英语人>词典>汉英 : 重被的 的英文翻译,例句
重被的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与重被的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The SYSTEM V architecture uses only Elf32_Rel relocation entries, the field to be relocated holds the addend.

在 SYSTEM V 体系中仅仅使用 Elf32_Rel 重定位表项,要被重定位的域中保留了加数。

This was done to keep anyone else from picking up a discarded ticket and claiming it was his own (a train ticket did not lose all value when it was punched because the same ticket was used for each leg of a trip). Hollerith realized how useful it would be to punch new cards based upon an analysis of some other set of cards.

因为相同的票作为一次旅行的每只腿,所以当它被以拳重击的时候,一张火车票不失去所有的价值Hollerith 了它会是多么的有用以拳重击基于卡片的一些其他的组合一项分析的新卡片。

The objective of this study is aimed at the implementation of parallelized numerical quadrature routines. The algorithm we choose for numerical quadrature routines is the so called "Adaptive Romberg Tree integration scheme"(abbr."ARTint") proposed by Lin et. al.[1997]. This numerical quadrature scheme can arrange the function evaluation points adaptively in accordance with characteristic of the trend of variation in integrand function values. When the accuracy of the numerical quadrature value is requested to be increased, a newer and larger set of function evaluation points must be incurred. The main advantage of ARTint method is the inclusion of all function evaluation points used in previous stages. It is this feature of ARTint method that makes it a quadratue scheme with prominent computation efficiency.


But they finds that heavy trucks is the future,cause it can take more goods.as the oils price rase ,it has a bright future.also the transportion between country and major city make a good reason for light truck,although there is a great development of light trucks in some city, high cost and small goods load forced it can not develop in other fields.


G much of the redefinition process. This provides a significant increase in


Do we preach to men and women as regenerate or unregenerate?

E。 我们向人传福音,是以他们是被重生的,还是未被重生的呢?

If one loses a portion of the ascension grid work, then the portion of the etheric body that was to become rewoven is left unattended to; this can lead to disease in ascension if not rectified over time.


Real time recording/reproduction information for ensuring real time recording/reproduction is stored in a file control information area, in each real time file, or in a sperate file, and real time recording/reproduction attributes are assigned to the file.


Last season, the NBA had its first do-over since 1982 when Atlanta and Miami replayed the final 51.9 seconds of a Hawks victory because the official scorer ruled incorrectly that Shaquille O'Neal fouled out. The Hawks won the replay, then the regularly scheduled game.


Measurement of Ligninolysis The delignification of a solid lignocellulosic substrate is often assessed by the simple procedure of removing its low molecular weight components by extraction, weighing the leftover woody residue, degrading the remaining polysaccharide component with strong acid, and then reweighing the leftover insoluble lignin, which is chemically modified and referred to as Klason lignin.


更多网络解释与重被的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


贵格会(Quakers)和门诺弟兄会(Mennonites)都是十六世纪极端改革派"重洗派"(Anabaptist)的"后裔"和传承. "重洗派"的神学,不但被当时的罗马天主教,也被当时的宗教改革的"新教/更正教/抗罗宗"(的主流)视为"异端",他们也因此受到国家,

Put me on the blink:无视我的存在

Since this half-pint imitation 因为这个微不足道的伪君子 | Put me on the blink 无视我的存在 | I'm wild again, beguiled again 我回归疯狂,重被诱惑


由于Debugger参数的这种特殊作用,它又被称为"重定向"(Redirection),而利用它进行的攻击,又被称为"重定向劫持"(Redirection Hijack),它和"映像劫持"(Image Hijack,或IFEO Hijack)只是称呼不同,实际上都是一样的技术手段.


主要 存储器访问却可以在存储器的任何位置中且与一个不确定的起始位置相关.这样的代码被称为 是可重定位的(relocatable) ,而装入程序可处理所有的与指定的基地址或起始地址有关的可重 定位的地址.装入程序使得可执行代码更加灵活,


第一个被发现的第二信使是腺苷酸环化酶,是ATP三磷酸腺苷生成的化学物质重摄取(reuptake)由终扣释放的神经递质被重新摄回,终止突触后电位. 几乎所有的有神经递质引发的突触后电位都是由重摄取来终结的酶失活(enzymatic deactivation)是指神经递质被一种酶所降解,


dichastasis /自行分裂/ | dichlamydeous /重被的/ | dichloralide /二氯交脂/


diplcardia 心裂(畸形),双心(畸形) | diplocardiac (动物)心脏的左右部分完全分开的 | diplochlamydeous 重被的


diplocardiac (动物)心脏的左右部分完全分开的 | diplochlamydeous 重被的 | diplochromosome 双分染色体

I'm wild again, beguiled again:我回归疯狂,重被诱惑

Put me on the blink 无视我的存在 | I'm wild again, beguiled again 我回归疯狂,重被诱惑 | A simpering, whimpering child again 如孩子般痴笑呜咽无常

can be restarted:能被重启动的

can be packed 可打包 | can be restarted 能被重启动的 | cancel 取消