英语人>词典>汉英 : 重力势 的英文翻译,例句
重力势 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

gravitational potential · gravity potential · gravitation potential
更多网络例句与重力势相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Poisson's equation:In space where the source density is ρ, the Laplacian of a : potential U is 2 U = 4πρK, where is the operator del and K is a constant (gravitational constant in case of mass and gravitational potential).

泊松方程:在源密度为ρ的空间中,位场 U 的拉普拉斯算子为: U = 4πρK,。在米-千克其中为 del 算子,K 为常数(质量的万有引力常数和重力势)秒单位制中应去掉常数 4π。

In this thesis, we solve this problem by combining the overall functions of potential interactions, which include the van der Waals attractive potential, repulsive electrical double layer potential, Born repulsive potential and magnetic interaction, as well as the hydrodynamic interaction, the gravity and the Brown diffusion, and therefore unveil the significant influence of the interparticle potential on the sedimentation of stable colloidal systems.

在本论文中,通过综合考虑胶体粒子间的势力相互作用——包括vander Waals分子引力势、双电荷层静电斥力势、Born排斥势和磁力势等,还有流体动力相互作用、重力相互作用、布朗热动力等诸多因素的影响,我们解决了这一难题,揭示了粒子间势给胶体系统的沉降行为带来的重大影响。

When evaporation was in process, due to low initial water content, most infiltrated water from small intensity and amount of rainfall would be consumed by intensive evapotranspiration during rainy season, and lateral downslope unsaturated flow seldom took place. However, soil water would move downslope by gravitational and matric potential gradients after continuous rainfall.


The increase of the gravitational level makes the levitation potential wells shallower or even disappearing.


更多网络解释与重力势相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

equipotential surface of gravity:重力等势面

equipotential surface | 等位面,等势面,等电位面 | equipotential surface of gravity | 重力等势面 | equipotential winding | 均压绕组(直流电机的)


geopotential /地球重力势/地重力势/重力势/ | georama /在空心大圆球的内侧面所绘的巨幅景色/ | geordie /矿用安全灯/

gravitational potential difference:引力势差,重力势差

gravitational potential 引力势,重力势 | gravitational potential difference 引力势差,重力势差 | gravitational potential energy 引力势能,重力势

gravitational potential energy:引力势能,重力势能

gravitational potential difference 引力势差,重力势差 | gravitational potential energy 引力势能,重力势能 | gravity 重力

gravitational potential energy:重力位能

gravitational potential引力势 | gravitational potential energy重力位能 | gravitational pseudotensor引力拟张量

gravitational potential:引力势,重力势

gravitational mass 引力质量 | gravitational potential 引力势,重力势 | gravitational potential difference 引力势差,重力势

gravitational potential:重力势

gravitational moment 重力矩 | gravitational potential 重力势 | gravitational prospecting 重力勘探

gravitational potential well:重力势阱

gravitational potential 重力势 | gravitational potential well 重力势阱 | gravitational radiation 重力辐射

idiostatic method:同势差连接法

符号,表意字 ideograph | 同势差连接法 idiostatic method | 国际重力测量委员会 IGC

equipotential surface of gravity:重力等势面

equipotential surface || 等位面,等势面,等电位面 | equipotential surface of gravity || 重力等势面 | equipotential winding || 均压绕组(直流电机的)