at the pointwhere the sound of the subclavian artery via Doppler reachedits maximum audibility was compared with that of the classicalinsertion point. In 89 of the 100 patients, the medial or posteriorcord was found at first needle pass.

使用 Doppler 超声的穿刺到锁骨下动脉的影像的位置,记录所用时间,并且传统的穿刺方法相比较。100个病人中有89个病人,一次性就穿过中间索和后索。

Objective:To evaluate the value of the diagnosis of subclavian steal syndrome by ColorDoppler ultrasound and Transcranial Doppler.


Methods 24 albino rabbits were divided into 3 groups randomly: group DHCA (n=8); group DHCA+SCP( n=8) and group DHCA+SCP +L-arg( n=8). Three groups were placed on cardiopulmonary bypassaccording to clinical method, the anonyma and bilateral subclavian arteries of animals in group DHCA+SCP and group DHCA+SCP +L-arg were isolated.


Results The back flow of trouble side vertebral artery caused by the stenosis of innominate artery or subclavian artery were classified into 4 grades.


Objective:To sum up the clinical experience of subclavian artery serious stegnosis or occlusion treated with the stent implantation from humerus artery.


Results The sensitivity and specificity of color ultrasound for stenosis of carotid bifurcation, subclavicular artery and vertebral artery were 96.8%, 80.6%, 60.0% and

结果 本组患者彩色多普勒超声检查对诊断颈动脉分叉部狭窄的敏感性和特异性分别为96.8%和80.6%,对锁骨下动脉狭窄为60.0%和98.7%,对椎动脉狭窄为33.3%和89.0%。

The accuracy of color ultrasound for stenosis of carotid bifurcation, subclavicular artery and vertebral artery were 93.0%, 92.8% and 82.1%.conclusion color ultrasound examination are effective for the diagnosis of carotid bifurcation sterosis, and less effective for the diagnosis of the subclavicular and vertebral artery stenosis because of the poor sensitivity.


To systematicallyinvestigate this landmark, we conducted a study in four phases:1 Two blindfolded examiners determined the distance betweenthe tuberosity's medial border and the clavicle's lateral endin 100 dried clavicles and then 2 performed subclavian veincannulation in 20 fresh human cadavers using the tuberosityand the suprasternal notch as landmarks. 3 Three-dimensionalreconstructions of the subclavian artery and vein and surroundingstructures were derived from computed tomography datasets of10 patients. The length of the path of a virtual subclavianvein cannulation with the deltoid tuberosity landmark was measuredbilaterally. 4 In a prospective, randomized trial, subclavianvein cannulation was performed in 60 patients with a standardapproach or with the deltoid tuberosity as landmark.

为系统地研究这个解剖标志,作者将本研究分为四个阶段:1 双盲检查100个干燥的锁骨测量其三角肌粗隆内侧缘至锁骨侧面末端的距离;2 在20具新鲜的尸体上以三角肌粗隆和胸骨上切迹为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺;3 利用 CT 所获取的数据资料对10个病人的锁骨下动脉和静脉以及周围结构进行三维重建,测量两侧以三角肌粗隆为标志的虚拟锁骨下静脉置管路径的长度;4 选择60例病人以标准路径或三角肌粗隆为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺的前瞻性随机试验研究。

To systematicallyinvestigate this landmark, we conducted a study in four phases:1 Two blindfolded examiners determined the distance betweenthe tuberosity's medial border and the clavicle's lateral endin 100 dried clavicles and then 2 performed subclavian veincannulation in 20 fresh human cadavers using the tuberosityand the suprasternal notch as landmarks. 3 Three-dimensionalreconstructions of the subclavian artery and vein and surroundingstructures were derived from computed tomography datasets of10 patients. The length of the path of a virtual subclavianvein cannulation with the deltoid tuberosity landmark was measuredbilaterally. 4 In a prospective, randomized trial, subclavianvein cannulation was performed in 60 patients with a standardapproach or with the deltoid tuberosity as landmark.

为系统地研究这个解剖标志,作者将本研究分为四个阶段:1 双盲检查100个乾燥的锁骨测量其三角肌粗隆内侧缘至锁骨侧面末端的距离;2 在20具新鲜的尸体上以三角肌粗隆和胸骨上切迹为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺;3 利用 CT 所获取的资料资料对10个病人的锁骨下动脉和静脉以及周围结构进行三维重建,测量两侧以三角肌粗隆为标志的虚拟锁骨下静脉置管路径的长度;4 选择60例病人以标准路径或三角肌粗隆为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺的前瞻性随机试验研究。

更多网络解释与锁骨下动脉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在那些右位主动脉弓中,永存左上腔静脉引流入冠状窦、右锁骨下动脉异常(aberrant)起源于胸降主动脉、卵圆孔未闭或继发孔型房间隔缺损等等. 这些应用标准命名法充分描述. 文献中经常应用到两个额外的名词,




在导丝从股动脉进入并由真腔顺利进入升主动脉后,造影确定内膜撕裂口特别是第1裂口 的位置,取左前斜30~45度位置,尽量将主动脉弓展开以充分暴露左锁骨下动脉(LSA),左颈总动脉(LCCA)和无名动脉(INA),并作好定位,将收缩压控制性降至80~90mmHg之间,

internal jugular vein:颈内静脉

5.颈内静脉(internal jugular vein) 起于颈内静脉孔,为乙状窦的延续,出颅后进入颈动脉鞘内,始居颈内动脉的后方,继而位于其外侧,沿颈总动脉外侧下行,下端与锁骨下静脉会合形成无名静脉.

Pistol shot sound:枪击音

3.枪击音(pistol shot sound)正常时在颈动脉或锁骨下动脉可听到相当于第一心音与第二心音的两个声音而在其他动脉处听不到在病理情况下将听诊器的胸件轻放在患者的肱动脉或股动脉处可听到"Ta-Ta"的声音称为枪击音.

subclavian artery:锁骨下动脉

左、右体动脉弓弯向背侧,在分出锁骨下动脉(subclavian artery)至前肢及食道后,便汇合成一条背大动脉,往后延伸并发出动脉分支到内脏各器官及后肢. 蚓螈类因无四肢而缺乏锁骨下动脉及髂动脉. 3.静脉系统心脏以静脉窦接受前大静脉和后大静脉的血液,

subcostal nerve:肋下神经

2肋间动脉来自锁骨下动脉的分支肋颈干外,其余9对肋间后动脉和1对肋下动脉均发自胸主动脉.肋间神经(intercostal nerves)共11对,位于相应的肋间隙内.肋下神经(subcostal nerve) 1对,位于第12肋下方.1.胸膜 打开胸前壁,

thready pulse:丝脉

触诊血管时可发现脉搏强而大, 7细脉(small pulse)细脉指形态正常而振幅小的脉搏,与洪脉恰恰相反,触诊时脉搏弱而小,也称做丝脉(thready Pulse), 8枪击音(pistol shot sound)正常时在颈动脉或锁骨下动脉可听到相当于第一心音与第二心音的两个声音,