英语人>词典>汉英 : 重新武装 的英文翻译,例句
重新武装 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
remilitarization  ·  rearm  ·  rearmed  ·  rearms

更多网络例句与重新武装相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is because the Nazi leaders at that time have more important intentions at home and abroad. In interior politics, they aim at eliminating all the other political parties, establishing the Nazi dictatorship and accomplishing the"integration"of all the German people and the country mechanisms. In economy, they try to get rid of the economic crisis, provide enough job opportunities, and develop the armament industry. In diplomacy, they break loose the bondage of"Marseille contract,"rearm their army and reoccupy the lost territories, annex Austria and Sudeten, occupy strong points and prepare all the possible favorable conditions for launching the war for"Lebensraum."


Under the promotion of prime ministerJunichiro Koizumi, Japan gradually departed from the pacificism that was alwayspersisted, and went towards enacting collative right of defense, the way ofremilitarizing.


It was a very serious problem on the rearmament of The Federal Republic of Germany after the Second World War.


It has to be a solution that does not allow the rearmament of Hamas, and it must be a solution that finds a way to open crossings so that Palestinians in Gaza can have normal life.


Second, America's provision of security to its allies in Europe and in the Far East dampened their respective concerns about German and Japanese military rearmament.


West Germany accomplished rearmament and America completed the program of NATO.


On the eve of May 1, 1951,four years after her death,her mother, Hu Wen-hsiu, wrote a public letter urging all mothers and daughters to sign the appeal for a Five-Power Peace Pact and to vote against the rearmament of Japan.

的前夕, 1951年5月1日, 4年后她去世,她的母亲,胡文修,写了一篇公开信,敦促所有母亲和女儿签署呼吁五国和平公约,并投票反对重新武装日本。

They neither prevented Germany from rearm ing, nor did they rearm ourselves in time


"Unfortunately, the clashes which we have seen over the last few days and also the arming of the main militias in Lebanon, has unfortunately, led over time to the establishment and rearming of a range of other militias in Lebanon," he said.


Last month Mr Karzai floated a plan to authorise pro-government militias in several southern provinces-in effect, rearming some of those disarmed in a 0m UN programme.

上个月, Karzai 先生提出一个授权给几个南部省份前民兵武装的计划,实际上就是,重新武装一些曾经让联合国花费1亿5千万美元解除武装的人。

更多网络解释与重新武装相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


缅甸的不少族群对多数族群缅甸人(Burman)的管治感到不满. 他们同仰光的和平协议依然有效,然而,一些组织还是保留武装,可以随时重新发动叛变. 缅甸边界的也大多处于不稳定的情况.


pro-Bolshevik 拥 | proslavery 支持奴 | rearm 重新武装

reargument:再争论; 重新辩论 (名)

reargue 再辩论; 重新辩论 (动) | reargument 再争论; 重新辩论 (名) | rearm 再武装; 改善装备 (动)


reproduction 繁殖、複製 | rearm 重新武裝 | rebuilt 重建