英语人>词典>汉英 : 金碧辉煌的 的英文翻译,例句
金碧辉煌的 的英文翻译、例句


rich-glittering · resplendent and magnificent
更多网络例句与金碧辉煌的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When they were near the top of the hill, Baucis and Philemon looked back and saw all the village below covered by a marsh , and that amid the general ruin and destruction their old cottage alone survived, transformed into a magnificent temple.


Now in no one of any of the seven apartments was there any lamp or candelabrum, amid the profusion of golden ornaments that lay scattered to and fro and depended from the roof.


More than 20 years ago, I told the teacher gave a speech at Qinghua University, I said that the roof above is the Cham Palace resplendent in gold and jade green Blue skies.


In with the general flow of "big size, decoration resplendent in gold and jade green" villa quite different.


Nowadays, reconstituent gate is high for 21.6m with 1,553m2 total floor area and 8m height of gateway.


Then we lounged through many and many a sumptuous private mansions.


Sir francis clavering made his appearance , and skulked for a while about the magnificent rooms


Gates left and right for justice for the temple, in line with gate, carriage house, restaurant, and around the main temple architecture, was built in the hall of more, pavilions, constitute a grand scale, resplendent and magnificent buildings.


The night of New Year's Eve will be spent at the famous Hotel Sacher, enjoying a six-course Sylvester menu.


How shall I turn this sea within me into mist, and move with you in space immeasurable?


更多网络解释与金碧辉煌的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


上头绣著各自选择的箴言,幕帐的顶端竖立著自己的纹徽,多半是以色彩斑烂,金碧辉煌的奇异动物图案为主(Young 1988a, 63).到了亨利八世时期,骑士开始转而在自己的甲胄,护马铠甲(bard)以及马衣(caparison)等部位绣上带有象徵意义的纹章箴言,


就是让他画笔下的脸失去了他所要传达的真实与内在感.特别是与那画得栩栩如生,金碧辉煌的立体服饰一比,整个欠缺自然的明暗反差,仅以淡淡的肉色(carnation)底色为基色的心形脸庞就好像紧紧地贴在画布上一样扁平不堪(Fumerton 79).本来是用来营造青春永驻的技法,


一进招待所,爱丽丝心就吃惊的在空中畏缩起身体. 与石造的外貌完全不同,房间的内装简直豪华至极. 墙壁以及天花板都使用金丝、银丝精心编织的织画(tapestry)作为装潢. 不管是支型吊灯(chandelier)、镶金的窗沿、黑坛木制的餐桌,全部金碧辉煌的闪烁着亮光.

Just look at this place! Gonna be the crown jewel of the cursancy:看看这里! 金碧辉煌

When you dream, you dream big.|梦想就应该更大... | Just look at this place! Gonna be the crown jewel of the cursancy.|看看这里! 金碧辉煌 | And all you got to do, to make this reality|而你只要把我的护身...

And Demogorgon, a tremendous gloom:还有他,那位至高无上的暴君,坐在

Vast, sceptred phantoms; heroes, men, and beasts; 还有冥王,一片无边无... | And Demogorgon, a tremendous gloom; 还有他,那位至高无上的暴君,坐在 | And he, the supreme Tyrant, on his throne 他金碧辉煌的宝座...


他回到王宫,换衣服,衣服成了金衣服;洗手,水盆(laver)成了金盆. 他满意地看着金碧辉煌的宫殿. 后来觉得自己饿了,去拿勺子,勺子也成了金勺. 拿起面包,面包也变成了金子!国王饥肠辘辘,这才意识到,自己的这个愿望是多么的愚蠢啊!


他回到王宫,换衣服,衣服成了金衣服;洗手,水盆(laver)成了金盆. 他满意地看着金碧辉煌的宫殿. 后来觉得自己饿了,去拿勺子,勺子也成了金勺. 拿起面包,面包也变成了金子!国王饥肠辘辘,这才意识到,自己的这个愿望是多么的愚蠢啊!


利迪娅(lydia)国王克罗伊斯(Croesus)被公认是当时最富有的人 直到今天 罗曼斯语中仍用 rich as Crosesue 一词来表示一个人极其富有 据说希腊立法者梭伦(solon)去拜访他时 并没有对主人身边的财富和金碧辉煌的事物表示一丝惊讶 也丝毫不赞美这些珍宝的主人 梭伦以集高贵 内敛 诚实 谦逊 简朴 智慧聪明及勇气于一身而闻名 对于


TAXI很便宜,从车站打到市中心也只不过6DHS(大约13RMB).开心的事还不只这一件,居然今天我们可以免费地参观酋长的宫殿.说是宫殿不如说是海岛中的古堡.人造岛上,一坐金碧辉煌的城堡很是耀眼,不用说,酋长(SHEIKH)是一个BUSINESS MAN ,

The old,old sophistries of june:六月古老的伪装--(大跌)

These are the days when skies put on 这些日子天空有披起 | The old,old sophistries of june,___ 六月古老的伪装--(大跌) | A blue and gold mistake ! 一个金碧辉煌的错误!