英语人>词典>汉英 : 遗腹 的英文翻译,例句
遗腹 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与遗腹相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The After Effects: spine stiffness, angular arch anti-sheets, spine pain, mental disorders, pediatric shock chisel-yang things do not move, fine cold thin-ching, nocturnal emission, women Shaofu bulge Leng Tong, Gong cold sterility, Yaoxisuanruan , tongue pale, pulse weak and evil committed Du channel can be expressed as trismus, headache, limb convulsion, delirium is a very, fever, white or yellow moss


更多网络解释与遗腹相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

填迟...的日期(反)antedate提前写:postdate postdate

postal postal service邮政服务 | postdate postdate 填迟...的日期(反)antedate提前写 | posthumous posthumous死后的,遗腹


postal service邮政服务 | postdate 填迟...的日期(反)antedate提前写 | posthumous死后的,遗腹

postdate postdate:填迟...的日期(反)antedate提前写

postal postal service邮政服务 | postdate postdate 填迟...的日期(反)antedate提前写 | posthumous posthumous死后的,遗腹

posthumous child:遗腹子女

post-dated passport 预盖日期护照 | posthumous child 遗腹子女 | post-register 补办登记

posthumously:死后的, 身后的, 作者死后出版的, 遗腹的

? Keep dreams alive:让梦想继续; | ? Posthumously:死后的, 身后的, 作者死后出版的, 遗腹的; | ? Malignant brain tumor:恶心脑肿瘤;