英语人>词典>汉英 : 重载 的英文翻译,例句
重载 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
burden  ·  burdens

heavy load · over loading · high duty
更多网络例句与重载相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Electric energy feedback is consumed by resistance and is produced by potential energy when crane lower down the load.


Heavy use of Java to prepare the characteristics of a simple procedure, primarily the use of heavy-duty experience.


This paper presents a self-adaptive load balancing algorithm, in which each peer creates a local load distribution view using a passive load statistic method and a local file requested view using file requested statistic method. When load imbalance exists in the system, the heavy loaded peer will make the logical links which point to itself to point to a light loaded peer in its local load distribution view, with the indegree of the heavy loaded peer decreasing and the indegree of the light loaded peer increasing, the load imbalance magnitude will decrease. When the request load of the heavy loaded peer is high, the peer will use its local file request view to get the popular file and cache the file to corresponding target peer.


The invention relates to big scale low speed heavy loading gear box failure diagnostic method.


Heavy into function overloading and operator overloading two categories.


As such, not every language supports or allows operator overloading. the cls standard does not take a pro or con stance on the concept of operator overloading.


With sympathetic vibration demodulation of the vibration signal of the low-speed, high-load bearing which is realized by means of generalized harmonic wavelet transformation, the impact information of faulty hearing is extracted, which promises a new and effective method for the fault diagnosis of the bearing.


The analysis and simulation of dynamic/static performance of the HHCS shows that it is a large inertial system, and that there are such adverse factors in HCS and its model test system as nonlinear, dead zone, time variable parameters e.


Through the contrast analysis,the optimization combination of asphalted pavement with semi-rigid base has been examined which is more suitable for heavy-haul transportation,to effectively exert the application character of "a strong base and a thin facing" and make the asphalt pavement adapt to the heavy load.


Aiming at the heavy load starts and the original soft start limitation,the new soft start is proposed with hands overhands over the frequency conversion starting and the thyristor accent presses.Through the experimental test,this new soft start can solve voltage hunting influence completely,and has the practical application value.


更多网络解释与重载相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

operator overloading:运算符重载

删除的功能主要包括运算符 重载(operator overloading)、多重继承(inheritance)以及广泛的自动强迫同型(automatic coercions); 重载是指以一个辨识元参照多重项目,Java语言也提供重载函数,不过它重载的对象是方法(method)而非变量或运算符.

overload resolution:重载决策

在编译一个重载方法的调用时,编译器使用重载决策(overload resolution) 确定要调用的特定方法. 重载决策将查找与参数最佳匹配的方法,如果没有找到任何最佳匹配的方法则报告错误信息. 下面的示例演示重载决策的工作机制.

overload resolution:重载决议

overload 重载 | overload resolution 重载决议 | overloaded function 重载的函数

overloaded function:重载函数

重载函数(overloaded function)是C++支持的一种特殊函数,C++编译器对函数重载的判断更是C++语言中最复杂的内容之一 首先我们先明确一下重载函数的定义:在相同的声明域中的函数名相同的,而参数表不同的,即通过函数的参数表而唯一标识并且来区分函数的一种特殊的函

overloaded function:重载的函数

overload resolution 重载决议 | overloaded function 重载的函数 | overloaded operator 被重载的操作符

overloaded function:多载化函式 重载的函数

overload 多载化、多载化、重载 重载 | overloaded function 多载化函式 重载的函数 | overloaded operator 多载化运算子 被重载的运算符

overloaded operator:被重载的操作符

overloaded function 重载的函数 | overloaded operator 被重载的操作符 | override 覆写、重载、重新定义

overloaded operator:重载运算符

overloaded method 重载方法 | overloaded operator 重载运算符 | overloaded version 重载版本

overloaded operator:多载化运算子 被重载的运算符

overloaded function 多载化函式 重载的函数 精晰财税 www.112366.com | overloaded operator 多载化运算子 被重载的运算符 | overloaded set 多载集合 重载集合

overloaded method:重载方法

overloaded function 重载函数 | overloaded method 重载方法 | overloaded operator 重载运算符