英语人>词典>汉英 : 铰接 的英文翻译,例句
铰接 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

strap joint · swing joint · pin joint
更多网络例句与铰接相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Trough calculation, it is obviously reasonable to ignore the effect of joint bending stiffness and consider it as a hinge joint in calculation.


The results analyzing the rtuss as rigid joint or hinge joint in theory are indicated that the tube truss in practice is accordance well with the theoretical calculation as rigid joint or hinge joint ,if axes joint of web members are at center of chord members.

通过对一榀 2 4m跨钢管屋架的静力试验研究及在理论上按刚接、铰接的计算结果分析表明,腹杆轴线交点与弦杆形心重合的管桁架,按刚接或铰接计算与实际受力状态均符合较

The research is mainly focus ed on using law of energy through formula deduction to separately rough estimate the relation of cable force and frequency with reckon ing in the influence of cable's deadweight under three circumstances of hinge j oints in two sides; hinge joint in one side, fixed joint.


And the inverse result of kinematics for the shield hinge equipment is obtained and one-degree inverse coefficient matrix of the impact, two-degree inverse coefficient matrix of the impact and the expression of velocity, acceleration for every component are calculated, all of these lay the foundation for the following kinetics of the shield hinge equipment.


Related to foreign engineering design methods and experience, combined with similar domestic products and projects technology, the paper makes a summary of the design of articulated concrete block revetment and references to the designers.


The characteristics and influencing factor on the bearing capacity,rotational stiffness and ultimate rotatability of steel frames with different semirigid joints are discussed,based on the experimental result.


The deformation and failure mechanism of voussoir beam were analyzed with physical modeling.


Because the ideal "rigid joint" and "hinged joint" are inexistent, the stiffness of any connection types is between ideal rigid joint and hinged joint.


Based on experimental results of unstiffened overlapped circular hollow section joints, the axial forces of experimental truss members connected with hinge joints, semi hinge joints or rigid joints, are calculated by the finite element analysis model.


Wave is the rotor blades hinges on the hinge between the propeller blade hub, the hinge allows the blade perpendicular to the rotor plane up and down waving, in order to make it not have chatter and the shutdown will not touch the ground, usually limited to damping and compatible digital devices ...


更多网络解释与铰接相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Articulated bus:铰接客车

Arrangement of camshaft 凸轮轴装置 | Articulated bus 铰接客车 | Articulated cross shaft 铰接式横轴

Articulation piece:铰接件

Articulated utility carrier 铰接式通用载运车 | Articulation piece 铰接件 | Artificial gasoline 人造汽油

hinged support:铰接支点, 铰接支承

lanceolar 矛尖状的, [植] 披针形的 | hinged support 铰接支点, 铰接支承 | specific inductive capacity 电容率, 介电常数

hinged joint:铰接连结

hinged girder 铰接梁 | hinged joint 铰接连结 | hinged pier 绞接式墩

hinged end:铰接端

hinged bearing 铰支承 | hinged end 铰接端 | hinged immovable support 铰接固定支座

hinged prow:铰接首门

hinged precentring fitting 绞链导块 | hinged prow 铰接首门 | hinged ramp 铰接式跳板

hinged landing prow:铰接登岸首门

hinged joint 绞链接合 | hinged landing prow 铰接登岸首门 | hinged lid 铰接

double joint swig axle:双铰接式摆动轴

铰接式摆动轴 single-joint swing axle | 双铰接式摆动轴 double joint swig axle | 悬架系 suspension system

articulation jack pin:铰接千斤顶连接销

articulation jack 铰接千斤顶 | articulation jack pin 铰接千斤顶连接销 | articulation jack pin mounting jig 铰接油缸连接销安装夹具

articulated six-wheeler:铰接式六轮车

articulated roof beam 铰接顶梁 | articulated six-wheeler 铰接式六轮车 | articulated tanker 铰接式油罐车