英语人>词典>汉英 : 钺 的英文翻译,例句
钺 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
broadax  ·  tomahawk  ·  tomahawked  ·  tomahawking  ·  tomahawks

a battle-axe used in ancient China · battle axe
更多网络例句与钺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And Yangshao - Majiayao, Changshan different classes, such as culture, the culture of a large number of selected Qijia higher hardness of jade is expected to produce tools, shovel jade, jade adze, Yue Yu, Yu-cutting and other small delicate, regular-type, species polished, sharp edge.


Bao Yue: Do poineering work board the administrative measure that appear on the market is carried out formally to the ability since May 1, a lot of detailed rules had not come out, so very it's hard to say is met finally is what appearance.


I am not low before proletarian axe tomahawk my head, proletarian axe tomahawk should be merciless, but also should be chasteness.


And if I'm lucky I might have some here, yep, there we go, they'd collect this gum, this resin and then they'd mix it up with ashes from the fire, maybe even a bit of dried kangaroo poo, mix it all up together and you've got what you call today super glue.


Han, with the sword dance ﹑ knife dance ﹑ Shuangji ﹑ Yue dance and dance.


I have been faithful to thee, Cynara!


Behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, lops off the boughs with terrible violence; The tall of stature are felled, and the lofty ones brought low


From the existing archaeological discoveries, we can see that in the Paleolithic Age, there have been a tip-shaped stones, stone balls, stone hand axes, bone spears. Until the end of the Neolithic Age, there appeared a large number of stone axes, stone shovels, stone knives and bone harpoons, arrowheads, and even copper tomahawks, copper axes and so on.


The latter were armed with long-range cross bows and arrows and short weapons such as lances, spears, halberds and swords.


Some of the participating artists use "small" artistic mediums to express their motif: Huixin reveals "cultural invasion" by toy-sized sculptures and in a jocular way; Panyue's 'Sagittarius" portrays an absurd stage play with dainty and detailed images; Zeng Suchai's canvas dolls bring a breath of freshness; Li Zan and Chen Weiwei reflect their unique impression of social life through depicting fictitious characters; Li Zhiyin's exquisite youth romance is fully embodied in her small dreamlike sculptures; Nano Warsono's comic-strip-like pictorial narration triggers philosophical thoughts; while Takehiro Yoshimitsu expresses the prowess of "small and the possibility that resides in fragility.

在参展的艺术家当中,有的是以&小&的创作形式来表达他们某一创作主题:惠欣以玩具大小的雕塑、戏谑的方式提示出&文化侵略&的现实;潘的&人马座&以精巧玩味的画面演绎了一出荒诞的舞台剧;曾素钗的画布玩偶让人耳目一新;李赞和陈薇薇则通过对虚拟角色肖像的刻画反映出对社会生活的独特体会;刘知音细腻的青春浪漫在她小巧梦幻的雕塑作品上充分体现;Nano Warsono 连环画般的画面叙述引发小小哲思;Takehiro Yoshimitsu表达出一种&小&的力量以及脆弱中潜在的可能性。

更多网络解释与钺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

battle axe:钺

井 Well | Battle axe | 水府 Official for irrigation

biological cleanser:清洁面霜

编辑 陈-ld - 2008-06-24 00:11 | biological cleanser清洁面霜 | clarifying cream眼部御妆水


broad-minded /气量大的/ | broadax /大斧// | broadaxe /大斧//

dogwood family; Comaceae:四照花科;山茱萸科

夹竹桃科 dogbane family; Apocynaceae | 四照花科;山茱萸科 dogwood family; Comaceae | 形的;斧形的 dolabrate


他们用(tomahawk)――一种石斧――划开树皮,让树胶或树脂从树里渗出来. 运气好的话,我这儿可能还留着点,是的,就是这些. 原住民把这些树胶收集起来,与火堆里的灰烬混合,或者再加点风干了的袋鼠粪便,这些东西搅和起来就是我们今天所说的"万能胶"了.

Armour/Worrisome Armure Da-La:陀羅 陀罗

86 Tian Yue 天鉞 天 Angel II Medaille Thien-Viet | 87 Tuo Luo 陀羅 陀罗 Armour/Worrisome Armure Da-La | 88 Wen Chang 文昌 文昌 Literary/intellect Discours Van-Xuong


有轴亚目(笔石类) Axonophora | 立轴解理 axotomous | 石 axstone


立轴解理 axotomous | 石 axstone | 气液混合物 azeotropic mixture


四照花科;山茱萸科 dogwood family; Comaceae | 形的;斧形的 dolabrate | 猫尾树属(紫葳科) Dolichandrone


apx 敛铍 | aqa 鐀鏄 | aqi 钾