英语人>词典>汉英 : 里外 的英文翻译,例句
里外 的英文翻译、例句


inside and outside
更多网络例句与里外相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acedia to the life Tan Tierong is afraid of the family of poverty of be a burden on, run away from home to answer a county to the grand of 10 more than inside and outside 6 on stockaded village town, support kin and government aid financially the life to his.


The nearest parking space was half a mile away, and then, to add insult to injury, it began to pour.


At 05:30, we arrived at the War Aerodrome , which is 15 kilometers outside of Berlin .

在凌晨五点半,我们抵达了距柏林15公里外的War Aerodrome。

LADY AUDLEY went from the garden to the library, a pleasant oak-panelled homely apartment in which Sir Michael liked to sit reading or writing, or arranging the business of his estate with his steward, a stalwart countryman, half agriculturalist, half lawyer, who rented a small farm a few miles from the Court.


Tiwi' is the name for the people and the language of Bathurst and Melville Islands, eighty kilometers north east of Darwin.

" Tiwi "是一个共有的人名,也是位于 Darwin 地区东北部8公里外的,巴瑟斯特和梅尔维尔岛的使用语言。

One mile away, the hulking albino named Silas limped through the front gate of the luxurious brownstone residence on Rue La Bruyère.


CHAPTER 2 One mile away, the hulking albino named Silas limped through the front gate of the luxurious brownstone residence on Rue La Bruyère.


Seow delights in using Lee's own words to demonstrate his capriciousness and duplicity.


"On another occasion," continued Steiner in still lower tones, Leonide got her tenor down to Montauban. She was living in the Chateau de Beaurecueil, two leagues farther off, and she used to come in daily in a carriage and pair in order to visit him at the Lion d'Or, where he had put up.


We are not utopians, at least not in this generation, but our village, set as it is in the midst of six hundred acres of dense forest at the end of a consummately discreet road some forty miles from the city, has fostered, we like to think, a closeness and uniformity of outlook that you wouldn't find in some of the newer developments built right up to the edges of the malls, gallerias, and factory outlets that surround them.


更多网络解释与里外相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blue jeans:蓝色牛仔

Now that truly is sad.|真悲哀 | Blue Jeans?|蓝色牛仔? | Meet us at the house. Just about a mile up the road.|到家见 就在一英里外


要了詹二性命的,是一种被称为"射石炮"(Bombard)的早期大炮. 炮原有一对,是1457年他老婆的叔叔勃艮第公爵匪力捕送给他的,1449年造于弗兰德的蒙斯(Mons,现属比利时),口径496毫米,长4米,全重5080公斤,能将150公斤的石头弹丸发射到3~4公里外,


在最近的五年里,博纳维尔(Bonneville)电力管理局的工程控制技术科在其他部门的支持下,建立了一个电力系统控制中心. 这个中心的宗旨是监控5300英里外的BPA高压传输网,控制7000兆瓦的联邦发电厂,并且检测系统状态的异常变化.

You can hear a foghorn miles away:你可以听到几里外的雾角声

And so still by the dock 甲板上如此寂静 | You can hear a foghorn miles away 你可以听到几里外的雾角声 | And in that quiet of death 在这死寂中


lsjm 孪生姐妹 | lud. 拉登 | lwbr 里外不是人

Mount Olympus:奥林匹斯山

也是地中海地区最重要的贸易和交通枢纽中心. 它面朝大海的城市中心,沿途有很多时髦的咖啡馆、餐馆、装饰华丽、奢侈. 在天气晴朗的日子,从这里,您可以看到奥林匹斯山(Mount Olympus),希腊的众神之家,80公里外的Thermaic海湾.


H-1致力于成为设计师的安静后花园,与之邻近的另一个通洛购物区"游乐场"(Playground)正向全城前卫人士招手,邀来感受时尚脉搏. 听说"游乐场"举办玩具展,今年20岁的设计系学生吞姆(Tum)乘公共汽车从十几里外赶来. 二楼大厅,


反过来说,预备好与撒但争战的人,却不逞匹夫之勇,他会要求自己里外如一,结出与悔改相称的果子;同时又因自己亦尝透陷溺罪恶的苦果,就更是随时预备好要向人见证福音的大能与人同得福音的好处,他这种"常预备好的状态"(preparedness)就正是 hetoimasia 的意思,

uneven length of plackets:里外襟长短,[粤]长短筒

uneven dying 染色不均匀 | uneven length of plackets 里外襟长短,[粤]长短筒 | uneven length of sleeves 左右袖长不等,[粤]长短袖

uneven length of plackets:里外襟长短

uneven dying 染色不均匀 | uneven length of plackets 里外襟长短, | uneven length of sleeves 左右袖长不等,