英语人>词典>汉英 : 野燕麦 的英文翻译,例句
野燕麦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

oat grass
更多网络例句与野燕麦相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result indicated that the phenolic acid and its mixture could defer the remarkable time of wild oat seed germination, reduce seed germination rate, inhibit the physiological parameter and accumulated amount of dry matter to a certain extent, decrease the Root activity and chlorophyll content inordinately, and increase malondialdehyde level in seedling.


The F3 line lost some parental SRAP markers,and the markers lost from T.timopheevi were far less than those from the wild oat;meanwhile,some novel SRAP markers were generated.


The results showed that Sigma Broad had a good control of Veronica didyma, Avena fatra, Vicia sativa, Galium aparine.and Rorippa indica., more significant in term of fresh weight control and the inhibition rate of weed height despite less weed control in term of plant number,which maintained a certain number of weeds,due to delayed use.


Based on morphological characteristics and sequence alignment analysis of rDNA ITS region, 16 strains isolated from diseased plants of Setaria viridis from Beijing, Hebei and Henan, two strains isolated from diseased plants of Chloris virgata and Eleusine indica from Henan, and one strain isolated from diseased plant of Avena fatua from Qinghai, were identified as Bipolaris setariae.

经形态学鉴定和rDNA ITS序列分析,16株分离自北京、河北、河南发病狗尾草的菌株、2株分别分离自河南发病虎尾草、牛筋草的菌株和1株分离自青海发病野燕麦的菌株被鉴定为狗尾草平脐蠕孢Bipolaris setariae。

The random amplified polymorphic DNAanalysis was used for proving the truth of addition line between Aegilops tauschii and Avena fatua with 72 random primiers.


2N-6x-42are succeeded.Chinese Spring has very small ear,awnless,very narrow leaf blade;but hybrid has very big ear, short awn and filled grain,and leaf blade are very wide like Avena fatua L.


Some fields are infested with wild oats and rye grass (Lolium spp.).


Some fields are infested with wild oats and rye grass (Lolium spp.). Twenty-eight per cent of fields in the 1984 survey were moderately or severely infested with Phalaris minor and these fields yielded 1.4 t/ha compared to 1.9 t/ha for fields without weeds.


Some fields are infested with wild oats and rye grass (Lolium spp.). Twenty-eight per cent of fields in the 1984 survey were moderately or severely infested with Phalaris minor and these fields yielded 1.4 t/ha compared to 1.9 t/ha for fields without weeds.


Last December the maxi yacht "Wild Oats XI" won the 2008 Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, sailing 630 nautical miles (1,170 km) in one day, 20 hours and 34 minutes.

配乐 去年12月,大型游艇&野燕麦十一号&在一天20小时34分里航行了630海里(1170公里),赢得了2008年悉尼霍巴特帆船赛。

更多网络解释与野燕麦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wild oat:野燕麦

wild mulberry 山桑 | wild oat 野燕麦 | wild pig 野猪

wild oat;Avenal fatus:野燕麦

雁 wild goose | 野燕麦 wild oat;Avenal fatus | 野牦牛 wild yak;Bos mutus

Avena fatus; wild oat:野燕麦

"燕麦草","Avena elatius; oat grass" | "野燕麦","Avena fatus; wild oat" | "燕麦 ","Avena sativa; oat"

wild oat;Avena fatua L:野燕麦

野干草 wild hay | 野燕麦 wild oat;Avena fatua L. | 天然牧草地 wild pasture;native pasture

Avena fatua:野燕麦

通泉草(Mazus japonicus)等杂草的实际生态位比较宽,它们是本地区草坪的主要杂草.而猪殃殃(Galium aparine),婆婆纳(Veronica persica),野燕麦(Avena fatua)等杂草间的生态位重叠值大.杂草生态位宽度大小反映了杂草利用资源的多样化水平或特化水平,

Avena fatua:物种名称:野燕麦 拉丁文名

078物种名称:刺苍耳 拉丁文名: Xanthium spinosum | 079物种名称:野燕麦 拉丁文名: Avena fatua | 080物种名称:地毯草 拉丁文名: Axonopus compressus

Elynus lyme grass; wild rye:野燕麦属(禾本科)

砂丘草 Elynus arenarius L.; sea lyme grass; dune grass | 野燕麦属(禾本科) Elynus lyme grass; wild rye | 鞘花属(桑寄生科) Elytranthe


wildmulberry 山桑 | wildoat 野燕麦 | wildpig 野猪

wild-oat grader:野燕麦分选机

wild-mouth bottle ==> 广口瓶 | wild-oat grader ==> 野燕麦分选机 | wild-type gene ==> 野生型基因

control of wild oats:防治野燕麦

control of weeds in narrow-row soybean ==> 窄行栽培大豆的杂草防治 | control of wild oats ==> 防治野燕麦 | control office ==> 控制局=>統制局