英语人>词典>汉英 : 道德原则 的英文翻译,例句
道德原则 的英文翻译、例句


moral principle
更多网络例句与道德原则相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First,the aim of education as"human ideal"contains a strong sense of ethic;secondly,the moral of the educational subjects mainly refers to the morality of the teachers who gain their subjectivity in practice;thirdly,ethic functions in the process of education as adjuster,encourager and promoter;fourthly,morality is a key point in school work a...


There also emerged at this time the so-called Gnomic poetry, wise saying and reflections on moral, practical, and metaphysical principles.


The system is also introduced from two respects in the text. One hand , the text discussed his social moral principle system from the features,function and rationality which there should be as general social principle. On the other hand,the text introduced the concept and features of the flexible and plural social principle that Brandt maintains.


From the viewpoint of history, the certain CA ecology and themainstream ethic habit and moral rules are coordinated: Traditional accusatorial actionecology adapts the ancient society ethic habit; Traditional inquisitorial action ecologyadapts the grade ethic rules.


By means of a comparative analysis of the state -owned enterprises' operating conducts in two systems,and in the lisht of the socialist moral codes of collectivism,this paper probes into the moral implications of the state-owned businesses' operating conducts in different systems,and it mainly treats of the combination of the operating conducts and the collectivist principles and the causes of the Coss of the moral codes of State-owned enterprises


It admits the existing authority of other species, respect and safeguard the earth's basic ethological process and vital keeping system, formulate itself the moral principle and basis.


Are there any ethical values and principles that nonreligious individuals can live by?


A time always comes at which the moral principles originally adopted have been carried out to all their legitimate consequences, and then the system founded on them becomes as rigid, as unexpansive, and as liable to fall behind moral progress as the sternest code of rules avowedly legal.


As a leading philosopher in the utilitarianist ethics,Mill s main thoughts on ethics has a profound influence,particularly when he refers to "the greatest welfare for the majority of the people" with qualitative and quantitative differentiation as a principle for ethics,which adds much weight to utilitarianism.


Enlarging on these ideas, the apologists contrast the logical coherence of the religious tenets of Christianity, and its lofty ethical teaching, with the follies and inconsistencies of polytheism, the low ethical principles of its philosophers, and the indecencies of its mythology and of some of its rites.


更多网络解释与道德原则相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

principle of experiment control:实验对照原则

principle of environmental morality 环境道德原则158 | principle of experiment control 实验对照原则181 | principle of explanation 阐释原则711

decision procedure:判定过程

他认为'恕'不属于理想品格,而是判定过程(decision procedure),为此他强调,此类形式上的'为人准则'(golden rule)中的任何一种都会时不时地纵容道德上明显错误的行动,除非得到实质性的道德原则的补充,而在这一场合必定是由'忠'来补充,

professional ethics:专业道德

但是这些规章的一个较大的缺陷就是缺乏"专业道德"(Professional Ethics)的特征,"上不着天、下不着地". 一方面对于伦理原则的把握不够,另外二个方面是规范不具体,缺乏专业特性和可操作性.



Ethic Institutionalization:道德制度化

道德原则:Ethic principal | 道德制度化:Ethic Institutionalization | 行政伦理:the administrative ethic

principle of majority rule:多数人统治的原则

Principle of international standard;内外人平等主义;; | principle of majority rule;多数人统治的原则;; | Principle of Medical Ethics;医疗道德原则;;

moral philosophy:道德哲学

这是个"道德哲学"(moral philosophy)上的问题,哲学家曾经作过仔细的研究. 道金斯在>中提到了康德的"定言令式"(Categorical Imperative). 所谓"定言令式"就是一个本质上自明的原则,不需要任何外在的支持,它必须被所有的人,


在原则(Principled)水平上,个人作出明确的努力,摆脱他们所属的团体或一般社会的权威,确定自己的道德原则. 通过对道德发展阶段的研究,我们可以得出几个结论. 首先,人们以前后衔接的方式通过6个阶段. 他们逐渐地顺着阶梯向上移动,

scrupulous: a.1:有顾忌的,有道德原则的 2.细致认真的,一丝不苟的

scruple: v.(由于道德原因而感到)迟疑不安,踌躇,顾忌 | scrupulous: a.1.有顾忌的,有道德原则的 2.细致认真的,一丝不苟的. | scrutinize: v.详细检查(观察),细看


bunchbacked 驼背的 | unscrupulously 不客气地,无道德原则地 | group operation 群运算