英语人>词典>汉英 : 钠泵 的英文翻译,例句
钠泵 的英文翻译、例句


sodium pump
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Based on adequate survey to faults of sodium pump for The China Experiment Fast Reactor, in order that the advanced diagnosis methods are used in the sodium pump which is under fabrication, different methods of fault diagnosis system of sodium pump are designed and programmed; and the principal component analysis is used to fault diagnosis system of main coolant pump in a nuclear power station. The feasibility of fault diagnosis systems developed have been proved by simulation results.


Based on adequate survey to faults of sodium pump for The China Experiment Fast Reactor, in order that the advanced diagnosis methods are used in the sodium pump which is under fabrication, different methods of fault diagnosis system of sodium pump are designed and programmed; and the principal component analysisis used to fault diagnosis system of main coolant pump in a nuclear power station. The feasibility of fault diagnosis systems developed have been proved by simulation results.


The wavelet packet analysis applied in fault diagnosis system is studied in this thesis. Using simulation fault data, uncalm and time difference vibration signal of sodium pump are decomposed on different levels and frequencies.


The wavelet packet analysis applied in fault diagnosis system is studied in this thesis. Using simulation fault data, uncalm and time difference vibration signal of sodium pump are decomposed on different levels and frequencies. To picked-up the eigenvectors reflecting different fault of sodium pump with availability, simulation results have shown its satisfaction in the identification.


It is concluded the result suggest that in the 569-764 nucleotides region of Ouabain combined sites of sodium pump α1 gene in Kazakans of Xinjiang might not exist gene variant or the frequency of variant might be extraordinary low.

钠泵 。1基因变异所致的钠离子转运障碍可能起着联系盐敏感与高血压的桥梁作用址'3二。目前针对钠泵基因与人类高血压关系的研究甚少。为探讨人类高血压的形成过程中

RESULTS: The mRNA levels of sodium pump α1-subunit increased and α2- and α3-subunit were unchanged in the cortex of kidneys from 1k1c hypertensive rats compared with control rats, while no change has been found for all the three subunits gene expressions at protein level.


AIM: To observe the effect of endoxin antagonist,anti-digoxin antiserum,on endoxin level,ATPase activities,intramitochondrial total calcium concentration and gene expression of sodium pump isoforms in myocardium of rats with myocardial ischemia reperfusion.

目的: 观察内洋地黄素特异性拮抗剂地高辛抗血清对心肌缺血再灌注损伤大鼠心肌组织内洋地黄素水平、钠泵活性、线粒体总钙浓度以及钠泵各亚基基因表达的影响,探讨内洋地黄素在心肌缺血再灌注损伤中的作用及其机制。

The gene expression of the α1,α2,α3 and β1 isoforms of sodium pump at both mRNA and protein levels were reduced markedly. Only the effect of verapamil on reducing intramitochondrial total calcium concentration was observed.

地高辛抗血清呈剂量依赖性地显著降低心肌组织内洋地黄素水平,恢复细胞膜钠泵和Ca(上标 2+)-Mg(上标 2+)-ATP酶活性,降低线粒体总钙浓度,上调钠泵α1、α2、α3和β1亚基mRNA及蛋白水平的基因表达。

Each medicine used in the study totally has obivious effect on lens sodium-pump. Either on the molecular and cellular level or on the histological and organic level , they all have their distinctive demonstration. 1.Ouabain、Digoxine、DMSO decrease the expression of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level , the cell morphology and ultramicroscopic structure demonstrated destructive effect,it indicates the cause of cataract of the medicines.2.D-thyroxine、Amphotericin B、Vitamin E increase the expression of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level ,from the demonstration of the cell morphology and ultramicroscopic structure ,it indicates the medicines have protective or anti-distructive effect on lens.3.The medicines have isoform-specific action on lens sodium-pump,it indicates exploitting isoform-specific medicine has a promising clinical application.4. Lens sodium-pumps are inhibited probably lead to cataract, so in clinical medication, especially to the cardiovascular doctor, while he is using the sodium-pump inhibitors, he should pay more attention to adjust the dosage and duration of the drug therapy. 5. To creat the animal model of cataract through inhibiting lens sodium-pump, whether it can be a kind of classical method or not, it is worthy of further research.

本研究所选用的药物对晶状体钠泵均有明显的影响作用,在分子水平、细胞水平、组织器官水平均有特异的表现:1、哇巴因、地高辛、二甲基亚砜三种药物可降低晶状体钠泵α亚单位在 mRNA水平的表达,在细胞形态和超微结构上表现为损伤效应,提示了其潜在的导致白内障的可能。2、D甲状腺素、两性霉素B、维生素 E三种药物可升高晶状体钠泵α亚单位在 mRNA水平的表达,从细胞形态和超微结构上的表现,提示了其对晶状体有保护作用或抗损伤效应。3、药物作用于晶状体钠泵具有重整异构特异性,提示了开发出特异的具有重整异构作用的药物是极有临床应用前景的。4晶状体钠泵抑制后可能导致白内障的发生,故临床用药,尤其是心内科医生在使用这些钠泵抑制剂时应注意调整用药剂量及药物疗程。5 通过抑制晶状体钠泵来制作白内障动物模型能否成为一种经典的制作方法,还有待于进一步研究。

RESULT: 1.Ouabain act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane discontinuous,epithelium cells clustered,occluding zonule seperated,lens fiber layers fractured.Under the EM,cells totally hollowed,mitochondria swelling,myelin figure appeared.RT-PCR examine the expression condition of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all decreased.2.Digoxin act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens cell oedema,linkage distructed,extensive exfoliation.Under the EM,plasma appeared little half-transparant hollow region,mitochondria swelling and ridge disappeared. RT-PCR examine,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all decreased.3.Amphotericin B act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens epithelium cells linked tightly,arranged in-line,lens fiber layers arranged tightly and regularily.Under the EM,abbundant cellular organes,exuberant cells function indicated. RT-PCR examine the expression condition of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level,α1 and α3-isoform are increased significantly,demonstrated isoform-specific action.4D-thyroxine act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens plasmalemma integrated,cells arranged tightly and regularily.Under the EM,nucleus fission appeared,desmosome half-desmosome and tensile microfilaments linked the cells. RT-PCR examine,α2 and α3-isoform are increased, also demonstrated isoform-specific action.5.Vitamin E act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane continuous and smooth,epithelium cells tightly linked,lens fiber layers appearede hollow region occasionally.Under the EM,lateral membrane high density belt appeared,abundant nucleolus. RT-PCR examine,onlyα1-isoform are increased, demonstrated significantly isoform-specific action.6.DMSO act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane slightly thicker,cells linkage partly distructed.Under the EM,plasmalemma denaturation,mitochondria swelling.RT-PCR examine,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all altered slightly and haven't significant meanning.


更多网络解释与钠泵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sodium pump:钠泵

而主动运输是需要靠能量的,能量的来源如:(1)腺苷三磷酸(Adenosine Triphosphate--- ATP);(2)在小肠黏膜细胞中需要特别的输送蛋白质;(3)需与钠离子的吸收同时进行,也就是钠泵(sodium pump)功用,钠离子缺少者输送会发生问题.

sodium pump:膜离子转移泵,钠泵

sodium psylliate 车前子油酸钠 | sodium pump 膜离子转移泵,钠泵 | sodium pump adenosine triphosphatase 钠泵三磷酸腺苷酶

sodium pump:钠 - 钾泵

钠通道 sodium-potassium pump** | 钠 - 钾泵 sodium pump* | 钠泵 spatial summation**

electrogenic sodium pump:生电钠泵

electrogenic pump 生电泵 | electrogenic sodium pump 生电钠泵 | electroimmunoassay 电免疫测定(法)

electrogenic sodium pump:电致钠泵

electrogenesis 电生成 | electrogenic sodium pump 电致钠泵 | electroimmunodiffusion 电泳免疫扩散(法)

electrogenic sodium pump:生电性钠泵

生理盐水 physiological saline | 生电性钠泵 electrogenic sodium pump | 生理无效腔 physiological dead space

sodium pump failure:钠泵衰竭

sodium pump adenosine triphosphatase 钠泵三磷酸腺苷酶 | sodium pump failure 钠泵衰竭 | sodium pyroborate 四硼酸钠

spiral induction sodium pump:螺旋式感应[电磁]钠泵

2610. spiral horn 螺旋状角 | 2611. spiral induction sodium pump 螺旋式感应[电磁]钠泵 | 2612. spiral inlet 蜗管入口

spiral induction sodium pump:螺旋式感应钠泵

2610. spiral horn 螺旋状角 | 2611. spiral induction sodium pump 螺旋式感应钠泵 | 2612. spiral inlet 蜗管入口

dysfunction of sodium pump:钠泵功能障碍

dysfunction of platelet 血小板功能障碍 | dysfunction of sodium pump 钠泵功能障碍 | dysfunction of ventilation 换气功能障碍