英语人>词典>汉英 : 重新塑造 的英文翻译,例句
重新塑造 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与重新塑造相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He must a diligent young man to be keen on life and interested in renewing himself.


Pass the analysis, to how to resolve to save now these problemses put forward the oneself to consider 3:00, hoping the media of Hong Kong develop the enormous potential in its oneself, making use of the strong and big advantage of the oneself, working hard gradually with ameliorative and enrich the oneself, use him the stubborn vitality to can make the environment of the media get the improvement with the will of the healthy and strong development, push whole social economic development, mold the clean blue sky in one afresh.


The Designs reorganize the guest area and service area, reshape the ceiling to maximize the skylight, create a display kitchen, add fixed buffet tables for cold and hot dishes.


Because the total redefinition of the insulation parameter we reshape the building profile, cutting the old roof edge and redesigning the junction between roof and perimetral walls.


So decide add complete plane. Because total redefinition insulation parameter reshape profile, cutting old edge redesigning junction between perimetral walls.


These little ones love; and they express their love as they can and in such a circumstance as a school Christmas party will begin to remold the dream of the whole, and towards love.


EVEN as the Americans strive to jump-start fresh talks between Israelis and Palestinians, the Israeli government has been using the hiatus to intensify the refashioning of East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians see as their future capital.


SUN Xiao-Yu Qi Ran Zhu Tingting decorated dance another good sisters, weak personality, her boyfriend abandoned after being determined to re-shape their own character, dance in the SUN and Ruoxin help re-ignite confidence and trust in two very good friends .

朱雨琪 冉婷婷饰孙小舞的另一位好姐妹,个性柔弱,在被男友抛弃后决心要重新塑造自己的性格,在孙小舞和若馨的帮助下重新点燃信心,非常信赖两位好朋友。

As a historical narrative for national literature, the writing of the Chinese literature history undertakes a glorious task to re-experience the outline of native culture and re-model the ideal figure of state.


Energy never stands still and is re-shaping and re-forming, until it reaches that point within the Source where it is in the ultimate state of perfection.


更多网络解释与重新塑造相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在被称为"美国世纪"的20世纪,有历史正当性的美国精英(或者说其主体)必然是要在反对"富豪统治"(plutocracy)的斗争中重新塑造自身. 美国自由主义长期运动的要旨正在于从公共性的角度重新界定和扩展自由的意义并建立现代福利国家,

recast: v.1:重新浇铸 2.重新塑造,改写

engender: v.使发生,使出现,产生,导致,引发 | recast: v.1重新浇铸 2.重新塑造,改写 | brook: v.(只用于否定句)从忍,忍受,容许

refigure:重新描绘 重新塑造

refetchstate重取状态 | refigure重新描绘 重新塑造 | refile重锉 重锉 接力传送


重新适应readaption | 重新塑造refigure | 重新索引reindex


erode : 腐蚀,侵蚀 | reframe : 再构造,重新塑造 | talk back to : 反驳

I am going ahead with the reinvention of me:我走向前去要重新塑造自己

Now the tyrant is dead and his lady is free 看暴君死去了... | I am going ahead with the reinvention of me 我走向前去要重新塑造自己 | Now the king lies here dead, now the king lies here dead 现在国王横死...


reclaim要求归还,收回 | remodel重新塑造,改变 | replace取代

remodeler v.t:改造,改变,重新塑造

remise n.f. 放回,送交,延期,折扣,免除 | remodeler v.t. 改造,改变,重新塑造 | respeclement adv. 分别地,各自的

Overnight, Samantha's ex-assistant, Nina Grabowski... ...had reinvented herself as Nina G:一夜之间,莎曼珊的前助理 便将自己重新塑造成为妮娜

...and the event is bei... | Overnight, Samantha's ex-assistant, Nina Grabowski... ...had reinvented herself as Nina G.|一夜之间,莎曼珊的前助理 便将自己重新塑造成为妮娜G | I was up for that job and now...

remodelling:重新塑造, 改造, 改变

fibrocartilage 纤维软骨 | remodelling . 重新塑造, 改造, 改变 | collagen 胶原