英语人>词典>汉英 : 重伤 的英文翻译,例句
重伤 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

serious injury · severe wound
更多网络例句与重伤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The serious health right and life right is not the object of the affray Crime.


He was badly wounded in the war and still be ars the scars.


One of my worst experiences was that I was assaulted [8] with a baseball bat.


He is the author of an only tripple double in the regular season of BBL this year.


Another shell struck Aoba's bridge and Vice Admiral Goto mortally wounded, Furutaka was also in trouble being hit, as was Murakumo, it was the turn of the IJN to be on the wrong end of the gunfire tonight.


Badly hurt and almost lost several fingers because a belt sander was only made for a right-handed user.


Boniface won the battle tactically but was mortally wounded and died a few months later.


He was seriously injured after a fight with General Grievous on Boz Pity.


It is a defamation of Islam. It is defamation of our social culture, heritage of 10,000 years. I strongly condemn it.


This paper has the opinions that the criminal's state of mind can be deliberate intention or unpremeditation, the term "victim" should be strictly interpreted as the property holder or someone has special relationship with the property holder, the relation between robbery and "serious wounds and death" should be direct relation, the judicial interpretion released by the Suprem Court is also analyzed in this paper but it's believed that it's not reasonable and scientific, the ceasing state of "serious wounds and death caused by robbery" should take the criminal's state of mind and other factors into consideration.


更多网络解释与重伤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

grievous bodily harm:重伤

种族特异性 species specificity | 重伤 grievous bodily harm | 重金属 heavy metal

grievous bodily injury:重伤

Griess solution 格里斯试剂 | grievous bodily injury 重伤 | Griffin mill 格里芬磨碎机

catch hell:<美口>遭毁坏, 受重伤

*Catch as catch can 用一切办法 | *Catch hell 遭毁坏, 受重伤 | Catch some z's 小寐一番

catch hell:遭毁坏, 受重伤

catch hell | 使人受罪 挨痛骂 受严惩 | catch hell | 遭毁坏, 受重伤> | catch his eye | 引起他的注意

Inflict Serious Wounds:造成重伤

造成致命伤 Inflict Critical Wounds 245 | 造成重伤 Inflict Serious Wounds 246 | 造成轻伤 Inflict Light Wounds 245


machete大砍刀 | maim残害,使重伤(残) | mangle乱切,乱砍,弄伤(血肉模糊)


maim残害,使重伤(残) | maimed残废的,受重伤的 | maimer残害者

was mortally wounded:颈和腰受重伤致死

提出来审议 was mooted | 颈和腰受重伤致死 was mortally wounded | 大部分转口往内地发售 was mostly for re-export to the mainland

one severely:其中一人重伤

... by an IED. They got one killed, two wounded,|(陆战队总部,伊拉克,拉马迪) ...是土制炸弹,一死二伤 | one severely.|其中一人重伤 | I don't want any more Marines killed.|我不想再有陆战队员死亡了

The guy's seriously traumatised. Classic shell shock:他确实受过重伤,炮弹休克

- He doesn't seem traumatised. - Nah, he's just like that.|-他看起来不像... | The guy's seriously traumatised. Classic shell shock.|他确实受过重伤,炮弹休克 | Oh, my God. Can I just go hug him?|天啊,好想...