英语人>词典>汉英 : 里面的 的英文翻译,例句
里面的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inner  ·  within

更多网络例句与里面的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inside the balls, you can have a bird's eye view of the city.


" We have a whale whose condition has deteriorated rapidly over the last 24 hours and who now experts are telling us is suffering, and we've had to make the hard decision to euthanize the whale," Barnes told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

在这句里的 de-te-ri-o-rate 这个字,一定要边拼、边背,才背的起来,还有发音一定要发清楚,尤其是里面的 rio ,只要整个字发音念清楚,自然就记起来了。

Sorry, I did not make my question clear. So I guess you meant the small speculators in the attachedchart is dumb money, and the commercial/hedger is the smart one? Then what's the role of largetrader in the play?

比如我口袋里面的钱,别看我傻,它却是smart money,它会自己从我的口袋里哧溜跑到别人的口袋里,飞走了我还不知道它用什么办法走的,你说它聪明不?

So I guess you meant the small speculators in the attachedchart is dumb money, and the commercial/hedger is the smart one? Then what's the role of largetrader in the play?

比如我口袋里面的钱,别看我傻,它却是smart money,它会自己从我的口袋里哧溜跑到别人的口袋里,飞走了我还不知道它用什么办法走的,你说它聪明不?

The boy and his five-year-old sister were playing in what they thought was a broken machine at a Laundromat .


From the nursery rhyme.'There was a crooked man, Who had a crookedsmile, Who lived in a shoe, For a... while...


Vera's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute in the town of Ulyanovsk,near where she lives, in April she was given to a series of tests by special commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federal Republic.

够长的一句话吧,静下心来,and,又见and,括号里面的and是并列句子的,而中括号里面的"strange still"是不是让你想起前面说的那个also,同样这里有个"During these test"来联系前后两句话。同样的不着痕迹的天衣无缝。

You in the shower, butchering the score to "Brigadoon."


Naked, I shook my sock in the air so it would extinguish while my semen splashed out all over my room. FML

于是我光着身子把袜子甩到天上试着扑灭上面的火苗,于此同时里面的JY洒得我满屋子到处都是 FML

The exhibit has several examples of the "Center Diamond" pattern quilt. One "Center Diamond" quilt has a deep blue diamond with a green border inside a red square on a purple background.


更多网络解释与里面的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



That's My Name--Leo Bowwow:很喜欢..里面的YOYOYO的感觉~~而且是个孩子唱道

You Don't Wanna Know--Mario Winans ft.Enya & P.Diddy Oh~~个则三人合作... | That's My Name--Leo Bowwow 很喜欢..里面的YOYOYO的感觉~~而且是个孩子唱道~>.< | We Belong Together--Mariah Carey 朋友的推荐..蛮不...




aftermost 最后面的 | inmost 最里面的 | outmost 最外面的

还喜欢里面的Jemima的扮演者:Veerle Casteleyn

You'll understand what happiness is你将明瞭快乐的意义 | Look! A new day has begun看!新的一天已经来临 | 还喜欢里面的Jemima的扮演者 Veerle Casteleyn


最近的美国动画片里的反派,比如飞出个未来(futurama)里面的"老妈"(Mom),阿辛一家(The Simpson's)里的守财奴,变形金刚(transformer)里的威震天megatron,等等

on the other side of the wall.|LaDonna:就在墙那面的房间里

There was a wall here and LaDonna's in the room|这儿有面墙 | on the other side of the wall.|LaDonna就在墙那面的房间里 | And Jessica kept saying, "Where is she?"|Jessica不断地问 "她在哪儿?"

Ron Ng:里面的NG是代表什么意思? 男子英文名

Ron NG里面的NG是代表什么意思? 男子英文名 | Aaron, 艾伦, 希伯来 巍然的高山;受神启示的. | Abbott, 艾布特 希伯来 父信的;伟大的精神.

Sprint Speed:启动速度-------[类似实况里面的top speed ]

ACCELERATION 加速度 | SPRINT SPEED 启动速度-------[类似实况里面的top speed ] | AGILITY 敏捷度

Unit11 A visit to the park of opposites:游览对面的公园

● Unit10 Numbers in our lives 数字在我们的生活里 | ● Unit11 A visit to the park of opposites 游览对面的公园 | ● Unit12 I like paper-folding Lessons. 我喜欢折纸课