英语人>词典>汉英 : 重氢 的英文翻译,例句
重氢 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deuterium  ·  diplogen  ·  deuterohydrogen

heavy hydrogen · double weight hydrogen
更多网络例句与重氢相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The heavy elements in the theory of spontaneous metamorphosis immediate sensation around the world ;(4) is proposed to estimate the Earth's radiation age;(5) from the charge-mass ratio α which is derived helium ions;(6) from the scattering of α Bighorn recognized atomic mass concentrated in a radius of 10-12 meters in the nuclear, on positively charged core surrounded by negatively charged electrons;(7) with natural α-particles from the nitrogen nuclei in the outgoing protons, this is the first time human beings to change the chemical elements of artificial nuclear reactions;(8) predicted that heavy hydrogen and neutron sub-existence .


A nearly limitless primary energy source is the fusion of deuterium or heavy hydrogen, which is found in the water of the earth.


Furthermore, the generation of 4He is always 107 lower than that of tritium and proton for even the lowest energy of the incident deuteron measured so far.

此外, 4He 的世代比那总是107 低超重氢和氢核为事件氘核的最低的能量到目前为止被测量。

The study suggests that the carboxyl of the template is the function group responsible for the formation of complementary interacting site in the polymer P1, and the double hydrogen bonds formed between the carboxyl groups of ferrocenecarboxylic acid and methacrylic acid are the main interactions in the recognition process.


We also studied the probability of modulability of light pulse interval in HLS. In 3 years, we have studied the modulators with the switch of thyratron, IGBT and MOSET etc. They are the comparisons between the waveforms, characteristic tests of ferrites made in China, the driver system of MOSET and the design of kicker magnet with the network mode, which have been studied.


He TA31RCO incorporates dual-illumination technology using a combination of fiber optics and self-luminous tritium.


In this paper, the exchange rates of slowly exchanging amide protons in human insulin R6 hexamer were obtained by using NMR Linear Prediction Model Method.


In the hands of Yang Chen-ning, his extraordinary achievements, within two years of heavy hydrogen separation found in the child.


It's between two isotopes of hydrogen, two kinds of hydrogen, deuterium, which is heavy hydrogen, which you can get from seawater, and tritium which is super-heavy hydrogen.


The main use of heavy hydrogen, excess hydrogen, etc. The thermonuclear fusion of light nuclei reaction principle, said the weapons made fusion weapons, also known as thermonuclear weapons or hydrogen bombs.


更多网络解释与重氢相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



deuterium exchange:重氢交换

deuterium discharge lamp 重氢放电飞 | deuterium exchange 重氢交换 | deuterium plasma 氘等离子体


deuterium-labelled 氘标志的 | deuteron 氘核,重氢核 | devating prism 偏向棱镜,偏振棱镜


deuterium 氘 | deuteron 重氢核 | deuteron 氘核


deuteromycetes 半知菌 | deuteron 重氢子 | deuterostoma 后孔


deuterate 氘化 | deuterated 含重氢的 | deuteration 含重氢


deuterium 氘,重氢 | deuterons 氘核,重氢核 | device 装置,器件

heavy hydrogen:重氢,超重氢

heavy hydraulic press ==> 重型水压机 | heavy hydrogen ==> 重氢,超重氢 | heavy ice target ==> 重冰靶

heavy hydrogen plant:重氢工厂

"重氢","heavy hydrogen" | "重氢工厂","heavy hydrogen plant" | "重冰","heavy ice"

hydrogen, heavy:重氢;氘

重氢;氘 hydrogen, heavy | 轻氢; hydrogen, light | 超重氢;氚 hydrogen, superheavy