英语人>词典>汉英 : 重大地 的英文翻译,例句
重大地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与重大地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is the first time to have the theorem of orthogonal decomposition, a theoretical kernel in inverse gravimetric problem, realized in practice.


Tree and you to can't separate, tree can lack you, you could come and plant I this head already ruined death tree that has died soon only, I will fire the hope of growing again because of you,Water and earth forge tree , could let tree survive you, I the tree survive at only have youing, without you, my life is written in water, will you of today come?


His vision was that Indians should dance a " Ghost Dance " that would revive their dead ancestors, bring back the buffalo, and remove the whites from America.


Although Shanghai had become an industry centre in 1930's, the high rent for ground, high commodity prices and high wages made industry have to be moved to other places.


A dust is small ,slight and inappreciable,while add with the father transplanting rice seedlings in the cropland become bigger,heavier,and become my favor


I think Haiwang regarded the land of the lotus and itself; He abandoned the details of lotus and focused on the object-oriented structure and only organic color contrast (such as the use of a lot of black); He considered only Light color with the seasons and the geometric structure of the landscape. It's different from the only source style and the natural tendency of Impressionism . It has more spirits with the traditional Chinese culture and the aesthetic value.


What is the danger to the vast land of China rekindle hope?


The performance of retracking is assessed by comparing SSH with geoidal heights from a high resolution geoid model around Taiwan.


Wolf Brothers falling at my side, with honour I will die Upon the Altar of the Storms, I will be reborn Storm, Black clouds fill the sky Earth, hear my battlecry Fire, and Thunder will bring forth Death, for I have been reborn...


During twenty years of reforming and open door policy practicing, people's living standard and GDP have greatly increased. Therefore it is urgent and necessary to attach importance to the environment protection. Otherwise, the polluted environment will severely influence our life qualities through terrible dirties and vanishing blue sky. To protect the beautiful environment is the core of our tenet: Protect our environment and spread flourish and happiness.


更多网络解释与重大地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


对於著重自然、安宁、流行风格,本季彩妆运用空气刷 (airbrush) 方式赋予肌肤古铜色的效果,运用大地色系,腮红利用金色、橙色,眼影强调眼神明亮感、透亮,唇彩营造水漾效果,再把指甲修出完美的形状覆上透明晶亮护甲油,将细致效果延伸到全身.

Shangrao Concentration Camp:上饶集中营

大地重光 Da di chong guang (1950) | 上饶集中营 Shangrao Concentration Camp (1951) | 南征北战 Nan zheng bei zhan (1952)

space geodesy:空间大地测 学

02.005 物 大地测 学(又称"大地重 学") physical geodesy | 02.006 空间大地测 学space geodesy | 02.007 卫星大地测 学satellite geodesy

satellite gravimetry:卫星重力学,卫星重力测量学

卫星大地测量学 satellite geodesy | 卫星重力学,卫星重力测量学 satellite gravimetry | 卫星成像 satellite imagery


1. importantly 重要地,重大地 | fully 充分地,完全地 | mainly 主要地,大体上


重大的eventfulfatefullife-and-deathweighty | 重大地momentously | 重担LoadWeightfardel

weightily:沉重地; 重要地; 重大地; 有力地 (副)

weighted 加重的; 加权的; 衡量过的 (形) | weightily 沉重地; 重要地; 重大地; 有力地 (副) | weightiness 重要性; 有力; 繁重 (名)

weightiness:重要性; 有力; 繁重 (名)

weightily 沉重地; 重要地; 重大地; 有力地 (副) | weightiness 重要性; 有力; 繁重 (名) | weightless 无重量的, 无重力的 (形)

Agrotis tokionis Butler:大地老虎

大地老虎(Agrotis tokionis Butler)全国各地均有分布,常与小地老虎混合发生,一般密度比小地老虎低. 棉蚜(Aphisgossypii Glover)俗称腻虫、蜜虫,全国各棉区均有发生,以黄河流域棉区、辽河流域棉区和西北内陆棉区发生早、为害重. 苗期受害,叶片卷缩,

ground barium sulfate:重晶石粉

ground anisotropy 大地各向异性 | ground barium sulfate 重晶石粉 | ground beacon antenna 地面信标天线