英语人>词典>汉英 : 铁矾 的英文翻译,例句
铁矾 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
natrojarosite  ·  ferroalumen

ferric alum
更多网络例句与铁矾相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After detail analysis of current several iron removal methods, it was proved that the jarosite could not only be used for iron deep purification, but also release the accumulation of sulfate, which was due to the oxidation of pyrite.


Aiming at some defects and shortages existing in conventional deferrization processes,such as jarosite,goethite and spray processes,in zinc hydrometallurgy process and using new movements abroad for reference,the study on new technology for removing iron by phosphate has been carried out and satisfactory results have been achieved.


The decomposition of ammonium jarosite bearing indium in NaOH medium were studied. The effects of NaOH addition, liquid-solid ratio, decomposition temperature and time on the decomposition ratio of ammonium jarosite were investigated, respectively, and the behavior of impurity elements, such as Zn, In, Cu, Cd, Pb, As, Sb, Sn and Ag in jarosite residues was also discussed.

摘 要:提出NaOH分解含铟铁矾渣新工艺,考察NaOH用量、液固比、温度和时间对铁矾渣分解率的影响,并讨论铁矾渣中杂质金属,如Zn、In、Cu、Cd、Pb、As、Sb、Sn和Ag等在NaOH分解过程中的行为。

The effect of the addition of the crystal seed in the jarosite preciptation was investigated and the results showed that the crystal seed would accelerate the crystallizing rate of jarosite formation, which convert the reaction mechanism from the crystallization kinetic rate control into the chemical reaction kinetic control.


This paper studies the neutralize agent for zinc hydrometallurgy of jarosite process,analyses advantage and disadvantage of NH_4HCO_3 and calcine as jarosite precipitation neutralize agent,points out if used calcine removed zinc ferrite as neutralize agent,than can cut the cost and reduce zinc content in slag.


Jarosite process can obtain high recovery rate of zinc,simultaneously,most of indium remains in the jarosite residues and a little part of indium remains in the high acidities leaching residues.


The results indicate that both the precipitates produced by Leptospirillum ferriphium strain DY and Acidirhiobacillus ferrooxidans strain GF are composed of jarosite and ammonium jarosite. However, the content of jarosite in the precipitates synthesized by strain GF is 5.53% higher than that synthesized by strain DY, but the content of ammonium jarosite in the precipitates synthesized by strain DY is 15.24% higher than that synthesized by strain GF.


The potassium ammonium jarosite with zinc and indium is obtained by Fe3+ ion removal from the iron,zinc and indium coexisted sulphate system by potassium ammonium jarosite process.


The strong acidity, Fe(superscript 2+) and rather lower concentration of alkalis ions are responsible for voltaite, not jarosite, crystallizing from the acidic iron-bearing water.

分析认为,废液呈强酸性、溶液中存在大量Fe(上标 2+)、碱金属离子含量偏低是蒸发结晶过程中形成绿钾铁矾而不是黄钾铁矾的主要原因。

The experiment result shows that if Iron in the pickle of copper-smelting smoke ash is removed by Oxygen or oxidation combined with Hydrogen peroxide, Iron removing rate is 90%.

常用除铁方法主要有 [1 ,2 ] :(1 )直接鼓风氧化生成针铁矿的形式除铁;(2 )用生成磷酸盐沉淀的方法除铁;(3 )用黄钾铁矾法除铁;(4)用过氧化氢氧化除铁;(5 )采用溶剂萃取法分离铁。

更多网络解释与铁矾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


almandine /铁矾石榴石/ | almandite /铁矾石榴石/ | almestrone /阿美雌酮/


描述:中国皋兰县白银厂折腰山的黄钾铁矾(Jarosite)的标本照片. 黄色,细粒土状结构,块状构造,主要矿物组成为:黄钾铁矾、云母

iron vitriol:铁矾; 青矾; 七水硫酸亚铁

IRC 国际辐射委员会 | iron vitriol 铁矾; 青矾; 七水硫酸亚铁 | IRPTC 可能有毒化学品国际登记中心

ammoniojarosite:铵黄铁矾 铵黄铁钾矾

ammonioborite水铵硼石 | ammoniojarosite铵黄铁矾 铵黄铁钾矾 | ammoniomagnesiumphosphate磷酸铵镁


"铜砷银矿","argentodomeykite" | "银钾铁矾,银铁矾","argentojarosite" | "银镍黄铁矿","argentopentalandite"


针钠钙石 pectolite | 针钠铁矾 bartholomite | 针钠铁矾 ferronatrite


低铁钼华 ferromolybdite | 针钠低铁矾 ferronatrite | 一水铁矾 ferropallidite

melanterite; iron vitriol:绿铁矾;水绿矾

"melanteria; green vitriol","水绿矾;绿铁矾" | "melanterite; iron vitriol","绿铁矾;水绿矾" | "melaphyre","暗玢岩"


metavauxite 准蓝磷铝铁矿 | metavoltine 黄磷铁矾 | metavoltite 黄磷铁矾

methyl ammonium iron alum:甲基铵铁矾(铁电体)

methyl ammonium indium alum 甲基铵铟矾(铁电体) | methyl ammonium iron alum 甲基铵铁矾(铁电体) | methyl ammonium vanadium alum 甲基铵钒矾(铁电体)