英语人>词典>汉英 : 钙化血栓 的英文翻译,例句
钙化血栓 的英文翻译、例句


calcified thrombus
更多网络例句与钙化血栓相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results 69 aneurysms were detected in 64 patients (five patients have two aneurysms), of which 28 aneurysms lies in ICA, 3 in ACA, 14 in anterior communicating artery, 6 in MCA, 1 in PCA, 11 in post communicating artery and 6 were in vertebral-basilar artery. 3 cases complicated with thromb, 2 with calcification, 15 with parenchymal haematoma, 11 with hematocele in ventricle and 5 with cerebral angio spasm.

结果 发现64例动脉瘤患者共69个颅内动脉瘤(5例患者为2处动脉瘤),其中颈内动脉28例,大脑前动脉3例,前交通动脉14例,大脑中动脉6例,大脑后动脉1例,后交通动脉11例,椎基底动脉6例;并发瘤内血栓3例;钙化2例;伴脑实质血肿15例,脑室积血11例,脑血管痉挛5例。

Curvilinear calcification suggests an aneurysm but is a less specific finding because it can also occur in craniopharyngiomas and sphenoidal masses. The intense enhancement of the residual lumen is relatively specific, but differentiation from other masses may be difficult on CT scans depending on the timing and degree of vascular enhancement. The MR imaging features are usually diagnostic, although they can be very subtle [2]. Significant signal heterogeneity is seen with T1 hyperintense signal due to subacute thrombus or flow related enhancement. Areas of T2 hypointensity can be seen due to intracellular deoxy or methemoglobin, calcification, or flow void.


The aortic wall thickness and lumenal diameter had no significant change but obvious stiffness and calcification were found.


The parenchymal hemangiomas consist of honeycombed vascularspaces with stagnant blood flow.This slow flow within the cavernoushemangioma often thromboses,resulting in fibrous organization and calcification.Their feeding artery and draining vein are small,often invisible angiographically.


Ruptured aneurysms may have high density blood in basal cisterns and sulci adjacent to them, in addition to subarachnoid hemorrhage.


更多网络解释与钙化血栓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


由于血栓内的水分被吸收而变得干燥、无弹性、质脆易碎,可脱落形成栓塞. 若血栓未能软化又未完全机化,可发生钙盐沉着,称为钙化. 血栓钙化后成为静脉石(phlebolith)或动脉石(arteriolith). 机化的血栓,在纤维组织玻璃样变的基础上也可发生钙化. .

calcified thrombus:钙化血栓

calcified pericardium 钙化性心包 | calcified thrombus 钙化血栓 | calcitonin gene-related peptide 降钙素基因相关肽

calcified pericardium:钙化性心包

calcification of pericardium 心包钙化 | calcified pericardium 钙化性心包 | calcified thrombus 钙化血栓


只能在显微镜下才能见到,主要由嗜酸性同质性的纤维素构成,又称为微血栓(microthrombus)或纤维素性血栓(fibrinous thrombus). 血栓发生大量的钙盐沉着,称为血栓钙化. 依据受累血管不同又称为静脉石(phlebolith)或动脉石(arteriolith).