英语人>词典>汉英 : 钨 的英文翻译,例句
钨 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
masurium  ·  tungsten  ·  wolfram  ·  wortle  ·  wolframium

更多网络例句与钨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research indicates the Chinese tungsten industry management condition turns better continuously, the performance level raises year by year, the profits is swimming from downstream to upwards tungsten mineral mountains But the index number of Lerner makes know that the Chinese tungsten industry still competes too heavy over a long period of time.(6) On the base of above analysis, this paper puts forward that the target mode of Chinese tungsten industry market structure development is oligopoly, the goal of production structure optimization is to develop high worthy affixture production, so make tungsten industry profits distributes in value link of the mining and mill run, smelt, deeply process.


The deposit of tungsten and the output of tungsten concentrate in Ganzhou, each take 30% that of total in China. Among them the deposit of high grade wolframite takes as much as 70% that of total in China and 60% in the world. So Ganzhou is called as "Tungsten capital of the world".


The deposit of tungsten and the output oftungsten concentrate in Ganzhou, each take 30% that of total in China.Among them the deposit of high grade wolframite takes as much as 70%that of total in China and 60% in the world. So Ganzhou is called as"Tungsten capital of the world".


There are also several companies in Russia for which tungsten business is not an essential activity. Here is a list of them:"Chelyabinsky electrometallurgical plant" at Ural (Ferro-tungsten and special steels),"Electric steel" in Moscow region (tungsten powder and cemented carbides), JSC "Polema" in Tula (tungsten powder, covering and bars) and JSC "Sandvik-MKTC" in Moscow (hard metal plates and cutting tools).

俄罗斯也有一些公司并不以初级产品为主营业务,如位于乌拉尔地区的切利尔宾斯基电冶厂(Chelyabinsky electrometallurgical plant),以铁和特种钢为主要产品;位于莫斯科地区的电炉炼钢公司以粉和硬质合金为主要产品;位于图拉地区的波勒玛公司,以粉、涂层及条为主要产品;位于莫斯科的山特维克-麦克提克公司(Sandvik-MKTC)以硬质合金板材和切割刀具为主要产品。

Ammonium paratungstate has a great effect on the properties of the blue tungsten oxide , and blue tungsten oxide has a great effect on tungsten and tungsten carbide powder also; The tungsten carbide powder of good quality can be made from APT or blue tungsten oxide treated by a special process.


Commodities subject to export quota license are: corn, rice, wheat, cotton, wood products, live ox, live pig, live chicken, natural silk and its products, coal, coke, crude oil, finished oil, rare-earth metal, antimony oxide ore, antimony and antimony products, antimony oxide, tungsten ore, Ammonium Paratungstate, Ammonium metatungstate, Tungsten Trioxide and Blue Tungsten Oxide, Tungstic acid and salt, tungsten powder and its products, Zinc ores, Tin ores, tin and tin-base alloy, and white silver.


Recent progress and achievements of tungsten metallurgy in China including the exploitation of process technique in treating various resource, molybdenum separation technology from tungsten, production of high pure APT from low grade material and tungstenic scrape, process equipment and automatization degree in tungsten metallurgical plant, application of membrane technology in non pollution tungsten metallurgical process, and ultrafine powder of tungsten etc.


The main products are sodium tungstate, tungstic acid, ammonium perchlorate, tungsten trioxide, industrial ammonium molybdate, sodium molybdate, Chung-ammonium molybdate, ammonium tungsten migraine, two ammonium molybdate, barium molybdate, tungsten electrode wire cutter, cerium Tungsten welding electrode, etc., such as tungsten and molybdenum products.


Melting point 3410 ℃, boiling point 560 ℃, relative density of 1935, F the external electronic structure of 5d46s2, in the chemical reaction time is very easy to lose 1-6 electronic, but also can get 1-2 electronic, so oxidation number of 0,± 1,± 2, 3, 4 , 5 and 6, with 6 price of the most stable compounds, such as WO3 does not dissolve in water, the air will form in the tungsten trioxide thin protective layer of tungsten, tungsten with fluorine at room temperature, chemical combination, red hot when there is no moisture and Bromine iodide together, red hot when you can and water reaction WO3, at room temperature reaction of tungsten with aqua regia, but the hot concentrated hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid can only be played with its weak response, but molten nitrate, nitrite, too Hydrogen peroxide, sulfur steam, steam and other phosphorus can play intense reaction, high temperature can not be carbon, boron and silicon reaction of binary compounds, widely used in industrial tungsten steel and tungsten carbide, pure tungsten filament is used to the system, and X-ray tube Tube heating components, semiconductor components can be prepared tungsten silicide, tungsten industrial production is white or black tungsten ore tungsten ore refining.


Sodium tungstate and tungsten carbide are applied in tungsten coat as raw materials, the applications of tungsten are brought into play.


更多网络解释与钨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


carbide tool 硬质合金刀具 | carboloy 碳化硬质合金,钴硬质合金 | carbon 碳


"carbide tool","碳化物刀具" | "Carboloy","卡波路(烧结碳化的商业名称)碳化合金" | "carbon active","活性碳"

Tungstite; ferri:黄铁钨矿

"铜矿","Tungstite; cupro-" | "黄铁矿","Tungstite; ferri-" | "钼钙矿","Tungsto-powellite"

Tungstite; cupro:铜钨矿

"华","Tungstite" | "铜矿","Tungstite; cupro-" | "黄铁矿","Tungstite; ferri-"

mono-tungsten disilicide:二硅化一钨;二硅化钨

二氮化一;二氮化 mono-tungsten dinitride | 二硅化一;二硅化 mono-tungsten disilicide | 一碳化一;一碳化 mono-tungsten monocarbide

mono-tungsten monocarbide:一碳化一钨;一碳化钨

二硅化一;二硅化 mono-tungsten disilicide | 一碳化一;一碳化 mono-tungsten monocarbide | 三硅化一;三硅化 mono-tungsten trisilicide

di-tungsten mononitride:一氮化二钨

二氮化二 di-tungsten dinitride | 一氮化二 di-tungsten mononitride | 三硅化二 di-tungsten trisilicide

ammonium paratungstate:偏钨酸铵, 仲钨酸铵

ammonium palladic chloride | 氯化钯铵 氯钯酸铵 | ammonium paratungstate | 偏酸铵, 仲酸铵 | ammonium permanganate | 高锰酸铵


tungsten //锰铁矿/金属元素/ | tungstenic /含/ | tungstenite /硫矿/辉矿/

tungstenite:硫钨矿 辉钨矿

tungstenic /含/ | tungstenite /硫矿/辉矿/ | tungstite /华/