英语人>词典>汉英 : 销售者 的英文翻译,例句
销售者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
distributor  ·  seller  ·  sellers

更多网络例句与销售者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It attempts to define the above-stated terms based on authors' practical participation experience and analyzes the triple role, consumer-seller-operator; a distributor plays in the mean time. The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows


The seller of the black-market fuel was also killed.


There is strong evidence that this coronavirus was present in a population of animals in China, including the Himalayan palm civet.

在中 国对出售这些动物以供食用的销售者进行的血清流行病学研究显示, 70%以上的动物处置者产生了抗这种新发 SARS-CoV 的抗体,由此可见,在合适的环境下,从动物向人类的传播是相当有效的。

It was conceived with all the knowing sophistication of any other fmcg (the marketeer's demotic for fast-moving-consumer-goods).


Much has been made of how China and the U.S. are now fatefully tied to one another as creditor-to-debtor and seller-to-buyer.


Buyers and sellers should be aware of new developments in technolo gy can and does affect marketing activities.


Police have the upper hand over the drug dealers in the area.


Third,the paper sets up a mathematical model for indirect tax shifting through algebraic method, it concludes a general rule on indirect tax shifting from VAT payers to others, the buyers only takes the full tax burden when there isn't any demand elasticity or full supply elasticity, and the sellers only takes the full tax burden when there is full supply elasticity or no demand elasticity, sellers and buyers share the tax burden respectively, the tax share amount has a straight line dependence to the commodity demand or supply elasticity, the proportion of indirect tax burden of sellers equal to the proportion between demand elasticity and the sum of demand and supply elasticity.


According to "mobile phone repair replacement of goods returned the responsibility of states that" the provisions of Article XIX, in line with a replacement condition, and the sellers have the same model with the standard mobile phone products, consumers reluctant to exchange the required return, the seller should be returned , but for the commodities should be used according to the provisions of the rate of depreciation charge depreciation.


Seller compensation, are the responsibility of the producer or seller to provide goods belonging to other sellers responsibility, the seller has ...

销售者 赔偿后,属于生产者的责任或者属于向销售者提供商品的其他销售者责任的,销售者有。。。

更多网络解释与销售者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这是从"覆盖范围(Coverage) "向传播的转换. 当销售者和消费者能够互相理解时,可以说营销场和营销传播完全整合了. 如果信息变得更加准确、商品变得更加高性能化和个性化的话,那么消费者寻找、购买商品的费用和接受服务的费用会大幅度地减少.

credit instrument:信用工具

帐龄表是变动的,比较而言,平在不同工业部门,信用期限(credit periods)不同公司设置信用期限时,必须考虑三个因素:正式的信用工具(credit instrument)只有发票-销售者的发货凭证和购买者的收货凭证交易金额较大时,

exclusive dealing:专营交易

(1)专营交易(Exclusive Dealing)许多生产商和批发商喜欢为他们的产品发展专营渠道. 当销售者仅允许一定的售点经营其产品时,该战略就称为专营分销. 当销售者要求这些经销者不能经营竞争者产品时,这战略就称为专营交易.

labor union:工会

在19世纪,反托拉斯政策的主要问题是是否应将工会(labor union)看作是限制贸易发展的非法组织而加以取缔. 古典经济学家们认为不应该这样,但他们也不相信工人组织可能会有别于旨在降低工资的雇主联合体和旨在提高价格的销售者联合体.

Variable Levy:差价税;差额税

value of foreign trade 外贸值 | variable levy 差价税;差额税 | vendor-managed inventory 销售者管理存货

Product Liability Insurance:产品责任保险

产品责任保险,(Product Liability Insurance)是保险人承保产品制造者、销售者等因其生产或者销售的产品在被使用过程中发生事故致他人人身伤害或财产损失,依法应由其承担的经济赔偿责任的责任保险.


2."消费者"(consumer)是指谈判本指令所指的业务的自然人,其活动不属于其职业或营业活动范畴. 3."销售者"(seller)或者提供者(supplier)(以下简称经营者)是指在其职业或经营范围内缔结交易的,也包括公共性质的活动的自然人或法人.


品牌是用于识别某个销售者或某群销售者的产品或服务,并使之与竞争对手的产品或服务区别开来的商业名称或标志. 通常用文字、标记、符号、图案和颜色等要素的组合构成. 品牌名称是指可以用语言称呼的部分,也称"品名",如"奔驰"(BENZ),"索尼"(SONY),"格兰"(GELAN)等.


milkman 卖牛奶的人,送牛奶的人 | silkman 丝织品制造者,丝织品销售者 | tankman 坦克手

sellers' market:卖方市场 销售者市场

seller'susualpacking 卖方习惯包装 | sellers'market 卖方市场 销售者市场 | sellersover 卖者过多 卖主过多