英语人>词典>汉英 : 部落 的英文翻译,例句
部落 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hamlet  ·  tribe  ·  campong  ·  kampong  ·  hordes  ·  tribes

更多网络例句与部落相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The title is the block title and the description is the block content.

此模块会在 user profile 里加入两个字段,让有权线可以写部落格的使用者在里面填入部落格名称和描述,并把这些信息显示在一个区块里,此区块仅会在该使用者的部落格和部落格文章里显示。

Most crucial of all, by access and participation to digital archiving, indigenous people are empowered and have their voices to be heard. And we also find the importance of negotiation and interaction within or between tribes which will help the sustainable development of indigenous digital archiving.Keywords: Chiahsing tribe, cross-sector cooperation, empowerment, indigene, Paiwan, participation


We should expect to find that they would, out of respect to immemorial usage in the case of marriages within the tribe, celebrate even their intertribal marriages — though really brought about by sale and purchase — by such ceremonies as had been customary among them in marriages between members of the tribe.

那么现在让我们假定存在这样的部落,组织于我们将称为,因为缺乏一个更好的名称,异族结婚的原则之上——即部落内禁止结婚(prohibited marriage within the tribe)——那么其部落男人因此依赖于其他部落得到他们的妻子。

In the latter period of the primitive clan society, many tribes were scattered in the Yellow River valley, and the tribe headed by Huangdi was the most powerful with a fairly high culture.


We shall also find various circumstances common to exogamous tribes, and traceable in their case to the principle of exogamy, appearing more or less marked in the case of historical tribes which have used the form of capture, supporting the conclusion that such tribes had once been exogamous.


Over 300 units of residences, library and tribal classroom in Thao Tribe, Kadu Tribe,? Tan-nan Tribe, Yabish Trible, Teinhuw? Tribe were built.


At his attempt to seize the sun of the White Tribe,the prince of the Black Tribe is killed by the prince of the White Tribe Alu.


In 1980, a 17-year-old youth of one the clans, named Babur, disappeared while travelling through Pakistan with members of the other; then in 1992, a 60-year-old shepherd of the second clan was found murdered, allegedly killed with an axe by an uncle of Babur.


In 1980, a 17-year-old youth of one the clans, named Babur, disappeared while travelling through Pakistan with members of the other; then in 1992, a 60-year-old shepherd of the second clan was found murdered, allegedly killed with an axe by an uncle of Babur.

这次会议是为了解决西迪奎哈伊勒的两个游牧部落之间的争端而召开的,西迪奎哈伊勒是强大的普什图-艾哈迈德扎伊族的一个亚族( sub-tribe )1980年,其中一个部落的一位名叫的17岁年青人在同另一个部落的人一起环巴基斯坦旅行时失踪;后来到1992年,人们发现后一个部落的一名60岁的牧羊人被谋杀,据说是被巴布尔某个叔叔用大斧子杀死的。

After Kenyatta's death in 1978, his former vice-president, Daniel arap Moi, continued this system of patronage, authoritarian rule and personal family enrichment, while tilting the centre of gravity of power away from the Kikuyu to a much smaller cluster of Kalenjin-speaking tribes, of which his own Tugen people is one of the smallest.


更多网络解释与部落相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blog:博客 部落格

博客 部落格(blog)其实是台湾的说法 像SHE的有一首歌也有提到部落格(blog)个人的小网站 跟QQ空间也类似 ,一些名人门也会用部落格(blog)来与影迷大众聊天交流

Tribal Hauberk:部落鎖甲 部落鍊衫

Ceremonial Robes 典禮長袍 儀式長袍 | Tribal Hauberk 部落鎖甲 部落鍊衫 | Ikeyen's Pauldrons 伊奇言的護肩 伊奇言的肩鎧


bozyueMM: 秦兽部落十二花神--秦之如梦醉 | seething: 秦兽部落十二花神--秦之飘红泪 | kathleen: 秦兽部落十二花神--秦之凌波舞


bozyueMM: 秦兽部落十二花神--秦之如梦醉 | seething: 秦兽部落十二花神--秦之飘红泪 | kathleen: 秦兽部落十二花神--秦之凌波舞


transcendentalism 超验主义 | tribalism 部落习性/意识/主义;部落制度 | triumphalism 耀武扬威;扬扬得意


tribalism 部落的特征 | tribalism 部落根性 | tribalism 部落


"部落"(tribe)是共同行动而团结起来的简单集团,非血缘关系的连接纽带也同样可以形成"部落",如年龄阶团、武士社团和仪典社团之类的非血缘团体等. 福街现代"商人部落"1997年兴起之时,福区地方政府机构还没有进入"北埗岭"地区,

tribesman:部落成员; 部落男子; 同宗族的人 (名)

tribe 部落, 部族 (名) | tribesman 部落成员; 部落男子; 同宗族的人 (名) | tribeswoman 部落之女人 (名)

tribeswoman:部落之女人 (名)

tribesman 部落成员; 部落男子; 同宗族的人 (名) | tribeswoman 部落之女人 (名) | triboluminescence 摩擦发光 (名)


2.Joomla 部落格工具 | 3.Drupal 部落格工具 | 28.Blog Monetization 部落格賺錢術