英语人>词典>汉英 : 钢梁 的英文翻译,例句
钢梁 的英文翻译、例句


steel girder
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The results show that under the same standard calefaction curve and the same load (132 74 kN), the fire endurance of naked WGJ510C2 is 39 min and that of Q235 steel is 27 min.

结果表明:在标准升温曲线和相同载荷(132 74 kN)下,裸露WGJ510C2 钢梁的耐火极限为39 min,裸露Q235钢梁的耐火极限为27 min,即裸露WGJ510C2钢梁的耐火极限比裸露Q235 钢梁高44 4%。

In the light of the characteristics of the steel girder structure,construction conditions of the Bridge and natural environment where the Bridge is located,the scientific,economic and reliable construction techniques were formulated and the zero error of closing the steel girder s of the Bridge was achieved just .


Colligation point of girder should ensure stability of assembly , otherwise , temporary fixation should be carried out before assembly


In connection with the steel beam engineering of the landing stage of Railway Yantai-Dalian,the key technique in the fabrication process is summarized in this paper to provide reference for the similar projects later.


Joint behavior of beam and column is the key of entire structure.This paper uses finite elemnt analyzing software ANSYS to analyze the bearing mechanics of joint under monotonic load and periodic load,and gets load-displacement curves,viscosity curves and frame curves.The paper mainly analyzes how axis-push ratio,gradation of concrete,plate layout and steel type to affect tensibility performance and viscosity feature of joint.The results indicate that concrete-filled squar tube column has good tensibility performance and dissipative ability.


Chock Shield The chock shield combines the features of the chocks and the shield.


In a chock support, the canopy is a solid piece and the base may be either a solid piece or two separate parts connected by steel bars at the rear and/or the front ends.


Chock In a chock support, the canopy is a solid piece and the base may be either a solid piece or two separate parts connected by steel bars at the rear and/or the front ends.


The steel beam is installed successfully by slipform hoisting system with a series of assurance measures.


Steel beams with web openings in plastic zone will affect the plastic deformation capacity and bending and shear strength of the steel beams.


更多网络解释与钢梁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


钢梁(Girder) 使用"左"、"右"键调整钢梁角度和钢梁长度. 钢梁的用途很多,除了当作桥梁或梯子外,也可以放置在场景上方当作忍者绳索的附着物,或是当作防御敌人的一道屏障. 棒球棍(Baseball Bat) 靠近对手后使用,

girder grillage:钢梁格床,桁架

girder framing into column 梁与柱的连接 | girder grillage 钢梁格床,桁架 | girder guard rail 板梁护轨

girder grillage:钢梁格床

钢梁的顶层 cope in steel beam | 钢梁格床 girder grillage | 钢梁轨机 beam mill

On High Steel:吊在高高的钢梁上

Occupations 职业 | On High Steel 吊在高高的钢梁上 | Sorry, No Couples! 办公室拒绝"夫妻档"

joist shears:型钢剪切机, 钢梁剪切机

hippomanic 有爱马癖的 | joist shears 型钢剪切机, 钢梁剪切机 | closed fault 闭合断层

joist shears:钢梁剪切机

钢梁轨机 beam mill | 钢梁剪切机 joist shears | 钢梁矫直机 beam straightener

zee beam:乙字钢梁

zee-bar pass乙字钢孔型 | zee beam乙字钢梁 | zee-rail Z形钢轨

cambering machine:轨钢梁矫直机

轨钢 rail steel | 轨钢梁矫直机 cambering machine | 轨钢梁轧机 structural mill

cambering machine:弯面机,钢轨钢梁矫直机,钢轨矫直机

cambering gear ==> 凸面加工装置,凹面加工装置 | cambering machine ==> 弯面机,钢轨钢梁矫直机,钢轨矫直机 | cambering mechanism ==> (轧辊磨床上)辊型磨制自动装置

girder steel; steel beam; steel girder; truss:钢梁

钢链条 steel link chain | 钢梁 girder steel; steel beam; steel girder; truss | 钢梁的顶层 cope in steel beam