英语人>词典>汉英 : 钙血症 的英文翻译,例句
钙血症 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与钙血症相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hypercalcemia is an abnormally high level of calcium in the blood.


Diuresis can also increase calcium excretion; the development of hypocalcemia will make signs and symptoms of hypermagnesemia worse.


Methods 82 infants with hyperbilirubinemia were divided into two groups by gravidity time: preterm group and term group. Serum calcium was measured before and after phototherapy.


While deficiency of vitamin D impacts health negatively, ingestion of extremely high doses of vitamin D can cause hypercalcemia, a condition in which the blood's calcium level is above normal.


Results Incidence rate of hyponatremia,hyperpotassemia and hypocalcemia was increased with the number of organ dysfuntion.

结果 随着器官障碍数的增加,低钠血症、高钾血症、低钙血症的发生率也显著增加。

The causes of hypocalcemia are either from increased loss of calcium from the circulation or from insufficient entry of calcium into the circulation.


Many consumers believe that calcium and vitamin D can only choose one product, this is a misunderstanding, due to individual differences in the prevalence of the human body, not all at the same time also the lack of both calcium deficiency of vitamin D, some long-term use of vitamin D it will inhibit the body's own vitamin D formation, or trigger a large number of vitamin D intake and Yun Ji-poisoning, poisoning symptoms of hypercalcemia caused by liver and kidney dysfunction and soft tissue calcification, manifested as loss of appetite, unresponsive, rhythm arrhythmia, difficulty in breathing, nausea and vomiting, polydipsia polyuria, constipation and so on.


Lymphopenia and hypocalcemia were the prominent laboratory findings. Severe thrombocytopenia was rarely observed.


PTH gene and protein expression levels were up-regulated in parathyroid gland and thymus in 1αase knock-out mice with hypocalcaemia.


Indeed, patients with more seere hypomagnesaemia (grade 3 to 4) should be offered intraenous magnesium replacement with a goal of normalising serum magnesium concentrations to decrease the risk of cardiac eents, constitutional symptoms, and risk of hypocalcaemia.


更多网络解释与钙血症相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其中,以高钙血症(HyperCalcemia)、肾功能损害(Renal Impairment)、贫血(Anemia)、骨疾病(Bone Disease)最为显著. MM多种临床表现是由于恶变克隆浆细胞无节制地增生、浸润及分泌的大量单克...

hypercalcemia syndrome:高血钙症

钙血症;高血钙症 hypercalcemia | 高血钙症 hypercalcemia syndrome | 高抑钙素血症 hypercalcitoninemia

hypercalcemia ; hypercalcinemia:高钙血症

高胆红素血症 hyperbilirubinemia | 高钙血症 hypercalcemia hypercalcinemia | 高碳酸血症 hypercapnia

idiopathic hypercalcemia:婴儿期自发性高钙血症

自发性水肿 idiopathic edema | 婴儿期自发性高钙血症 idiopathic hypercalcemia | 自发性幼年骨质疏松症 idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis

malignant hypercalcemia:恶性高钙血症

12、malignant histiocytosis 恶性组织细胞增生症 | 13、malignant hypercalcemia 恶性高钙血症 | 14、malignant hyperpyrexia 恶性高热




新生儿低钙血症: 血清总钙低于1.8mmol/L(7.0mg/dl)或游离钙低于0.9mmol/L(3.5mg/dl)即为低钙血症(hypocalcemia). [病因和发病机制] (一)早期低血钙 发生在生人48小时内,常见于:低体重儿,各种难产儿和颅内里出血、梗塞、RDS、败血症、低血糖等症患儿;


Hyperphosphatemia(高磷血症) | Hypocalcemia,Therapy(低钙血症的治疗) | Hypoparathyroidism(甲状旁腺功能减退症)

hypocalcemia -----calc:低钙血症

低钾血症:hypopotassaemia ---potass--- | 低氯血症:hypochloraemia ----chlor | 低钙血症:hypocalcemia -----calc


calcariuria 石灰盐尿 | calcemia 钙血症 | calcification 钙化