英语人>词典>汉英 : 那很好 的英文翻译,例句
那很好 的英文翻译、例句


tant mieux
更多网络例句与那很好相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you're thinking, that's good, I admire you.


Fernando Alonso: Yeah, it was good, I think it was good for everybody.


To begin with , are you ready to make us an offer for your canned fruits?


That's OK and that's the beauty of capitalism.


That's good, because I'm feeling very horny tonight.


Now, let me first say that if you are a night owl, and that works for you, I think that's great.


After these Ceremonies past, and after all his good things were brought into my little Apartment, we began to consult what was to be done with the Prisoners we had; for it was worth considering, whether we might venture to take them away with us or no, especially two of them, who we knew to be incorrigible and refractory to the last Degree; and the Captain said, he knew they were such Rogues, that there was no obliging them, and if he did carry them away, it must be in Irons, as Malefactors to be delivered over to Justice at the first English Colony he could come at; and I found that the Captain himself was very anxious about it.


A:That's good. Let me know when the pain becomes unbearable, so we can give you something to relieve it.


A: That's good. Let me know when the pain becomes unbearable, so we can give you something to relieve it.


After some time, I came thither dress'd in my new Habit, and now I was call'd Governour again; being all met, and the Captain with me, I caused the Men to be brought before me, and I told them, I had had a full Account of their villanous Behaviour to the Captain, and how they had run away with the Ship, and were preparing to commit farther Robberies, but that Providence had ensnar'd them in their own Ways, and that they were fallen into the Pit which they had digged for others.


更多网络解释与那很好相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in my family's box. Yeah, that's good. That's good. Don't tell her you saw that dvd:在我家里 - 哦 那很好啊 别跟她说你看过DVD了

and I figured she might like some c... | in my family's box. Yeah, that's good. That's good. Don't tell her you saw that dvd,|- 在我家里 - 哦 那很好啊 别跟她说你看过DVD了 | though, 'cause I-I pointed i...

I've never been there but it is, by all accounts, a lovely place:我从来没去过那个地方, 人家都说那地方很好

1) by/from all accounts according to what has... | I've never been there but it is, by all accounts, a lovely place. 我从来没去过那个地方, 人家都说那地方很好. | 2) by one's own account according to wha...

I've never been there but it is, by all accounts, a lovely place:我从没去过那个地方,人家都说那地方很好

I've never been there but it is, by all accounts, a lovely place. 我从没去过那个地方,人家都说那地方很好. | 13 by one's own account 据某人自己所说 | 14 accuse sb of cheating 谴责某人欺诈

He can do with that thing well:他能很好地处理那件事

do with处理,对待;想要,需要;容忍,忍受: | He can do with that thing well. 他能很好地处理那件事. | What are we to do with this naughty boy? 我们该怎样对等这个顽皮的孩子呢?

Not at all. You sounded controlled, even-handed, statesmanlike:完全没有 您把握得很好 很无私 很有政客风范

It didn't sound too arrogant or self-serving?|听起来不会傲慢 像是在自说自话... | Not at all. You sounded controlled, even-handed, statesmanlike.|完全没有 您把握得很好 很无私 很有政客风范 | Good.|那就好

Well, that's great:那很好

Yeah.|没错 | Well, that's great.|那很好 | Maybe you can persuade them to go along with you.|也许你可以说服他们和你一起走

No, that's OK:我了解你这种罪犯 - 不不不 那很好

If you want to stay at the dirty impound, fin... | - I understand you criminal types. - No, no, no, no. That's OK.|- 我了解你这种罪犯 - 不不不 那很好 | - Yeah, the Cozy Cone. - [Sally] It's newly refur...

Good! Very good:很好 - 非常好

Good.|很好 | - Good. - Very good.|- 很好 - 非常好 | So, you're, uh, finished with your psychic work?|那,你,呃,已经做完了 法术?

He just got back from a four-month trek in the Andes. Nice fella:那家伙去安地斯山四个月才刚回国,他人很好

Danny just moved in.|丹尼刚搬到楼... | He just got back from a four-month trek in the Andes. Nice fella.|那家伙去安地斯山四个月才刚回国,他人很好 | He's nice. You know, you always...|什么人很好...每次我...

it would be kind of nice to have someone to escort me to the chess club socials:有人护送我去国际棋会那会是很好的

Well...|恩- | ...it would be kind of nice to have someone to escort me to the chess club socials.|有人护送我去国际棋会那会是很好的 | That's the spirit.|那是一种精神