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钠 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
natrium  ·  sodium  ·  natr.

更多网络例句与钠相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to research the relations of carbon sources to structure of PHAs, six kinds of PHAs sample were synthesized by activated sludge with six different carbon sources respectively in the aerobic-anaerobic-anoxic process. Their structures were determined by 〓HNMR、〓CNMR and GC-MS. When the carbon source was acetate, the unit composition of PHAs was 93. 91mol% 3-hydroxybutanoic acid and 6. 09mol% 3-hydroxypentanoic acid ; When the carbon source was propionate, the unit composition of PHAs was 28. 66mol% HB, 63. 13mol%HV, 2. 55mol% 2-methy-3-hydroxy-butanoic acid (2MHB) and 5. 66mol% 2-methyl-3-hydroxypentanoic acid (2MHV); When the carbon source was 80% butyrate and 20% 1, 4-butanediol, the unit composition of PHAs was 65. 03mol% HB, 28. 06mol%HV, 1. 91mol%2MHB, 2. 69mol% 2MHV, 0.73mol% 4-hydroxy butanoic acid (4HB), 0.78mol% 4-methyl-3-hydroxy-pentanoic acid (4MHV), 0.80mol% 3-hydroxyhexanoic acid ; When the carbon source was 20% butyrate and 80% 1, 4-butanediol, the unit composition of PHAs was 61. 39mol% HB, 23. 01mol%HV, 4. 58mol%2MHB, 5. 97mol% 2MHV, 0.91mol% 4HB, 2. 37mol% 4MHV, 1. 77mol% HHx; When the carbon source was 60% pentanoate and 40%glucose, the unit composition of PHAs was 41. 24mol% HB, 58. 76mol%HV; When the carbon source was 60% benzoate and 40% glucose, the unit composition of PHAs was 65. 48mol% HB and 34. 52mol% HV.

为了研究不同碳源与产物PHAs结构的关系,采用好氧-厌氧-缺氧模式利用6种不同碳源培养活性污泥得到6种不同的PHAs样品,通过〓HNMR、〓CNMR和GC-MS谱图确定了这6种PHAs的单体成分和比例:以乙酸培养活性污泥得到的PHAs的单体组成是93.91mol%3-羟基丁酸和6.09mol%3-羟基戊酸;以丙酸培养活性污泥得到的PHAs的单体组成除28.66mol%HB、63.13mol%HV外,另外还有2.55mol%3-羟基2-甲基丁酸(2MHB)和5.66mol%3-羟基2-甲基戊酸(2MHV);以80%丁酸和20%1,4-丁二醇混合溶液培养活性污泥得到的PHAs含有七种单体组成:65.03mol%HB,28.06mol%HV,1.91mol%2MHB,2.69mol%2MHV,0.73mol%4-HB(4-羟基丁酸),0.78mol%4MHV(3-羟基-4-甲基戊酸),0.80%HHx(3-羟基己酸);以20%丁酸和80%1,4-丁二醇培养活性污泥所得到的PHAs含有与3#样品相同的七种单体,只是比例不同,分别是61.39mol%,23.01mol%,4.58mol%,5.97mol%,0.91mol%,2.37mol%,1.77mol%;以60%戊酸和40%葡萄糖培养活性污泥所得到的PHAs由HB和HV组成,比例是41.24 mol%∶58.76 mol%;以60%苯甲酸和40%葡萄糖培养活性污泥所得到的PHAs也由HB和HV组成,比例是65.48 mol%∶34.52 mol%。

LIN Hailin,CUI Yingde,DU Lin,CHEN JianpingInstitute of Applied Chemistry,Zhongkai University of Agriculture and TechnologySuper water absorbent resins P,SA/NaAA,SA/NaAA/PVA and SA/NaAA/AM were synthesized from sodium alginate,acrylic acid,polyvinyl alcoholand acrylamide,with N,N–methylenebisacrylamide as crosslinking agent,(NH4)2S2O8 - NaHSO3 as initiator,by means of aqueous solution polymerization.

以醚化海藻酸、聚乙烯醇、丙烯酰胺、丙烯酸为单体,N, N–亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂,过硫酸铵-亚硫酸氢为引发剂,采用水溶液法制备聚丙烯酸p吸水树脂和海藻酸/丙烯酸、海藻酸/丙烯酸/聚乙烯醇(SA/NaAA/PVA)及海藻酸/丙烯酸/丙烯酰胺吸水性复合树脂。

Mission:"equality and mutual benefit, reputation first, unity and cooperation and friendship between the long-term" supply products: ethylenediamine; diethylamide; triethylamine; Diethylenetriamine; three ethylene diamine; three ethylene amines 40; 40 Five ethylene amines; five ethylene amines 6; caprolactam; DMF; allyl amine; N, N dimethylaniline; propylamine; are butylamine; are TOA; 3 Poly Cyanamide; 1,2 c diamine; ethanolamine; diethanolamine, triethanolamine; potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, potassium permanganate, toluene, xylene, toluene of chlorine ; Acetone, butanone; acetylacetone; ethyl acetate, butyl acetate; Y-butyrolactone; DMC; acetyl of methyl acetate; Sanfu acetyl acid; Sanfu acetyl B Ethyl; methanol, ethanol, isopropanol; propylene glycol; glycerol; propargyl alcohol; 1.3 propylene glycol; xylitol; acetic acid; have acid; mercaptoacetic acid; vary Bitterness; adipic acid; trifluoroacetic acid; oxalic acid, the amino acid; o-amygdalin acid; DL-Acid; anhydrous piperazine; six non-piperazine, furfural, castor oil, ethylene Aldehyde; glutaraldehyde, multi-POM; isopropyl ether; anisole; tetrahydropyrrole; pure pyridine; 1.2 dichloroethane; methylene chloride, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride; hydrazine hydrate; Nonylphenol;-m-cresol; Se phenol; phenol; the tert-butyl phenol; Titanium Dioxide; iron; full Tangfen; Bisphenol A; azo two different nitrile; sodium azide; sodium carbonate ; Sodium chloride; iron oxide; cuprous chloride; thionyl chloride; D4; sodium bicarbonate; ammonia, potassium chloride; anhydrous sodium sulphite; ammonium persulfate; glycol Dingmi; B Glycol ether; calcium chloride; cyclohexanone; cyclohexane, methyl tertiary butyl ether, potassium carbonate, ferric chloride, potassium nitrate; Linsuansanna; zinc oxide; sodium nitrite; antimony oxide; Tartrate; OP-10; TX-10; tablets base; AES; sodium benzoate, sodium citrate; partial sodium silicate, sodium perborate, a sodium carbonate, sodium benzene; Asia sodium chlorate; Wuluo Care products; urea; hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, lactic acid; amino acid, hydrogen peroxide, ammonium bicarbonate


In this paper, the current research status on structural characteristics and decomposition mechanism of supersaturated sodium aluminate solution are reviewed.


Each medicine used in the study totally has obivious effect on lens sodium-pump. Either on the molecular and cellular level or on the histological and organic level , they all have their distinctive demonstration. 1.Ouabain、Digoxine、DMSO decrease the expression of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level , the cell morphology and ultramicroscopic structure demonstrated destructive effect,it indicates the cause of cataract of the medicines.2.D-thyroxine、Amphotericin B、Vitamin E increase the expression of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level ,from the demonstration of the cell morphology and ultramicroscopic structure ,it indicates the medicines have protective or anti-distructive effect on lens.3.The medicines have isoform-specific action on lens sodium-pump,it indicates exploitting isoform-specific medicine has a promising clinical application.4. Lens sodium-pumps are inhibited probably lead to cataract, so in clinical medication, especially to the cardiovascular doctor, while he is using the sodium-pump inhibitors, he should pay more attention to adjust the dosage and duration of the drug therapy. 5. To creat the animal model of cataract through inhibiting lens sodium-pump, whether it can be a kind of classical method or not, it is worthy of further research.

本研究所选用的药物对晶状体泵均有明显的影响作用,在分子水平、细胞水平、组织器官水平均有特异的表现:1、哇巴因、地高辛、二甲基亚砜三种药物可降低晶状体泵α亚单位在 mRNA水平的表达,在细胞形态和超微结构上表现为损伤效应,提示了其潜在的导致白内障的可能。2、D甲状腺素、两性霉素B、维生素 E三种药物可升高晶状体泵α亚单位在 mRNA水平的表达,从细胞形态和超微结构上的表现,提示了其对晶状体有保护作用或抗损伤效应。3、药物作用于晶状体泵具有重整异构特异性,提示了开发出特异的具有重整异构作用的药物是极有临床应用前景的。4晶状体泵抑制后可能导致白内障的发生,故临床用药,尤其是心内科医生在使用这些泵抑制剂时应注意调整用药剂量及药物疗程。5 通过抑制晶状体泵来制作白内障动物模型能否成为一种经典的制作方法,还有待于进一步研究。

RESULT: 1.Ouabain act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane discontinuous,epithelium cells clustered,occluding zonule seperated,lens fiber layers fractured.Under the EM,cells totally hollowed,mitochondria swelling,myelin figure appeared.RT-PCR examine the expression condition of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all decreased.2.Digoxin act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens cell oedema,linkage distructed,extensive exfoliation.Under the EM,plasma appeared little half-transparant hollow region,mitochondria swelling and ridge disappeared. RT-PCR examine,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all decreased.3.Amphotericin B act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens epithelium cells linked tightly,arranged in-line,lens fiber layers arranged tightly and regularily.Under the EM,abbundant cellular organes,exuberant cells function indicated. RT-PCR examine the expression condition of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level,α1 and α3-isoform are increased significantly,demonstrated isoform-specific action.4D-thyroxine act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens plasmalemma integrated,cells arranged tightly and regularily.Under the EM,nucleus fission appeared,desmosome half-desmosome and tensile microfilaments linked the cells. RT-PCR examine,α2 and α3-isoform are increased, also demonstrated isoform-specific action.5.Vitamin E act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane continuous and smooth,epithelium cells tightly linked,lens fiber layers appearede hollow region occasionally.Under the EM,lateral membrane high density belt appeared,abundant nucleolus. RT-PCR examine,onlyα1-isoform are increased, demonstrated significantly isoform-specific action.6.DMSO act on lens sodium-pump,under the LM,lens anterior capsular membrane slightly thicker,cells linkage partly distructed.Under the EM,plasmalemma denaturation,mitochondria swelling.RT-PCR examine,α1、α2 and α3-isoform are all altered slightly and haven't significant meanning.


Na-rich rocks include albitite ,arfvedsonite-bearing albitite dyke,arfvedsonite dyke,and arfvedsonite-bearing .


Mission:"equality and mutual benefit, reputation first, unity and cooperation and friendship between the long-term" supply products: ethylenediamine; diethylamide; triethylamine; Diethylenetriamine; three ethylene diamine; three ethylene amines 40; 40 Five ethylene amines; five ethylene amines 6; caprolactam; DMF; allyl amine; N, N dimethylaniline; propylamine; are butylamine; are TOA; 3 Poly Cyanamide; 1,2 c diamine; ethanolamine; diethanolamine, triethanolamine; potassium iodide, potassium hydroxide, potassium permanganate, toluene, xylene, toluene of chlorine ; Acetone, butanone; acetylacetone; ethyl acetate, butyl acetate; Y-butyrolactone; DMC; acetyl of methyl acetate; Sanfu acetyl acid; Sanfu acetyl B Ethyl; methanol, ethanol, isopropanol; propylene glycol; glycerol; propargyl alcohol; 1.3 propylene glycol; xylitol; acetic acid; have acid; mercaptoacetic acid; vary Bitterness; adipic acid; trifluoroacetic acid; oxalic acid, the amino acid; o-amygdalin acid; DL-Acid; anhydrous piperazine; six non-piperazine, furfural, castor oil, ethylene Aldehyde; glutaraldehyde, multi-POM; isopropyl ether; anisole; tetrahydropyrrole; pure pyridine; 1.2 dichloroethane; methylene chloride, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride; hydrazine hydrate; Nonylphenol;-m-cresol; Se phenol; phenol; the tert-butyl phenol; Titanium Dioxide; iron; full Tangfen; Bisphenol A; azo two different nitrile; sodium azide; sodium carbonate ; Sodium chloride; iron oxide; cuprous chloride; thionyl chloride; D4; sodium bicarbonate; ammonia, potassium chloride; anhydrous sodium sulphite; ammonium persulfate; glycol Dingmi; B Glycol ether; calcium chloride; cyclohexanone; cyclohexane, methyl tertiary butyl ether, potassium carbonate, ferric chloride, potassium nitrate; Linsuansanna; zinc oxide; sodium nitrite; antimony oxide; Tartrate; OP-10; TX-10; tablets base; AES; sodium benzoate, sodium citrate; partial sodium silicate, sodium perborate, a sodium carbonate, sodium benzene; Asia sodium chlorate; Wuluo Care products; urea; hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, lactic acid; amino acid, hydrogen peroxide, ammonium bicarbonate


Our company supply raw materials and related intermediates as follows: Second dibutyryl cAMP calcium, voriconazole, terbinafine, vecuronium amines, cAMP, thiamphenicol, a chlorophenol hydrochloride esters, card network sodium phosphate tilmicosin, foscarnet, lornoxicam, Tilmicosin, Cephalosporium aspirin acid, ceftiofur hydrochloride, ceftiofur sodium, Ozagrel, ondansetron hydrochloride ketones, hydroxyurea, ticarcillin sodium, telmisartan, esmolol hydrochloride, hydrochloric acid Daguan Nikkomycin, adefovir dipivoxil, buflomedil hydrochloride, granisetron hydrochloride, warfarin sodium,-methyl gabexate acid, nicergoline, pantoprazole sodium,·, tegafur, cefepime hydrochloride, vecuronium bromide, hydrochloric acid meclofenoxate, sertraline hydrochloride, Cefonicid amine salt, aztreonam, ticarcillin, cefdinir, cefodizime sodium, sodium ferulate, colloidal pectin secretion, 2,3 - cyclopentene and pyridine, Piperacillin acid, cefetamet US-acid, hydrochloride Cefmenoxime ,3-TZ, 2 - deoxy-D-glucose, two-amidine urea benzene, sodium Cefonicid, Cefonicid intermediates, ester Cefamandole sodium, Cefalotin acid, intermediates cefpirome, cefepime sulphate, cefepime intermediate nucleus of cefepime, cefpirome nucleus, Cefamandole sodium, ceftriaxone new active ester, oxaliplatin, cyclophosphamide vary gland amines, polyene match him.


In this paper, firstly using natural fatty acids including lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid etc. and disproportionated rosin as starting materials, the acyl reaction of starting materials with SOCl_2 respectively, and then using Schotten-Baumann condensation: on the reaction conditions of alkalescence, condensation of acylchloride with amino acid (sarcosine, glycine, alanine etc.), and then acidification, saltation. A series of anionic surfactants of N-acyl amino: sodium N-fatty acyl sarcosinate (SFS-12, SFS-14, SFS-16); sodiun N-fatty acyl glycinate(SFG-12, SFG-14, SFG-16); sodium N-fatty acyl alaninate(SFA-12, SFA-14, SFA-16)and sodium N-disproportionated rosinoyl aminatewere prepared. During the preparation of N-acylamino acid, the reaction conditions of acylchloride with amino acid condensation were identified by optimizing the synthetic conditions of N-lauroyl sarcosine: mol ratio of amino acid to acylchloride 2:1, reaction taken place in a solvent composed by acetone/water 2:1, acylchloride and 20% NaOH were slowly added to the reaction mixture at the same time while maintaining the pH at 9~10, after completion of adding maintaining reacting for 2.5h at 25℃.

首先以月桂酸、肉豆蔻酸、棕榈酸等天然脂肪酸和歧化松香为原料,与氯化亚砜反应制得酰氯,然后采用Schotten-Baumann 缩合法路线,即在碱性条件下,酰氯和氨基酸(肌氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸等)缩合,经过酸化、成盐,合成一系列氨基酸型阴离子表面活性剂:脂肪酰肌氨酸,即月桂酰肌氨酸(SFS-12)、肉豆蔻酰肌氨酸(SFS-14)、棕榈酰肌氨酸(SFS-16);脂肪酰甘氨酸,即月桂酰甘氨酸(SFG-12)、肉豆蔻酰甘氨酸(SFG-14)、棕榈酰甘氨酸(SFG-16);脂肪酰丙氨酸,即月桂酰丙氨酸(SFA-12)、肉豆蔻酰丙氨酸(SFA-14)、棕榈酰丙氨酸(SFA-16);N-歧化松香酰基氨基酸(sodium N-disproportionated rosinoyl aminate),即N-歧化松香酰基肌氨酸(sodium N-disproportionated rosinoyl sarcosinate ,简称SDRS)、N-歧化松香酰基甘氨酸(sodium N-disproportionated rosinoyl glycinate,简称SDRG)、N-歧化松香酰基丙氨酸(sodium N-disproportionated rosinoyl alaninate,简称SDRA)。

更多网络解释与钠相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sodium acetylide:乙炔钠;碳化钠

乙酰胺苯胂酸 sodium acetylarsanilate | 乙炔;碳化 sodium acetylide | 乙酰柳酸;乙酰水杨酸 sodium acetylsalicylate

sodium acetylsalicylate:乙酰柳酸钠;乙酰水杨酸钠

乙炔;碳化 sodium acetylide | 乙酰柳酸;乙酰水杨酸 sodium acetylsalicylate | 乙酰胺苯锑酸 sodium acetylstibanilate

sodium perborate:过硼酸钠,过硼酸钠,高硼酸钠

sodium pentothal 硫喷妥 | sodium perborate 过硼酸,过硼酸,高硼酸 | sodium perchlorate 高氯酸

sodium platinate:铂酸钠;铂(IV)酸钠

苦味酸;三硝基酚 sodium picrate | 铂酸;铂(IV)酸 sodium platinate | 铅酸;铅(IV)酸 sodium plumbate

sodium stannate:锡酸钠;锡(IV)酸钠

硅钨酸;12-硅钨酸 sodium silicotungstate; sodium 12-silicotungstate | 锡酸;锡(IV)酸 sodium stannate | 硬脂酸;十八酸 sodium stearate

sodium thioarsenate:硫砷酸钠;四硫砷(V)化钠

硫锑酸;四硫锑(V)化 sodium thioantimonate | 硫砷酸;四硫砷(V)化 sodium thioarsenate | 硫金(III)化;二硫金化 sodium thioaurate

Ticarcillin Disodium:替卡西林钠

西林 替卡西林(Ticarcillin Disodium) 3-噻吩丙二酸 替卡西林的中间体--3-噻吩丙二酸(3-Thienylpropanedioic acid) 新鱼腥草素 新鱼腥草素(Sodium New Houttuyfonate) 肌酸磷酸酯 肌酸磷酸酯(磷酸肌酸的中间体) 4-溴甲基肉桂酸乙酯(奥扎格 4-溴甲基肉桂酸乙酯(奥扎格雷的中间体) 卡络磺 卡络磺(Carbazochro

sodium plumbate:铅酸钠;铅(IV)酸钠

铂酸;铂(IV)酸 sodium platinate | 铅酸;铅(IV)酸 sodium plumbate | 亚铅酸;铅(II)酸 sodium plumbite

sodium silicotungstate; sodium 12-silicotungstate:硅钨酸钠;12-硅钨酸钠

六氟硅酸;六氟硅化 sodium silicofluoride | 硅钨酸;12-硅钨酸 sodium silicotungstate; sodium 12-silicotungstate | 锡酸;锡(IV)酸 sodium stannate

sodium acetate:乙酸钠,结晶醋酸钠,醋酸钠

sodium acetarsone ==> (抗滴虫药)乙酰胂胺 | sodium acetate ==> 乙酸,结晶醋酸,醋酸 | sodium acetazolamide ==> 乙酰唑胺