英语人>词典>汉英 : 遗产税 的英文翻译,例句
遗产税 的英文翻译、例句


death duty · death tax · estate duty · estate tax · inheritance tax · succession duty · legacy duty · inheritance taxes · death duties
更多网络例句与遗产税相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Days after Mr Brown's embarrassing retreat from an election, his chancellor announced measures that will enable more married couples and civil partners to pay lower death duties.


Article said that China real estate exist "4" basin, the policy of "Basin"(negative profits, low tax, duty drawback, Blue India accounts Policy Focus), the interest rate "basin", taxation "Basin"(China not only low-tax and tax incomplete, no property tax, Trading income tax and inheritance tax, foreign Housing developed secondary trading value of the tax is generally 20% more serious bubble may upgrade to 50% or even higher, and some countries have also adopted a progressive tax to curb speculation) and the exchange rate "Basin"(short term appreciation of the existence of the Chinese exchange rate pressure, the international money watching), coupled with the love and structure of local government too low, leading to the coastal cities of residential living functional serious alienation and distortions residential speculation run wild.


A customhouse certificate providing for the payment of a drawback .


Re is only one thing to top these two calamities: the combination of both: Death + duty = estate tax.


There is only one thing to top these two calamities: the combination of both: Death + duty=estate tax.

只有一件事情比死亡和纳税更不幸,那就是 www.8ttt8.com 死亡与纳税相结合的产物——遗产税

This article by discussing the inheritance tax system, historical background and modern development, and described the inheritance tax system, the status of countries in the world and our inheritance in the history and development of the thesis focused on analyzing the inheritance tax system in the countries, as well as the development of our country , focused on the possibility of China's levy of estate duty, just under the market economy should be liable to estate duty should not put forward a personal view, with a view to benefit the development of China's inheritance system.


Recently on inheritance tax in China is about to rumors everywhere, and even said that "the draft Regulations on Estate Duty" has been submitted to the State Council.


The hue and cry about death duties is all the more puzzling since they affect few people.


The article is composed of four parts. The first part is the theory analysis of the inheritance tax, including to the concept of the estate tax, basic theoretical school and their special features.


Nowadays,the conditions have met needs of levying heritage tax,So levying it is necessary in our country.


更多网络解释与遗产税相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

death duty:遗产税

customs duties 关税 | death duty 遗产税 | deed tax 契税

death duty:遗产税, 继承税

death certificate 死亡证明书 | death duty 遗产税, 继承税 | death house 死囚行刑前的监房; 死人的房子

death duty, death tax:遗产税

human rights, rights of man 人权 | death duty, death tax 遗产税 | attorney general 首席检查官,检查长

death duty, death tax:遗产税Wug中国学习动力网

human rights, rights of man 人权Wug中国学习动力网 | death duty, death tax 遗产税Wug中国学习动力网 | royalties 版税Wug中国学习动力网

death duty;succession duty:遗产税

移居的国家/adopted country | 遗产税/death duty;succession duty | 已暴露身份的间谍/blown spy

death duty Death tax,estate tax:遗产税

300 猪 pig hog | 101 遗产税 death duty Death tax,estate tax | 102 除雾器 demister defroster

Death tax:遗产税

美国总统布什2月28日在中西部向老百姓推销他的减税计划时,又犯大错. 面对4000多名听众,布什大谈税制改革. 可是当他讲到取消遗产税(death tax)问题时,一不留神将"遗产税是不公正的"说成了"死刑(death penalty)不公正".

Estate Duty Commissioner:遗产税署署长

estate duty 遗产税 | Estate Duty Commissioner 遗产税署署长 | estate facilities assessment 屋 设施评估

inheritance tax:遗产税

遗产税(Inheritance Tax)顾名思义就是对被继承人的遗产所征收的一种税,也可以称为"死亡税".遗产税至今已经有几百年的历史了. 它有两种类型,第一种是当被继承人死亡时以其遗产为对象课税的制度. 英美均采之. 依据是被继承人生前所积累的部分应归还社会,

遗产税 inheritance tax 遗产税:inheritance tax

2044 1 information system 信息系统 information system 信息系统 | 2045 1 inheritance tax 遗产税 inheritance tax 遗产税 | 2046 1 initial audit 初次审计 initial audit 初次审计