英语人>词典>汉英 : 酒精成分高的 的英文翻译,例句
酒精成分高的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与酒精成分高的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With different culture background, formed two different ferment technology,course mixed ferment and pure-blood ferment, mixed ferment was provided with the quality of multiple strain accretion, enzyme system mutual complementarity, simplified equipment, suited to produce composition complexity and exigent flavour traditional zymolytic food of our country,pure——blood ferment had the quality of strain singleness,rare pollution, suited to produce composition singleness,exigent puritg alcohol and monosodium glutamate.


Barros and team conclude "Our results suggest that high adherence to Mediterranean diet and of its typical foods, such as fresh fruits and nuts, may reduce asthma severity in adults. They add:"Furthermore, the results reinforce the adverse effects of high intake on asthma control.Allergy 2008;


更多网络解释与酒精成分高的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


香水的定义:如果严格地界定的话,香水的定义是:淡香水 香水 区别以高纯度酒精来稀释香油混合物,香油成分约占18%至20%,用来稀释的酒精纯度约90%至95%这种比例的是香精(perfum又名extrait);如果混合物中比例低于上述,那么就归入"水"(eau)的类型了"水"有不同的浓度,

fusel oil:杂醇油

杂醇油(fusel oil)是碳原子数大于2的脂肪族醇类的总称,是一类高沸点化合物的混合物,主要成分是高级醇如:异戊醇(≥45%)、活性戊醇、丙醇、庚醇等. 酒精发酵过程中的生成途径: (1)氨基酸氧化脱氨作用:(2)有葡萄糖直接生成等


low-proof 酒精成分低的 | low-rise 不高的 | low-spirited 精神不振的

insect repellent:驱虫剂

空气清新剂"(double phase aerosol air freshener) 指液体成分分为两段或"蜡"(wax) 指一般含高分子量烃或高分子量酯的脂肪酸或酒精的物料或合成热塑性物"驱虫剂"(insect repellent) 指经设计施用於人体皮肤或毛发或穿戴於人身上的服饰,


ouble phase aerosol air freshener) 指液体成分分为两段或"蜡"(wax) 指一般含高分子量烃或高分子量酯的脂肪酸或酒精的物料或合成热塑性物"驱虫剂"(insect repellent) 指经设计施用於人体皮肤或毛发或穿戴於人身上的服饰,