英语人>词典>汉英 : 重新聚集 的英文翻译,例句
重新聚集 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
regroup  ·  rejoin  ·  regrouped  ·  regroups  ·  rejoined  ·  rejoins

更多网络例句与重新聚集相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cell Delineation is responsible for defining the cell boundaries at the originating endpoint (e.g., ATM cell switch or ATM workstation) in order that the receiving endpoint can reassemble (i.e., identify and recover) all cells associated with a data payload that has been segmented (i.e., cut up into ATM cells).

信元定界负责定义始发端(例如 ATM 小区交换机或 ATM 工作站)的小区边界,这样接收端可以将那些与已经分段的(也就是切割成数个 ATM 小区)数据有效载荷相关的所有小区重新聚集

Love Hotel inspired us maybe because it was being used for intimate human relations, maybe just because of the mixed impression of garishness, pornography and a little


Our results also indicate that, although RDM1 and Pol V may function together at some RdDM target sites in the peri-nucleolar siRNA processing centre, Pol II rather than Pol V is associated with the RdDM effector complex at target sites in the nucleoplasm.

这项研究还发现RDM1是RdDM效应复合物中的组成成分,可能的功能是连接siRNA产物和预存的或者重新聚集的胞嘧啶甲基。研究还表明虽然RDM1和PloV能在一些RdDM靶标位点共同作用,但是Pol II比Pol V与RdDM效应复合物中联系更密切。

She might be seen as a martyr, become a rallying point for opposition.


Her crew was starting to reassemble, now that the bullies had passed.


SEM results showed that the dispersion of carbon black in the modified vulcanizates was improved compared with that in the unmodified vulcanizate.


Icrofilaments were mainly distributed in the cortex area which chromosomes located at mataphase of second meiosisand concentrated around pronuclei after pronuclear formation.

II 期卵母细胞微丝主要集中在染色体所在的皮层区域,原核形成后微丝绕核重新聚集

The clouds have reconvened by now, and it is raining hard.


He saw the moon regathering itself insidiously, saw the heart of the rose interwining vigorously and blindly, calling back the scattered fragments, winning home the fragments, in a pulse and in effort of return.


"The most important thing that we can do right now is to re-engage the American people in the process of governance, to get them excited and interested again in what works and what can work in our government."


更多网络解释与重新聚集相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Goro Daimon:大门五郎

她将她旗下各个时期的经典作品的经典人物重新聚集在一起,加上原创的主人公草稚京(KYO KUSANAGI)、二阶堂红丸(BENIMARU NIKAIDO)和大门五郎(GORO DAIMON)和BOSS卢卡尔.曼斯坦因(RURAL MANSTEIN),并独创3对3组队战系统,创造出来的新类型格斗游戏!


3.Break.暂停进攻 | 4.Rejoin.重新聚集 | 6.Drop Tanks.抛弃副油箱

relegate:把...降级:v.转移, 归入, 提交

rejoin vt.使再结合, 再加入, 再回答 vi.重新聚集, 回答, 答辩 | relegate 把...降级:v.转移, 归入, 提交 | delegate n.代表 vt.委派...为代表


这种重新改造包括摘要(Summarize),聚集(Aggregate),结构重整(Restructure)等操作方式. 不同数据区保存数据的时间长短不一样,主要是因为不同数据区的使用者不同,农场主(Farmers)主要使用当前整合数据区的数据,


建立严格的流程 公司必须对流程逐一审查和重新构建(或者废除),为了保持成效,流程简化必须成为一项持续不断的活动. 在康尼格拉公司,管理层推出了一个叫"路线图"(RoadMap)的举措,把公司不同部门的人聚集到一起对一些关键流程进行重新设计,简化了许多流程.


"北京方面不仅让我们意外,也让统治阶层的阵营意外,"正在争取重新当选的公民党(Civic party)议员、大律师陈淑庄(Tanya Chan)表示. 在数百名身穿红衣的社民连支持者聚集在一个公园之际,一个摇滚乐团开始表演约翰?

Tooth And Nail:以眼还眼以牙还牙

[影片介绍]:>(Tooth And Nail)在后启示录时代一伙幸存者聚集在医院中躲避灾难,他们想要重新建立一个完整的社会,拯救人类的命运. 他们遇到一个遭到暴力袭击的女孩,并把她救回了医院. 不过...


revised 修改 | revitalized 重新激活 | raised 聚集资源