英语人>词典>汉英 : 遮门 的英文翻译,例句
遮门 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
shutter  ·  shuttered  ·  shutters

更多网络例句与遮门相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I bought an awning to go over the doorway.


To form an ulcer .I bought an awning to go over the doorway.


The grisly relics are being sold at the horror attraction as part of a new feature on the 17th century Newgate Gaol.

这惊人 e5遗骸块共贩卖,用号这恐怖 e5吸引力,成做一款新花样 e5一部分,伫17世纪新门监狱遮。

When Deng Ken dance arrives before him, blow again destroyed a candle, should blowing destroy the 2nd when, horror of the block austral Deng must call up phonate, from the chair start comes, seize the door and go.


A rooflike structure, often made of canvas or plastic, that serves as a shelter, as over a storefront, window, door, or deck.

遮 篷,雨篷,布篷一种顶状的结构物,一般由粗帆布或塑料制成,作为遮蔽,用于沿街铺面、窗子、门或甲板的上面

A rooflike structure,often made of canvas or plastic,that serves as a shelter,as over a storefront,window,door,or deck.


For example, Keats "merciless Called" come and go without a trace of the unknown woman, Merimee's Carmen, the戈蒂耶la克利奥佩Qu, Flaubert's Salammbo, and Sri Lanka and D'annunzio Swinburne (1863-1938) described some of the female characters.


更多网络解释与遮门相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


canopy 顶棚,天棚 | awning (窗/门上的)遮蓬 | shutters 百叶窗


doorshield 炉门遮板 | doorsill 门槛 | doorspringlocks 弹簧锁


大约在公元前1500年,阿育吠陀医学分化为两个学派:阿提耶----内科学派和昙梵陀利(Dhanvantari)----外科学派,从而使其成为一门更加系统化的科学.这两大学派编写了阿育吠陀医学的两本主要著作----<<遮罗迦集>>(Caraka Samhita)与<<妙