英语人>词典>汉英 : 采取行动 的英文翻译,例句
采取行动 的英文翻译、例句


take action · take an action
更多网络例句与采取行动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Cymbeline, in Othello he is bawd and cuckold. He acts and is acted on.


The state of our economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act...


A San Jose councilwoman and a San Francisco supervisor said they would propose local initiatives aimed at controlling electronic waste if the California law-making body fails to act on two bills stalled in the Assembly. CET-6, 2005.1 passage 2, paragraph 2


Assuming no Chinese deus ex machina appears, the administration will be left with diplomacy.


Once the Fed started raising interest rates, China will sooner or later we will take action, but have to wait for U.S. rate hike for some time before raising interest rates, that is to say, the Chinese have to wait for the RMB and U.S. dollar interest rates narrowed the gap further until after the action, so as to avoid high rate spreads increased "hot money" inflows.


A delay of merely 20 years in taking action would see a lot of damage to the Earth's current climate, meaning action should be taken as soon as possible.


We therefore had no choice but to act as we did, and to act forthwith.


We are gonna do many for cuts because we have to,but the only way you are gonna get a treaty that is passible in United States Senate,is going to have global participation,all countries will have to do something,we can define diffirent rates ,diffirent levels, diffirent layers ,but it's gotta be measurable,reportable,and verifiable,and in the end there is got to be real actions that other countries are taking,so that no one is feeling they are doing things,but some other countries out there undoing everything they are doing.


So far, Jean-Claude Trichet, president, has not acted to correct such expectations, although he could if he felt markets were misjudging the bank's likely actions.

迄今为止,欧洲央行行长让-克洛德·特里谢(Jean-Claude Trichet)还没有采取行动纠正此类预期,尽管在他认为市场错误判断了欧洲央行可能采取的措施时,他可以采取行动

How is collective action brought about? This perennial question has been approached from different angles. Structuralists insist that structure is the source of collective action, that structure gives rise to ideology which in turn determines collective action. Utilitarians maintain that only the community with shared benefits can engender collective action, and rational individuals may throw collective action into predicament. Constructionists are of the opinion that people act on the basis of the meanings derived from social construction, and that social mobilization is needed for such collective action.


更多网络解释与采取行动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

take action:采取行动

转变过程的第三步是采取行动(Take Action)来弥补差 距-你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的人之间的差距,现在你如何管理精力和你想如 何管理精力来完成你所肩负的使命之间的差距.这个环节包括以积极的精力仪式为基础制定 个人发展计划.我们现有的一些习惯很好,

take action:采取行动;提出诉讼

take aback 使吃惊,使吓一跳 | take action 采取行动;提出诉讼 | take advantage of 趁...之机,利用

take action:开始行动; 采取行动(in); 提出诉讼

fit the action to the word 怎样说就怎样做, 说到做到 | take action 开始行动; 采取行动(in); 提出诉讼 | Action stations! [口]大家作好准备!

actionless:不采取行动的, 静止不动的

furidazol 麦穗宁 | actionless 不采取行动的, 静止不动的 | offset plate 胶印版


actionist 行动主义者 | actionless 不采取行动的 | Actions speak louder than words. 行动比语言更响亮.

bring into action:采取行动

bring to a halt 使停止 | bring into action 采取行动 | catch one's breath 喘息

It's time for a move, Lucian.|-Terry Allen's first Division is bogged down east of Torino:该采取行动了,卢西恩. |泰瑞.艾伦的第一师在托里诺以东受阻

That is reserved for the ... | -It's time for a move, Lucian.|-Terry Allen's first Division is bogged down east of Torino.|该采取行动了,卢西恩. |泰瑞.艾伦的第一师在托里诺以东受阻. | You're bogged down...

act in cold blood:采取冷酷无情的行动; 冷静地采取行动

act from instinct 出于本能行事 | act in cold blood 采取冷酷无情的行动; 冷静地采取行动 | act in collusion 一致行动

to take action:采取行动

action n.行动;动作 | to take action采取行动 | The time has come for action.行动的时间到了.

to take action:采取行动,提出诉讼

to go into action 行动起来;投入战斗 | to take action 采取行动,提出诉讼 | as the actress said to the bishop 用以表明前面所说的话有两种意义,引起注意,以免误解