英语人>词典>汉英 : 道貌岸然 的英文翻译,例句
道貌岸然 的英文翻译、例句


pose as a person of high morals · assume solemn airs · be sanctimonious · look gentlemanly
更多网络例句与道貌岸然相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She is all affability condescension, I doubt not 8ttt8.com you will be honoured with some portion of her notice when service is over.


Night provides Paris with a different face; Brassai used these photographs to show another perspective of the Paris known for its glamour and affectedness by day.


And she is coming to me: to me, the king, and not to you, Archbishop, holy as you are.


They wanted to be dressed in clothes of virtue.


To heaven when she died, while her detractor, a self-righteous reformer, found himself in hell.


The Society of Rivers and Lakes is just so disobliging yet thus sanctimonious.


But this encompassment of her own characterization, based on shreds of convention, peopled by phantoms and voices antipathetic to her, was a sorry and mistaken creation of Tess's fancy--a cloud of moral hobgoblins by which she was terrified without reason.


He would often very impudently and indecently laugh at his companion for his serious behaviour.


However, this network has a public trial would be "lynching" of taste, because each network trial pretend people are anonymous, and individuals have been critical it is true.


And Hizbullah has shown little interest in Security Council Resolution 1559, which calls equally piously for the disbanding of all Lebanon's militias but suggests no way of enforcing this.


更多网络解释与道貌岸然相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

drift along muddle along:得过且过

道貌岸然be sanctimonious | 得过且过drift along muddle along | 得天独厚的advantaged

Sunday saint:道貌岸然的人

black sheep 害群之马 | Sunday saint 道貌岸然的人 | be worth one's salt 值得尊重的人


Same to you. 祝你一样. | sanctimonious 道貌岸然 | Save a little only to lose a lot. 因小失大.

be sanctimonious:道貌岸然

淡泊明志not seek fame and wealth | 道貌岸然be sanctimonious | 得过且过drift along muddle along

He speaks in a sanctimonious snuffle:他道貌岸然地抽着鼻子说话

16. He gave an impatient snort when he heard the plan.当他听说这个计划时,不... | 17. He speaks in a sanctimonious snuffle.他道貌岸然地抽着鼻子说话. | 18. He enjoys snuff-taking. /He is a snuff-taker.他...

sanctimoniously:假装神圣地; 伪善地 (副)

sanctimonious 假装神圣的, 假装诚实的, 假装虔诚的 (形) | sanctimoniously 假装神圣地; 伪善地 (副) | sanctimoniousness 道貌岸然, 伪善 (名)

sanctimoniousness:道貌岸然, 伪善 (名)

sanctimoniously 假装神圣地; 伪善地 (副) | sanctimoniousness 道貌岸然, 伪善 (名) | sanctimony 假装的虔诚 (名)

water slide:水滑道貌岸然

dress up 穿上盛装; 打扮起来 | water slide 水滑道貌岸然 | make requests 询问; 请求

be worth one's salt:值得尊重的人

Sunday saint 道貌岸然的人 | be worth one's salt 值得尊重的人 | be armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿


well-reasoned 顺理成章 | well-shaped 道貌岸然 | well-titled 巧立名目