英语人>词典>汉英 : 重适应 的英文翻译,例句
重适应 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与重适应相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adaptive Modulation and Coding and Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest are two main link adaptation techniques. Along with the higher demands of data rate and quality of service, the system performance can be well improved by employing AMC and HARQ.


The scheme is scheduled through combining multi-level adaptive modulation and coding with hybrid automatic repeat request protocol.


The bearing part is like fish back instead customary shaft seat and can weigh different shaft load; Using fish back shaped arc surface for bearing load can overcome error brought by shaft bend and horizontal deviation.


In order to solve the problem of repeated eigenvalue in structures, the sensitivity analysis for repeated eigenvalues is studied.


A sample numerical design method for constant beamwidth beamformer is given. This method is easy to implement and has no restriction on array geometry and sensor patterns; Three methods for the design of broadband frequency invariant beamformer are proposed, which are the method of resampling signals received by the array, the DFT interpolation method and adaptive synthesis method, respectively. Examples and performance analyses are given for each method; A simplified linear constrained minimum variance broadband adaptive algorithm that based on DFT interpolation method is presented. Compared with conventional broadband adaptive algorithms, the presented method can reduce computation work greatly.


The objective of this study is aimed at the implementation of parallelized numerical quadrature routines. The algorithm we choose for numerical quadrature routines is the so called "Adaptive Romberg Tree integration scheme"(abbr."ARTint") proposed by Lin et. al.[1997]. This numerical quadrature scheme can arrange the function evaluation points adaptively in accordance with characteristic of the trend of variation in integrand function values. When the accuracy of the numerical quadrature value is requested to be increased, a newer and larger set of function evaluation points must be incurred. The main advantage of ARTint method is the inclusion of all function evaluation points used in previous stages. It is this feature of ARTint method that makes it a quadratue scheme with prominent computation efficiency.


Although there are a lot of methods to test otolith function,at present ocular counterrolling is the only relative pure indicator of otolith function.It provide a valid method for predicting SMS susceptibility,it has great application prospect in the research of the SMS mechanism and the readaptability of vestibular function after space flight,it also provides great reference in the clinical diagnosis of vestibular problems.


The packet error rate and channel estimation are used to compute the adaptive threshold in order to maximize spectral efficiency under given delay and error performance constraints.


The feature adaptation of P.rigidula and the evolution of the parasitic shrubs had been discussed. Some of the characteristics based on the superparasitic chains elucidate the evolutionary processi...

讨论认为,重寄生链上的一些渐变特征展现林木上寄生灌木具有 2个演化阶段,即以自养树木为寄主的半寄生灌木演化阶段,和以树木上半寄生灌木为直接寄主的重寄生灌木演化阶段;重寄生属植物特殊的生活习性和形态结构特征,是与其在寄主桑寄生科半寄生灌木上生活的特殊环境相适应的,是与其寄主、传播花粉蚂蚁类昆虫和传播种子鸟类协同演化的结果。

Not only in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, medicine and other pre-and benefit from the resilience of the industry in general inflation down, the financial and real estate funds fell sharply after重仓股after补跌recently emerged, which means that the market valuation of the new criteria are being re - the establishment of the Fund would need in the new game environment gradually reach consensus in order to allow the market to shake off the pattern of consolidation, re-restore confidence, but the economic fundamentals are not supporting the advent of this trend, the source said, in terms of market confidence, or from the capital side, the growth performance of listed companies, market confidence of view, do not have to do more to provide too many reasons.


更多网络解释与重适应相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Freema Camero (1993) [2]等人提出,裁员决策的策略可以分成聚合(Convergency) 与重定向 (Reorientation)两种类型. 聚合指的是对于变革的渐进性的适应,主张变革是一种长期的过程,更加重视提高组织效益,关注内部活动改进的一致性,


2.稳定心力衰竭的适应(adaptation)或代偿(compensation)机制,避免发展至适应不良(maladaptation)或失代偿(decompensation)阶段. 如拮抗神经内分泌的激活,防止心肌细胞进一步死亡和左室进行性扩大等. 3.利尿剂的应用利尿剂抑制钠、水重吸收而消除水肿,

PB playback:重放(音、象)

PASC precision adaptive sub-band coding精密自适应子频带编码 | PB playback重放(音、象) | PC personal computer个人计算机


30于是,适应新兴资产阶级的要求,国家经济政策开始从重商主义向以重农主义(Physiocracy)过渡. 不过,在英国,从重商主义向经济自由主义的过渡发生在革命后,肃清封建残余的过程中,是渐进式的. 但在法国,这一过渡却发生在革命前夜,


ive)、可重入的(reentrant)虚拟内存操作系统;*可在对称多处理器系统(symmetric multiprocessing systems)上运行,并且能很好地适应处理器的数量;*扩展性(Extensibility) 编写的系统代码必须能够随着市场需求的变化而自如地增长和改变;


reorganize 改组 | reorient 适应 | reorientate 重定向

nutritional repartition:营养重分配作用

营养生理效应:nutritional and physiological response | 营养重分配作用:nutritional repartition | 营养适应对策:strategy of nutritional adaptation

experience weightlessness:(估计我会很不适应,会吐的)

72. meet someone with your own name (谁和我重名,请你们吃饭) | 79. experience weightlessness (估计我会很不适应,会吐的) | 81. run up the rocky steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (有什么特殊含义?...

Acute psychoses:急性重性精神病

Acute organic brain syndrome急性器质性脑综合征 | Acute psychoses急性重性精神病 | Adjustment disorder适应障碍

two-pair core:重信

two-page separation key ==> 分页键 | two-pair core ==> 重信カッド | two-parameter adaptive control system ==> 双参数自适应控制系统