英语人>词典>汉英 : 避难所 的英文翻译,例句
避难所 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abri  ·  grith  ·  harbor  ·  harborage  ·  harboring  ·  harbour  ·  haven  ·  home  ·  refuge  ·  sanctuary  ·  shelter  ·  harbored  ·  harbors  ·  harboured  ·  havened  ·  havening  ·  havens  ·  homed  ·  homes  ·  refuged  ·  refuges  ·  refuging  ·  sanctuaries  ·  sheltering  ·  shelters  ·  asylums

tornado cellar
更多网络例句与避难所相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Silence is the universal refuge, the sequel to all dull discourse and all foolish acts, a balm to our every chagrin, as welcome after satiety as after disappointment; that background which the painter may not daub, be he master or bungler, and which, however awkward a figure we may have made in the foreground, remains ever our inviolable asylum, where no indignity can assail, no personality can disturb us.


A predator model with refuge and toxicity is studied. By constructing a suitable Dulac function, it is shown that there is no limit cycle in the first quadrant, thus the globally stability of the equilibrium is proved. Further more, the paper analyzes the influence of refuge, toxicity and harvesting. It is amazing that ① if the death rate of predator is big or the harvesting effort is big, the existence of the predator is unrelated with refuge; if the death rate of predator and the harvesting effort are small, and the refuge is small enough, the population of both species is increased as the increase of refuge;② if d2=0, the increase of d1 has no influence on the prey population, while the population of predator is decreased.


Rotary shelter boxes and RIPP Glen Kinross' low cost shelter program might help to provide a temporary and quick fix.

扶轮社的避难屋与RIPP Glen Kinross 的低价避难所计画案,可能是有帮助於提供短暂并且迅速的解决方案。

The refugia of Croomia in China concentrated on Mt. Tianmushan and Mt. Huangshan.


Shelter Winds of 200 km per hour levelled over 90 per cent of all animal shelters.


Personally, even with the May 27th pole shift date come and gone, we are continuing preparations - we have added to our freeze dried food and seed stores and we now have multiple systems to collect water, store water, purify water and heat water and are currently working on the bicycle powered air infiltration system to our shelter as well as have added two 4 x 10 solar panels to the shelter roof to produce water, have purchased two 120 photovotaic panels to make electricity with along with a charge controller and deep cycle RV batteries, and now have a bicycle generator ( a really nice unit found at www.windstreampower.com ) to produce electricity should there be no sun along with two 12VDC to 120V invertors for running small appliances and even the washing machine.

就个人而言,即使2003年5月27日---极移的日期来了又溜走,我们还是在继续做准备----我们已经增加了冷冻干食品和种子的储存量,并且有了收集,存储,净化和加热水的复合系统设备。我们现在正致力于为避难所建造由自行车供电的空气渗透系统,还在避难所的屋顶上加入了2个4x10的太阳控电板,以便制造出水源。我们也购买了两个120光生电池板和两个充电控制器,以及可多次循环使用的 RV 电池,用于供电。现在我们已有了自行车发电机(在 www.windstreampower.com 上发现的一个很不错的东西),没有阳光的时候用于发电。

This hypothesises that climate change associated with ice ages regularly shrinks and fragments the forest into isolated "refugia", which go their own merry evolutionary way.


The combined analysis with cpSSR and chloroplast non-coding gene sequences found that there were several disperse glacial refugia within species of Dipteronia,the main glacial refugia for species D.dyerana was its recent distribution southeastern-yunnan province,and with abroad distribution,the main glacial refugia of D.sinensis were Qinling mountains,Daba mountains,Funiu mountains, Wuling mountains and Shennongjia mountains.


The native grasses and weeds, the scattered patches of gorse, contended with one another for the possession of the scanty surface soil; they fought against the droughts of summer, the frosts of winter, and the furious gales which swept, with unbroken force, now from the [2] Atlantic, and now from the North Sea, at all times of the year; they filled up, as they best might, the gaps made in their ranks by all sorts of underground and overground animal ravagers.


When Mariam arrived at the Women for Afghan Women shelter in 2007, the group's lawyers took her case to family court.


更多网络解释与避难所相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


abreast 并肩地 | abri 避难所 | abridgable 可以删节的


薇诺娜最早引起人们关注的恋情是与约翰尼-德普(JohnnyDepp)的关系,随后又与摇滚乐队"灵魂避难所"(Soul Asylum)的主唱戴夫-皮尔纳(DavePirner)出双入对,近来的知名恋人则有马特-戴蒙(Matt Damon).


haptotropism /向触性/ | harborage /停泊处/避难所/ | harborless /无港的/无避难所的/

Vault Martyr:避难所受难者

Vault Guardian 避难所卫士 | Vault Martyr 避难所受难者 | Sentinel 哨兵

shelterless:没有避难所的; 没有保护的; 无所依靠的 (形)

sheltered industries 保护性工业 | shelterless 没有避难所的; 没有保护的; 无所依靠的 (形) | shelve 放置架子上, 搁置; 渐渐倾斜, 成斜坡 (动)


harborage /停泊处/避难所/ | harborless /无港的/无避难所的/ | harbortite /钠磷铝石/


避难区 shelter area | 避难所 shelters | 壳层 shenthing


harbour /澳/包庇/包藏/ | harbourage /停泊处/避难所/ | harbourless /无港的/无避难所的/

glacial refugia:避难所

花椒:Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxium | 避难所:glacial refugia | 冰期避难所:glacial refugia

glacial refugia:冰期避难所

避难所:glacial refugia | 冰期避难所:glacial refugia | 冰醋酸:Glacial acetic acid