英语人>词典>汉英 : 配子配合 的英文翻译,例句
配子配合 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Homothallic species may produce distinctly different sizes of gametes that can fuse with each other and are thus effectively hermaphrodite.


Either of two conjugating gametes that differ in structure or behavior, such as the small, motile male spermatozoon and the larger, nonmotile female ovum.


Either of two conjugating gametes that differ in structure or behavior,such as the small, motile male spermatozoon and the larger,non motile female ovum.


Self-pollination was brought as the essential reason for causing emptied seeds by former researchers. Based on those studies, potassium antimonate and electron microscopy were used to study the calcium distribution of pollens in the micropylar canal of self-pollinated and cross-pollinated ovules and morphological changes in certain cells undergoing programmed cell death from pollination to fertilization, and observation of histo-chemical changes during microgametopyte development was performed by paraffin section.


In the pump body installed a stator swing span and a swing span rotation shaft, the swing roller bearing on the stator swing span connects with an end of the stator mount, the other end of the stator mount connects with the stator; on the plunger connecting rod sliding boot installed a static pressure balance chamber, the holding rings are arranged on the two sides of the plunger connecting rod sliding boot which has a fit clearance with the holding rings; the rotor rotates the stator simultaneously via the plunger piston; the needle roller bearings are arranged on the two inner circles and fit with the port axle.


更多网络解释与配子配合相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anion 负离子 | anisogamete 异形配子 | anisogametism 异形配子配合


syngamy 配子配合 | syngamy 融合生殖,配子配合 | syngenesis 有性生殖


syngamous 配子配合的 | syngamy 配子配合 | syngenesis 有性生殖

anisogamous conjugation:异形配子接合

anisogamety 异形配子配合 | anisogamous conjugation 异形配子接合 | anisogamy 异配生殖


hologamete 全配偶子 | hologamy 整体配子 成体配合 配子大型 | hologastroschisis 腹壁全裂

macrogamy:成体配合 配子大型

macrogametocyte 大配子体 雌大配子体 | macrogamy 成体配合 配子大型 | macrogastria 巨胃 巨胃

merogamy:小体配合 配子小型

meroergasia 轻精神病 | merogamy 小体配合 配子小型 | merogenesis 卵裂

microgamy:小配子生殖 小体配合 配子小型

microgametogenesis 小配子发生 | microgamy 小配子生殖 小体配合 配子小型 | microgap 微间隙


syngameon 配子配合种 | syngamic 配子配合的 | syngamous 配子配合


syngamic 配子配合的 | syngamous 配子配合的 | syngamy 配子配合