英语人>词典>汉英 : 重复说 的英文翻译,例句
重复说 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chime  ·  chimed  ·  chimes  ·  chiming

更多网络例句与重复说相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was—simply amazing," she repeated abstractedly."But I swore I wouldn't tell it and here I am tantalizing you.


And again they said: Alleluia.


Again, it is just that Self and Body will not be identified with body.


DECK_47}{Be advised: I am unaccustomed to repeating myself.


I have various examples of some of the IO basics, so there is no need to repeat this here.


Under questioning, he also said, repeatedly and quite rightly, that moving to private accounts within Social Security would not add to national savings. That's because every dollar that went into a private account would be offset by the money that the government would need to borrow upfront to establish the private system.


It is with reluctance that I bring this subject up again.


"I didn't think very good of it at all," he said."I thought I was very conciliatory. I tried to soft-pedal it. I didn't go through the litany of things we certainly have overthis series. But that's the league. They'll come back and hammer you."


Aouda pathetically thanked her deliverers, rather with tears than words; her fine eyes interpreted her gratitude better than her lips.


The Woman who got divorced after her parrot started repeating "Divorce" and "Be Patient"In 2001, a Chinese woman launched divorce proceedings against her husband after the family's pet mynah bird reportedly spilled the beans on his marital indiscretions.


更多网络解释与重复说相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Come dice:您刚才说什么?(请再重复一遍)

Grazie 谢谢 | Come dice 您刚才说什么?(请再重复一遍) | Certo 那当然,一定!


基因复制的时候偶尔会产生的小差错... 有点像会计师看错帐目自己都说的不知道在说什麼, 反正, 不只是Huntington's Disease, 很多基因病例 都是跟基因越重复越长相关. 甚至有些不会产生危害的 基因, 也会因为"失算" 产生 重复(duplication) 的现象

reel off:一口气说,重复

1025redundanta. 多余的 | 1027reel off一口气说,重复 | 1028refereen. 仲裁人,调解人,裁判员; v. 仲裁,裁判

reiteration:重复; 反复 (名)

reiterate 反复地说, 反复地做, 重申 (动) | reiteration 重复; 反复 (名) | reiterative 反复的 (形)

repeat oneself:反复说,反复做

History will not repeat itself. 历史不会重演. | repeat oneself反复说,反复做 | Do say if I am repeating myself. 如果我在重复自己说过的话,请直言.


(Germany).事实错误:在一些场合中,无线电对讲使用了"重复"(repeat). 实际上在海军部队里,在无线电通信中用到"重复"这个单词,仅仅限于和炮兵连对话时,要求对方重复说一次最终的炮火任务.


iterance 重复 | iterant 重复的 | iterate 反复说

Say over again, and yet once over again:请说了一遍,再向我说一遍

The silver answer rang, -- 'Not Death, but love.' 听哪,那银铃似的回音:"不是死,是... | Say over again, and yet once over again, 请说了一遍,再向我说一遍 | That thou dost love me, 你爱我,虽然一遍遍重复下来...


He发现在他的音乐的舒适 | Allowing寻找安慰He重复了它在他的头脑里她说 | She将明白他

You're well rehearsed on every verse:你重复了每首诗

And you're always cracking the same old lines again 你总是重复着你老掉牙的台词 | You're well rehearsed on every verse 你重复了每首诗 | And that was stated clear 那已经说的很清楚了