英语人>词典>汉英 : 金属灰 的英文翻译,例句
金属灰 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
calx  ·  calxes  ·  calces

更多网络例句与金属灰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Treatment of flue gas ash has become the key measure of preventing pollution of heavy metals.


Compared with prior art, the method of the invention carries out the cineration process under low temperature, so concave defects on the metal interconnection lines near the through hole during the cineration process under high temperature can be avoided, thus improving finished product rate.


By the same token, if the non-print, original graphics and text is the fog, then in accordance with the normal exposure for plate burning, part of the light energy is the black metal forming fog bank be reached the lefthand PS photoptic layer of light energy could not make the non-verbal-Visual section photoptic of the entire layer photochemical completely, as developed, some of the failed to photochemical photographicsensitive layer in PS version of the surface, forming a so-called indosinian theinterior.


This paper introduces the current methods to treat solid wastes abroad such as cement solidification, fly ash thermo-treatment, chemical solidification, chemical lixiviation and so on.


American Paddlefish Caviar - Paddlefish, often called "Spoonbills," are a cousin to sturgeons and yield roe ranging in color from pale through dark steel-grey and golden "osetra brown".


These are Ice Silver, metallic, Quartz Gray, metallic, Meteor Gray, pearl effect, Phantom Black, pearl effect, Deep Sea Blue, pearl effect, Sprint Blue, pearl effect and Garnet Red, pearl effect.


A marine diesel engine lubricant composition having a TBN of at least 10 and preferably a VI of at least 90, comprises a major amount of oil of lubricating viscosity, and admixed therewith, minor amounts of an ashless antiwear additive and a metal detergent in the form of an overbased metal detergent having a TBN at least 300, preferably at least 330, more preferably at least 400, and comprising a surfactant system derived from at least two surfactants, and/or a metal detergent other than; provided that, if detergent is present, the composition does not contain a minor amount of an extreme pressure additive, being up to 5.0 mass % based on the total mass of the composition.


Tahoe is offered in nine exterior colors: Greystone Metallic, Dark Blue Metallic, Sport Red Metallic, Bermuda Blue Metallic, Black, Summit White, Gold Mist Metallic, Antique Bronze Metallic and Silver Birch Metallic.


American Paddlefish Caviar - Paddlefish, often called "Spoonbills," are a cousin to sturgeons and yield roe ranging in color from pale through dark steel-grey and golden "osetra brown".


Draw a solid circle in the centre and fill the death star weapon with a metal like grey.


更多网络解释与金属灰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


caltonite 方沸碧玄岩 | calutron 卡留管;加州大学回旋加速器 | calx 金属灰;矿灰;石灰

calvities:秃头 (名)

Calvinism 加尔文教派, 加尔文主义 (名) | calvities 秃头 (名) | calx 金属灰; 生石灰; 矿灰 (名)


calutron 卡留管;加州大学回旋加速器 | calx 金属灰;矿灰;石灰 | calyces calyx的复数


calvous 光头的 | calx 金属灰 | calyces 花萼



The Metal Man and the Many-Headed Snakes:金属人与多头蛇

12.伊凡王子、闪光鸟与灰狼/Ivan-Tzarevitch, the Glowing Bird and the Grey Wolf 11... | 13.金属人与多头蛇/The Metal Man and the Many-Headed Snakes 129 | 14.从来不笑的公主/The Tzarevna Who Never Laughed 13...

Artamus fuscus:灰燕鵙

分布于亚洲热带地区及澳洲,共1属 11种,我国只有灰燕鵙(Artamus fuscus)1种. 18、鸦科(Corvidae)中、大型鸣禽. 体型似乌鸦或喜鹊,体羽以黑、褐、灰、蓝为主,常具金属闪光;雌雄同色. 喙粗壮而长直,先端下弯,嘴尖锐或具微钩与缺刻;翅短圆;

calyces calyx:的复数

calx 金属灰;矿灰;石灰 | calyces calyx的复数 | calyptolite 锆石

calycinal:花萼的; 像花萼的 (形)

calx 金属灰; 生石灰; 矿灰 (名) | calycinal 花萼的; 像花萼的 (形) | calycine 花萼的; 似花萼的 (形)

magnesian limestone:镁质灰岩,镁质灰岩层

magnesia-insulated metal sheathed wire 氧化镁绝缘金属铠装电缆 | magnesian limestone 镁质灰岩,镁质灰岩层 | magnesian product 镁质制品