英语人>词典>汉英 : 铺位 的英文翻译,例句
铺位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bunk  ·  bunked  ·  bunking  ·  bunks

更多网络例句与铺位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The old accountant took a look sideways at the cake in afeared eyes, and began to twist on his bed anxiously.


Ten pass engers can be berthed amidships.


I didn't know it was your berth. I would have armed myself.


With challenge obviously comes a great sense of satisfaction: to arrive at a place entirely under your own steam is an unbeatable feeling, utterly incomparable to that of stumbling off a sleeper bus after spending the night wedged into a bunk that's not exactly designed for the northern-European build.


It can be almost everything, in contact with the ground which wanted to be a dunk.


This is your berth .


To sleep in a bunk or bed.


I'm a terrible sailor, so when that happens I take to my bunk.


He looks at the bunk above him.


The framework and the lee-board, if any, of a berth shall be ofapproved material, hard, s mooth, and not likely to corrode or to harbourvermin.


更多网络解释与铺位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


头等车厢叫做 pullman,就是卧铺,每位旅客都订有专供睡觉休息用的铺位(berth). 二等车厢就是 coach,是一般的普通座位. 在横跨美国大陆的长途火车上,另外设有二层的了望车厢(vista-dome car)、餐车(dinning car)、自助餐车(buffet car)和交谊餐车(club lounge car)等.

berth, bunk:铺位

双层卧铺车 sleeper with couchettes | 铺位 berth, bunk | 上行车 up train


bunk bed 双层铺 | bunk 铺位 | bunker 燃料库


228. 吊铺 hammock | 229. 固定铺位 bunk | 230. 客船统舱 steerage

ground floor shop:地下铺位

ground floor level 地面层水平 | ground floor shop 地下铺位 | ground improvement works 地面改善工程

ground floor shop:地下铺位KQy中国学习动力网

ground floor level 地面层水平KQy中国学习动力网 | ground floor shop 地下铺位KQy中国学习动力网 | ground improvement works 地面改善工程KQy中国学习动力网

shop tenancy:铺位租约;铺位租用权

shop stall tenant 商业档位租户 | shop tenancy 铺位租约;铺位租用权 | shop tenant 铺位租户;铺户

shop tenancy:铺位租约;铺位租用权CEB中国学习动力网

shop stall tenant 商业档位租户CEB中国学习动力网 | shop tenancy 铺位租约;铺位租用权CEB中国学习动力网 | shop tenant 铺位租户;铺户CEB中国学习动力网

Out here with me, bunking up:在这和我一起,轮船铺位

And Chandler will be?|那钱德呢? | Out here with me, bunking up.|在这和我一起,轮船铺位 | Oh, bunking up. If you smell s'mores, don't be alarmed.|轮船铺位.如果问到烟味 不要拉警报哦

Oh, bunking up. If you smell s'mores, don't be alarmed:轮船铺位.如果问到烟味 不要拉警报哦

Out here with me, bunking up.|在这和我一起,轮船铺位 | Oh, bunking up. If you smell s'mores, don't be alarmed.|轮船铺位.如果问到烟味 不要拉警报哦 | Thanks. You're a good kid.|谢谢,你真是个好孩子