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金疗法 的英文翻译、例句


gold cure
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The internal use of Arnica is not recommended and should only be administered by a professional herbalist, naturopath or health practitioner.


As a homeopathic remedy,arnica is often recommended as a topical mean to treat arthritis.


"These impressive results give us hope that genistein might show some effect in preventing the spread of prostate cancer in patients," said the study's senior investigator, Raymond C. Bergan, MD, director of experimental therapeutics for the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.


Currently ESCs have been used in the therapy of diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease and cardiovascular injury. Even though many problems of technique and ethics should be done, we believe that ESC therapy will be a promising method and used in clinical practice if we make clear the mechanism of ESC directional differentiation, establish an optimal culture system, and solve the problem of oncogenicity.


Hydrosol: homoeopathy or alchemy of an aroma?


Posteroventral pallidotomy replaced ventrolateral part of thalamus and became the optimal target for surgical treatment of idiopathic PD since 1990' s.

帕金森病的手术疗法于90年代初复兴,苍白球腹后部取代丘脑腹外侧核成为原发性 PD的最佳治疗靶点。

Methods 126 cases (252 eyes) enrolled by diagnosis standard were given 4+1 treatment (the treatment with vasodilating agent,neurotrophic agent,Chinese medicine and acupuncture as the main treatment and carbogen inhale as the adjuvant one).


"This is the first new drug combination in more than 20 years to show an improvement in overall survival for patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma," lead author Bertrand Coiffier, director of hematology at Hospices Civils de Lyon in France, said in a news release.

第一作者Bertrand Coiffier,是法国Civils de Lyon临终关怀医院的血液科主任,他在记者会上说:「这是近20多年来首次采用的新型联合药物疗法,结果发现,该疗法能改善浸润性,非何杰金氏淋巴瘤患者的生存率。

Co-founder, the famous inventors, KUOK holographic patented invention Therapy Professor Guo Jinye people through eight years of painstaking research, traditional Chinese medicine in the motherland on the foundation of modern high-tech means to develop the invention of holography KUOK treatment device, for cervical spondylosis, bone hyperplasia, low back pain, stroke sequelae, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, femoral head necrosis, kidney disease, stroke and other sequelae of intractable disease has a unique effect, created a "self-treatment, without needle , transdermal delivery, direct lesions "holographic therapy of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine therapy holographic holographic creation and KUOK therapeutic apparatus has been the birth of dozens of party and state leaders spoke highly of, was awarded three patents and National Chinese patented technology New Product Expo Gold Medal awards, etc., so that millions of patients benefit from it.


Chemotherapy plus involved-field radiotherapy should be the standard treatment for Hodgkin's disease with favorable prognostic features.


更多网络解释与金疗法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


迎随补泻、出纳疾徐,针灸疗法(Acupuncture)虽然在东方已经出现了数千年,可用于解痛除疾,但一直苦于没有科学证据. 最近一项在小鼠身上的巧妙实验证实,针灸疗法对帕金森氏症中常见的脑炎有显著疗效. 用针灸治疗帕金森氏症意味着需要早期诊断,

behavior therapy:行为疗法

"行为疗法"(behavior therapy)一词最初是由美国的斯金纳(B.P.Skinner)等人于1954年提出的. 1958年艾森克(H.JEysenck)在南非医学杂志上发表论文时也用了"行为疗法"一词. 在20世纪五六十年代行为疗法才发展起来.

behavior therapy:行为治疗

行为治疗(behavior therapy)又称行为矫正疗法. 其理论基础是巴甫洛夫的经典条件反射和斯金纳的操作条件反射强化学说. 它是根据行为学习及条件反射理论,消除和纠正异常行为并建立一种新的条件反射和行为的治疗方法. 由于行为疗法源于实验研究,

Carlson:美销量第一 鱼油

HomeHealth 家庭健康护理/ | Thayers金缕梅天疗法/ | Carlson 美销量第一 鱼油/

PEP Postencephalitic parkinsonism:脑炎后帕金森综合征

PEI Percutaneous ethanol injection 经皮(肿瘤内)注射乙醇疗法 | PEP Postencephalitic parkinsonism 脑炎后帕金森综合征 | PER Porcine endogenous retrovirus 猪内源性逆转录病毒

Achillea millefolium:洋蓍草

不妨试试稀释过的西洋蓍草(Achillea millefolium) 町剂在皮肤上,美军最近的研究显示,西洋蓍草在防虫的效果上比人工合成的化学防蚊液DEET还有效. 另外<宠物的芳香疗法>(VeterinaryAromatherapy)作者内莉.葛萝斯金的配方则是松节油精油500ml,

auriculoventricular dissociation:房室分离

auriculotherapy 耳针疗法 | auriculoventricular dissociation 房室分离 | aurid 金剂疹


在<<金枝>>中,弗雷泽(Frazer)指出:"相似性原则"是各地的巫术都遵守的两条原则之一. 该规律是"相像产生相像,结果与原因相似. "(4 )弗雷泽把遵守这一规律的巫术称为"顺势疗法巫术"(ho

molluscum contagiosum virus:接触传染性软疣病毒

Mollgaard treatment 金疗法 | molluscum contagiosum virus 接触传染性软疣病毒 | Moloney leukemia virus 莫洛尼氏白血病毒

goldthread root:黄莲

gold therapy 金疗法 | goldthread root 黄莲 | golgi apparatus 高尔基体