英语人>词典>汉英 : 铺石板 的英文翻译,例句
铺石板 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flag  ·  flags  ·  slate  ·  slated  ·  slates

更多网络例句与铺石板相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a wall near the arcade opens another arched door, of the time of Henry IV., permitting a glimpse of the trees of an orchard; beside this door, a manure-hole, some pickaxes, some shovels, some carts, an old well, with its flagstone and its iron reel, a chicken jumping, and a turkey spreading its tail, a chapel surmounted by a small bell-tower, a blossoming pear-tree trained in espalier against the wall of the chapel--behold the court, the conquest of which was one of Napoleon's dreams.


In a wall near the arcade opens another arched door, of the time of Henry IV., permitting a glimpse of the trees of an orchard; beside this door, a manure-hole, some pickaxes, some shovels, some carts, an old well, with its flagstone its iron reel, a chicken jumping, a turkey spreading its tail, a chapel surmounted by a small bell-tower, a blossoming pear-tree trained in espalier against the wall of the chapel--behold the court, the conquest of which was one of Napoleon's dreams.

在离圆顶门不远的墙上,另辟了一道门,门上有亨利四世时代的拱心石,从门洞里可以 www.ssbbww.com 望见果园中的树林。门旁有个肥料坑、几把十字镐和尖嘴锹,还有几辆小车,一口井口有石板铺地和铁辘轳的古井,一匹小马正在蹦跳,一只火鸡正在开屏,还有一座有小钟楼的礼拜堂,一株桃树,附在礼拜堂的墙上,正开着花。这便是拿破仑当年企图攻破的那个院子的情形。

He did not expect it. One moment he was striding down a set of low flagstone steps, wondering if heneeded a map or a bell or a hunting horn to navigate the tower.


We are paving our garden path with slabs of stone.


A PAVIOR AND FLAGGER: That's the famous Bloom now, the world's greatest reformer.


Chang Ling's Palace ran very characteristic shops on the ground is very valuable piebald yellow stone, the stone still with a purple pattern, smooth and shining, it seems that full house gem.


When I walk in this, as "warm the picture" in the stone path, I think there are many "Red Dragonfly" and "Yellow Butterfly","orange moth"...... I'd fly, full land leaves the blue gray slate paths, has become a "red carpet" paved the way, people standing on the fiery leaves paved the way children in the above run, issued a "rustle rustle ............"sound.


This sidewalk is made of slabs of stone.


There is no paving, scant electricity and so little lighting, no sanitation; people have to pay even to use the rare communal lavatories that often overflow or to take a shower, so their ablutions often take place on sidewalks riven with makeshift drains.


Weeks before, we had decided to rebuild the kitchen, and had spent many enlightening hours with our architect as we were introduced to French building terminology, to coffres and rehausses and faux-plafonds and vide-ordures, to platrage and dallage and poutrelles and coins perdus.


更多网络解释与铺石板相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"盛典大道"的建造规格相当高,底下是一层泥沙和卵石,上面铺砖和沥青,最上层是90厘米 90厘米的白石板铺地,并有红色角砾岩(breccia)镶边. 这条宽约22米的圣路"圣路"并不水平,而是由外向内抬升,最高点比周边平原高出了大约12~14米.

open slating:疏铺石板

open sheeting 版面疏松的衬板 | open slating 疏铺石板 | open space 空地

open slating:疏铺石板,疏铺石板瓦

open sight 缺口表尺 | open slating 疏铺石板,疏铺石板瓦 | open slot 开口槽=>開放スロット

spaced slating:疏铺石板,疏铺石板瓦

spaced receiver 分隔接收机; 分集式接收机 | spaced slating 疏铺石板; 疏铺石板瓦 | spaced winding 间绕; 间绕绕组

paving tile:铺地砖

paving stones ==> 铺路薄片石 | paving tile ==> 铺地砖 | paving with flags ==> 石板铺面

Open sight:缺口表尺

open sided planer ==> 单柱刨床 | open sight ==> 缺口表尺 | open slating ==> 疏铺石板,疏铺石板