英语人>词典>汉英 : 钙化的 的英文翻译,例句
钙化的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Most subjects (89%) with no calcifications remained without calcification.


In moderate to severe disease, conventional radiography may reveal tracheal scalloping and nodular irregularity or irregular asymmetric stenosis (Fig 10a).


Results of experimental animal showed: atherosclerosis and its calcification needed some condition. In calcific plaques, the change of calcific quantity could reflect the progression of atherosclerosis.


Apoptotic cells significantly increase in the premature calcific placenta and it may play an important role in the pathophysiologic mechanisms of premature calcification of placenta.


AIM: To observe the effect of endothelin receptor antagonist (BQ123) on calcification in rat vascular smooth muscle cells in vitro. METHODS: Calcification of cultured rat VSMCs was produced by incubation with β-glycerophosphate.


METHODS:Calcification of cultured rat VSMCs was produced by incubation with β-glycerophosphate. Calcium content, Ca2+ deposition and alkaline phosphatase activity were analyzed to estimate the extent of calcification.


Although some studies have reported an incidence of calcification as high as 25 to 30 percent, others have identified it far less often. When calcification is present, however, the roentgenographic pattern most often resembles popcorn, a finding that is almost diagnostic. The presence of fat and calcium make the CT diagnosis exquisitely accurate. In a report of 47 lesions studied by CT, 30 (63.8%) contained fat only (n=18), calcium and fat (n=10) or calcium alone (n=2). Thin sections must be used to identify fat with certainty.

虽然有的研究报道钙化率可高达25 ~30 %,也有的报道远小于此,但是当钙化出现时,常表现为爆米花状,脂肪和钙化的出现在CT显示精确,在一个47个病灶的CT研究中,30个63.8%含有脂肪,10个含有钙化和脂肪,2个仅有钙化,要显示脂肪成分,必须用薄扫,由于部分容积效应,当层厚教厚时,小的空腔容易与脂肪混淆。

Mammography showed multiple serpiginous, tubular calcifications, which are characteristic of calcified filariasis, in both breasts.


HCY increases calcium deposition in the cellular layer and the expression of OP、OC、Col I mRNA of calcified BASMCs. It is a promoting factor for calcification, but not an initialing factor.

首次在体外血管钙化模型基础上探讨了HCY对钙化的促进作用,表明HCY促进钙化BASMCs钙沉积并增加OP、OC、Col ImRNA表达,是钙化的促进因子,但非启动因子;3。

Objective To explore the effect of oxymatrinein vascular calcification in rats and its mech- anism.


更多网络解释与钙化的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chondral calcification:软骨钙化

(六)软骨钙化 软骨钙化(chondral calcification)可为生理性的或病理性的. 瘤软骨钙化属病理性钙化. 因为瘤软骨常呈小叶样生长,其软骨内骨化过程始于小叶表面,所以在X线片上和CT上骨肉瘤误诊,瘤软骨钙化表现为大小不同的环形或半环形高密度影骨肉瘤误诊,

dystrophic calcification:营养不良性钙化

15.营养不良性钙化(dystrophic calcification)继发于局部变性、坏死组织或其他异物内的钙化. 16. 干酪样坏死(caseation)是凝固性坏死的一种,坏死组织崩解彻底,质松软,色微黄,似干奶酪状,镜下为一片无结构嗜酸性颗粒状物. 17.

pathological calcification:病理性钙化

(六)钙化 正常机体只有骨和牙有固态钙盐大量沉积,如在骨与牙之外的其它部位有固态钙盐沉积,则称 病理性钙化(pathological calcification) .沉积的钙盐主要是磷酸钙,其次为碳酸钙.钙化处为白色坚硬物,因机体对钙盐难以吸收而长期存在,


软骨成熟的标志是潮线(tidemark)的出现. 钙化软骨区的矿化缘与未钙化的关节软骨则以潮线为界. 潮线上间断存在有小的间隙. 潮线的复制表明矿化缘向未钙化区推进. 这种现象与年龄有关,也见于原纤维性软骨(fibrillated cartilage).


calcicrete 灰质结砾岩 | calciferous 含碳酸钙的 | calcific 钙化的

calciferous:生碳酸钙的; 含碳酸钙的 (形)

calcic 钙的; 含钙的 (形) | calciferous 生碳酸钙的; 含碳酸钙的 (形) | calcific 石灰质的; 钙化的 (形)


calciferous 含碳酸钙的 | calcific 钙化的 | calcification 钙化

calcific:石灰质的, 钙化的

calciferrite | 钙磷铁矿 | calcific | 石灰质的, 钙化的 | calcification zone | 钙化带

calcific:石灰质的; 钙化的 (形)

calciferous 生碳酸钙的; 含碳酸钙的 (形) | calcific 石灰质的; 钙化的 (形) | calcification 石灰化; 钙化物质; 钙化 (名)


天然形成的维生素D侧链与胆固醇或7-脱氢胆固醇侧链相同,可称为维生素D3或胆钙化醇(cholecalciferol)简称VD3. 维生素D2(ergocalciferol)的侧链与麦角固醇相同,故不属于自然形成的维生素形式. 然而D3或D2均可以称为钙化醇(calciferol)或简称维生素D(图1).