英语人>词典>汉英 : 酩酊大醉 的英文翻译,例句
酩酊大醉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

as drunk as a lord · under the table · go to bed in one's boots · be completely drunken · as drunk as a fiddler · be beastly drunk
更多网络例句与酩酊大醉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I couldn't understand what the man was saying; he was as drunk as a lord.


When we are drunk as a lord, our body will sink into sickness.


He died true to his character: drunk as a lord.


He gulped down one glass of whisky after another, and was as drunk as a lord in next to no time.


A drunkard is as drunk as a lord, without any personal consciousness.


When Archilochus, the first lyric poet of the Greeks, hurls both his frantic love and his contempt at the daughters of Lycambes, it is not his own passion that we see dancing before us in an orgiastic frenzy: we see Dionysus and the maenads, we see the drunken reveler Archilochus, sunk down in sleep--as Euripides describes him for us in the Bacchae, asleep on a high mountain meadow, in the midday sun--and now Apollo approaches him and touches him with his laurel.


The drunken old man had a fit of the blue devils last night, and was making a dreadful noise.


Merchant bankers recall that even in the 1970s plenty of City folk still took boozy three-hour lunches.


The juvenile outpourings, the cloying salutations, the exaggerated problems, and worst of all, the maudlin statements.


Letting go that soldier, who must, he thought, be drunk, Rostov stopped the horse of a groom or postillion of some personage of consequence, and began to cross-question him.


更多网络解释与酩酊大醉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

as drunk as a lord:酩酊大醉

as dark as night 漆黑 | as drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉 | as drunk as a sow 酩酊大醉

as drunk as a lord:[口]酩酊大醉

(as)drunk as a lord [口]酩酊大醉 | by the Lord Harry [废]真的; 我敢发誓 | First Lord of the Admiralty 英国海军大臣

as drunk as a lord:爛醉如泥,酩酊大醉 lord: 統治者;君主;貴族

as deaf as a post 全聾 | as drunk as a lord 爛醉如泥,酩酊大醉 lord: 統治者;君主;貴族 | as dry as a bone/dust 十分乾燥的,乾透的;口渴極了,口渴得要死;枯燥乏味

as drunk as a lord/fish:酩酊大醉

23. 車水馬龍 Traffic moves in an endless flow. | 24. 酩酊大醉 as drunk as a lord/fish | 25. 不三不四 offend good taste

Drunk as a lord:酩酊大醉

Drown your sorrows 借酒消愁 | *Drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉 | **Drunker than a peach orchard boar 酩酊大醉

Or stop by all those conchy tonks and get inebriated:或是酩酊大醉到被酒馆撵来撵去

But she better not be moving at the moving picture show.但... | Or stop by all those conchy tonks and get inebriated 或是酩酊大醉到被酒馆撵来撵去 | Ain't it all a caution, it's just simply complicated. ...

fuddle one's nose:酩酊大醉

follow one's nose 笔直走; 凭本能行事; 盲目行事 | fuddle one's nose 酩酊大醉 | get a bloody nose 受挫折, 受屈辱

fuddle one's cap:泥醉, 酩酊大醉

throw one's cap over will 不顾一切地干, 冒身败名裂的危险 | fuddle one's cap 泥醉, 酩酊大醉 | get one's cap [英]当选手

go to bed in one's boots:酩酊大醉

go to arms 诉诸武力 | go to bed in one's boots 酩酊大醉 | go to bed 上床

Drunker than a peach orchard boar:酩酊大醉

*Drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉 | **Drunker than a peach orchard boar 酩酊大醉 | Dry as a bone 干透的