英语人>词典>汉英 : 采煤工作面 的英文翻译,例句
采煤工作面 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

stoping face
更多网络例句与采煤工作面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the back-alley in the coal face when the machine goes to reprint its arch bridge and all of the aircraft ended the lap belt conveyor stack of position limits, a retractable belt conveyor shortened ride Next length of the belt conveyor for the development of the shift to home-unloading nose reproduced below, can be reproduced with the face of the advance goes forward.


Inthe back-alley in the coal face when the machine goes to reprintits arch bridge and all of the aircraft ended the lap belt conveyorstack of position limits, a retractable belt conveyor shortenedride Next length of the belt conveyor for the development of theshift to home-unloading nose reproduced below, can be reproducedwith the face of the advance goes forward.


The research results indicate that (1) fault-failure-type water inrush occurs more often than floor-failure-type water inrush under the existence of normal fault;(2) the influence of fault step and dip angle on the feature and position of water inrush is not evident, and water inrush may occur at both coal layer and the floor near working face;(3) the distance of coal column for preventing water inrush should be increased with the increase of fault step and dip angle.


Weaving excavate and grub supersedure plan is means of dealing with connection of excavate and grub in mine production, and is chief and basal work.


Especially, when local fans are unwatched, it will bring coal mine potential safety hazard.


This design on the main Nanshan coal mine methane drainage occurrence, the necessity and feasibility, drainage methods to determine the expected effect, as well as drainage, etc; and the elaboration of natsun mines in accordance with specific parameters on mine, some of the roadway and workface, drivage workface for gas drainage.


The Da'anshan coal mine already entered the deep mining stage, Geologic structure is complex by the fold geologic structure primarily in the Minefield, the mining coal working surface and the tunnel impact geostatic pressure occurs frequently, but so far has not conducted the system research.


The paper selected 10 sample faces which have different features and havebeen finished minning, then evaluate the risk in the faces with the evaluateprogram write with Matlab to test the model.


Water pump station is mainly applied in the mist spray and aspirating of coal cutter.


On a coal face of horizontal slice of steep seam ,the combination of ∏ type built-up roof beam and individual hydraulic support is regarded as key support.


更多网络解释与采煤工作面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cocked position:准备击发位置

cock 旋塞;小龙头;扳机 | cocked position 准备击发位置 | cockermeg 采煤工作面临时支柱

cocked position:预备击发位置

cock 旋塞;小龙头;扳机 | cocked position 预备击发位置 | cockermeg 采煤工作面临时支柱


cockermeg 采煤工作面临时支柱 | cocking 击发 | cockle 皱纹

main road haulage:大巷运输

采煤工作面 coal face | 大巷运输 main road haulage | 电溜子 conveyer


cocked position 准备击发位置 | cockermeg 采煤工作面临时支柱 | cocking 击发

coal-bearing series:含煤岩系

采煤工作面,煤壁 coal wall | 含煤岩系 coal-bearing series | 接合冲积扇 coalescing alluvial fan

working face locomotive:采掘面机车

working face ==> 工作面,生产工作面,采掘面,采煤工作面,作用面=>運転面,作業面 | working face locomotive ==> 采掘面机车 | working field ==> 工作现场

coal working face:采煤工作面

综采工作面:fully machinized coal face | 采煤工作面:coal working face | 综采工作面:Full mechanized coal face

coalface:煤层截面 采煤工作面

coalexploration 煤田勘探 | coalface 煤层截面 采煤工作面 | coalfacemachinery 采煤工作面机械