英语人>词典>汉英 : 金色绿宝石 的英文翻译,例句
金色绿宝石 的英文翻译、例句


gold beryl
更多网络例句与金色绿宝石相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The famed emeralds, amethysts, and rubies of Rio shops are just the beginning, all the colors of the world are here. The thousand shades of Amazon green, the deep black of a businessman's London-made suit, the lucid gold of afternoon sunlight, the gray of granite monoliths, the blue of a tropical sea, the hundred shades of tanned flesh.


A calm day had settled into a crystalline evening;the world wore a North Pole colouring:all its lights and tints looked like the "reflets" of white,or violet,or pale green gems.the hills wore a lilac blue ,the setting sun had purple in its red;the sky was ice,all silvered azure ;when the stars rose,they were of white ctystal---not gold,gray,or cerulean,or faint emerald hues---cool,pure,and transparent---tinged the mass of the landscape.


更多网络解释与金色绿宝石相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

golden beryl:金色绿宝石,金绿柱石 亦称

gold stone 砂金石,金星石 同aventurine | golden beryl 金色绿宝石,金绿柱石 亦称yellow beryl | golden sapphier 金黄蓝宝石

Canyons Of Gold:金色峡谷

01. Emerald Spring 绿宝石春天 | 02. Canyons Of Gold 金色峡谷 | 03. Seeking Serenity 寻找宁静