英语人>词典>汉英 : 酸性糖化醪 的英文翻译,例句
酸性糖化醪 的英文翻译、例句


sour mash
更多网络例句与酸性糖化醪相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"In the U.S., the largest producer and consumer of whiskey , both straight (at least 51% single-mash) and blended whiskey s are produced, derived from both sour and sweet mashes."


"In the U.S., the largest producer and consumer of whiskey, both straight (at least 51% single-mash) and blended whiskeys are produced, derive d from both sour and sweet mashes."


"In the U.S., the largest producer and consumer of whiskey , Both straight (at least 51% single-mash) and Blended whiskeys are produced, derived from Both sour and sweet mashes."


"In the U.S., the largest producer and consumer of whiskey, both straight (at least 51% single- mash ) and blended whiskeys are produced, derived from both sour and sweet mash es."


Sour mashes are fermented with both fresh and previously fermented yeast; sweet mashes employ only fresh yeast.


Sour mash es are fermented with both fresh and previously fermented yeast; sweet mash es employ only fresh yeast.


Usually a sour mash is used; the mash is inoculated with a homolactic bacterium such as Lactobacillus delbrueckii, which can lower the mash pH to around 3.8 in 6 to 10 hours. This limits the development of undesirable organisms.


更多网络解释与酸性糖化醪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sour orange:酸橙苦橙

6. sour cream n. 酸奶油 | 7. sour mash 酸性糖化醪 | 8. sour orange 酸橙苦橙

made from fermented mash of grain:由捣碎的粮食发酵以后制成的酒

any whiskey distilled from sour mash. 从酸性糖化醪中蒸馏出来的威... | made from fermented mash of grain. 由捣碎的粮食发酵以后制成的酒 | The car has been badly mashed up in the accident.这辆汽车在事故中被...

any whiskey distilled from sour mash:从酸性糖化醪中蒸馏出来的威士忌

dry mash for poultry 喂家禽的干的混合饲料 | any whiskey distilled from sour mash. 从酸性糖化醪中蒸馏出来的威士忌 | made from fermented mash of grain. 由捣碎的粮食发酵以后制成的酒

sour mash:酸性糖化醪

6. sour cream n. 酸奶油 | 7. sour mash 酸性糖化醪 | 8. sour orange 酸橙苦橙