英语人>词典>汉英 : 重要事件 的英文翻译,例句
重要事件 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与重要事件相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At session one and two, disclosuring personal information, clafication of needs and goals of the counseling were the most. Obtaining clear messages from counselors were the most at session three to five. At session six to eight, expression of insight and understanding and obstruction of information and feeling were the most.


Aggression and Aid Korea and suspected that this war brought a dateless delay of the liberation of Taiwan.


The Hongdumen School Event: The Relation between Literature and Confucian Studies, Election and Politics in Late Han Dynasty Qian Zhixi (Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University 100871, China)The establishment of Hongdumen School by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, which favored the talents of words only, caused fierce remonstration from the courtiers, and became an important political and literature event in the time.


"The Anti- Rightist Movement" in 1957 was the important incident in the history of middle and later periods of the fifties of China, it is the important historical incident of the whole destiny which concerns the contemporary intellectual in China.


So I saw in my dream, that just as Christian came up with the cross, his burden loosed from off his shoulders, and fell from off his back, and began to tumble, and so continued to do till it came to the mouth of the sepulcher, where it fell in, and I saw it no more.


The Akali Dal government seized on the event, hoping to reduced the Dera's political clout in important constituencies.

Akali Dal政府则希望利用这一事件以减少Dera在一些重要事件的政治影响力。

With the rich sediments supplied by the Pearl River, under the paleogeography sedimentary background of Baiyun Sag continuously subsiding, with sedimentary sequences related to relative transgressive sea level change ,contrary to regressive eustasy, the Pearl River Deepwater Fan System has specific evolution characteristics, which left the sedimentary record controlled by peripherical significant geological events. The sharp change of deposition rate and lithologic geochemical characteristics about 23.8Ma sequence boundary demonstratesd that sediment source had changed, perhaps related to the uplift of Tibet plateau and spreading of the South China Sea, which led the paleoPearl River drainage to expand to western China plateau , maybe much broader than present.

珠江深水扇系统以珠江为沉积物源、以持续深沉降的白云凹陷为沉积古地理背景、以与全球海退型海平面相反的相对海侵型海平面变化的沉积层序构成了其发育演化的特殊性,并留下了控制沉积的周边重要事件的记录。23.8 Ma等界面沉积速率和岩石地球化学特征均有突变,反映出物源区的变化,可能折射出与青藏高原隆升、南海扩张有关的重要事件,使得古珠江骤然向西部高原拓展,甚至较今天的珠江流域范围还广阔;承载珠江深水扇系统的白云凹陷持续沉降形成了陆坡内盆地,导致21~10.5 Ma BP多个层序深水扇垂向叠置充填的特殊沉积建造;根据60多口井资料建立的相对海平面变化曲线,具有与全球海平面变化相一致的三级旋回和不一致的二级旋回。

With the rich sediments supplied by the Pearl River, under the paleogeography sedimentary background of Baiyun Sag continuously subsiding, with sedimentary sequences related to relative transgressive sea level change ,contrary to regressive eustasy, the Pearl River Deepwater Fan System has specific evolution characteristics, which left the sedimentary record controlled by peripherical significant geological events.

珠江深水扇系统以珠江为沉积物源、以持续深沉降的白云凹陷为沉积古地理背景、以与全球海退型海平面相反的相对海侵型海平面变化的沉积层序构成了其发育演化的特殊性,并留下了控制沉积的周边重要事件的记录。23.8 Ma等界面沉积速率和岩石地球化学特征均有突变,反映出物源区的变化,可能折射出与青藏高原隆升、南海扩张有关的重要事件,使得古珠江骤然向西部高原拓展,甚至较今天的珠江流域范围还广阔;承载珠江深水扇系统的白云凹陷持续沉降形成了陆坡内盆地,导致21~10.5 Ma BP多个层序深水扇垂向叠置充填的特殊沉积建造;根据60多口井资料建立的相对海平面变化曲线,具有与全球海平面变化相一致的三级旋回和不一致的二级旋回。

Many resent his apparent flip-flopping on important issues, like gun-control and whether or not to talk to Iran and Syria, as well as less important ones, like whether to wear a flag pin.


The temple is also famous for its image of the reclining Buddha and paintings which depict important events in the life of the Buddha, in the history of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, also incidents from the Jataka tales.


更多网络解释与重要事件相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

above all things:尤其是, 最重要的是, 首要的是

a near thing 差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险 差点失败的事情, 侥幸成功的事情 | above all things 尤其是, 最重要的是, 首要的是 | all things considered 从各方面看来, 总的看来

The Blessing:祝福

这个角色对于正进入成年期的孩子尤为重要. 青春期的结束是非常重要的. 孩子需要在某个特定的时刻宣布:"我不再是小孩,我已经是成年人了. "传统上标志着这一转折的重要事件,便是得到父亲的祝福. 斯曼丽和特莱特在他们合著的书>(The Blessing)中描绘了

event tree:事件树

火灾模式也为概率模式,主要进行火灾风险评估,分析事件树 (Event Tree)与概率,而使人们因火灾丧的风险降低. 火灾场景的设定对消防安全性能设计十分重要,即在消防安全设计之前,需先输入火灾场景的参数资料,再依假想场景去执行消防安全设计.




例如1989 年的作品>,这是一幅画在谢里丹广场(Sheridan Square)广告牌上(20 多年前在附近发生了斯通沃尔(Stonewall)暴动),画中开列出了一系列影响同性恋群体的重要事件,这些事件以年代顺序列出,

Watergate Case:水门事件

"水门"事件(Watergate Case)是调查记者的典范之作,也是世界新闻史上重要的转折点. >的两名记者鲍勃.伍德沃德和卡尔.伯恩斯坦经过深入调查,顶住重重压力,发现并报道了美国共和党尼克松竞选班子为刺探民主党的竞选政策而在民主党总部水门大楼安装窃听器的内幕,

a near thing:差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险 差点失败的事情, 侥幸成功的事情

a close thing 差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险 差点失败的事情, 侥幸... | a near thing 差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险 差点失败的事情, 侥幸成功的事情 | above all things 尤其是, 最重要的是, 首...

one of the most important events in modern America:近代美国历史上最重要的事件之一

59. 历史上的重要事件important events in history | 60. 近代美国历史上最重要的事件之一one of the most important events in modern America | 61. 当时at that time


十二:公司的不动产、重要动产及无形资产 Properties, valuable assets and intangible assets | 十三:公司涉诉事件 Lawsuits | 十四:其他有关附注 Other issues and comments

Buy a calendar, note all important events: showers, luncheons, parties, etc:买份日历,在所有重要的事件上做记号:沐浴,午宴,晚会等等

给当地报纸发送结婚消息,并... | 买份日历,在所有重要的事件上做记号:沐浴,午宴,晚会等等. Buy a calendar, note all important events: showers, luncheons, parties, etc | 如果婚礼或招待会是在家举行,安排任何必要...