英语人>词典>汉英 : 重复单位 的英文翻译,例句
重复单位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与重复单位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sequencing refers to the delineation of the order of the repeating units in DNA and protein.


The ratio of one-step gain versus loss was 1.826:1. There was only one multiple-step mutation with a double-repeat gain observed at PentaD locus.


The plerocercoid contains many kinds ofpolypeptide antigen which consist of repeating units.


The ribosomal RNA gene of silkworm Attacus is found to Be a multi-copy gene with its repeated units arranged tandem.


Monomers A monomer is the basic building block of polymers.The word mer (from the Greek meros,meaning part) indicates the smallest repetitive unit,similar to the term unit cell in crystal structures.Thus,polymer means many mers or units.Monomers are organic materials.They include carbon atoms joined in covalent bonds with other atoms such as hudrogen,oxygen,nitrogen,fluorine,chlorine,silicon,and sulfur.

单体 单体是基本积木的polymers.the字经(从希腊美罗斯,这意味着部分)显示,最小的重复单位,类似的任期股细胞在晶体structures.thus ,高分子意味着许多市场汇率或units.monomers是有机materials.they包括碳原子加入共价键,与其他原子如hudrogen ,氧气,氮气,氟,氯,硅,硫。

Tuberculosis from laboratories of 12 county tuberculosis dispensaries in Shandong were cultured and typed by MIRU genotyping in the KICID laboratory.

目的对结核分枝杆菌散在分布重复单位(mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units,MIRU)基因分型技术在山东省局部地区的应用进行评价。

A prayer is made up of a sequence of units called bowings. During each of these units, the worshiper stands, bows, kneels, and prostrates while reciting verses from the Qur'an as well as other prayer formulas. With some variations among different Muslim sects, at noon, afternoon, and evening prayers, these units are repeated four times, while during the sunset prayer they are repeated three times, and at dawn only twice.

祈祷是弥补了一个序列的单位,所谓bowings,在上述各单位, worshiper看台,鞠躬, kneels , prostrates而背诵诗词,从古兰经以及其他祈祷公式,随着有些差异在不同的穆斯林教派,中午,下午及傍晚的祈祷,这些单位反复4次,而在日落祷告,他们都重复3次,并在黎明只有两次。

We report the synthesis of two polys with alternating dialkylbenzene-perfluorobenzene repeating units.

我们报告所合成的两个聚苯硫醚 S交替烷基苯- perfluorobenzene重复单位

Results: The mutation of the new alleles of 2 pedigrees was increasing and decreasing a single repeat.


There are one 18 S one 28S and one 5.8S ribosomal genes in each repeated unit.

在每一重复单位中含有18S、28S和5.8S rRNA基因各一个。

更多网络解释与重复单位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


即这个杂讯的振幅大小(Amplitude)对时间(Time)的分布是不可预期且不会重复的,杂讯的频谱在所有的频率是连续的. 由前面的Noise Figure(NF)定义可知,Noise Figure(NF)是以1Hz为基础的单位. 如果频谱分析仪量测的频率单位(RBW)不是1Hz,


(fraying)▓☉ 端粒、着丝点(centromere)和DNA复制原点是构成染色体不可缺少的三要素. ▓☉ 含有rRNA串联重复单位的染色体部分称核仁组织者(nucleolar organizers),有多少个rRNA串联重复区就有多少个核仁组织者.


根据微卫星的结构堠楸挝痦,Weber等将其分为三类堠楸挝痦,即完全的(Perfect)、不完全的(Imperfect)和复合的(Compound)微卫星男女不孕不育. 完全的微卫星是指由不中断的重复单位构成的微卫星;不完全的微卫星其重复序列中间有3个以下的非重复碱基堠楸挝痦,

Duplicate Key:复制键

duplicate definition 重复定义 | Duplicate Key 复制键 | Duplicate Mass Storage Volume 重复大量储存单位

duplicated file:重复档案

Duplicate Volume 重复储存单位 | duplicated file 重复档案 | Duplicated Record 复制记录


根据微卫星的结构堠楸挝痦,Weber等将其分为三类堠楸挝痦,即完全的(Perfect)、不完全的(Imperfect)和复合的(Compound)微卫星男女不孕不育. 完全的微卫星是指由不中断的重复单位构成的微卫星;不完全的微卫星其重复序列中间有3个以下的非重复碱基堠楸挝痦,

Specific polysaccharide:特异多糖

(3)特异多糖(specific polysaccharide) 是脂多糖的最外层,由数个至数十个低聚糖(3~5个单糖)重复单位构成的多糖链. 特异多糖即革兰阴性菌的菌体抗原(O抗原),具有种特异性,因其多糖中单糖的种类、位置、排列和空间构型各不相同所致. 特异多糖的缺失,


重复单位 repeating unit | 忌避剂 repellent | 反复 repetition

unit cell:单胞

'单胞'(unit cell)是晶体结构最小的重复单位,虽然局部来看准晶的结构也有一定的规则与某些规律,但是准晶却不存在这种可以填满整个空间的最小单位. 此外准晶也具有一般晶体没有的旋转对称性,如五边形的对称性等等.

mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units:abbr. miru; 分枝杆菌散布重复单位