英语人>词典>汉英 : 道德危机 的英文翻译,例句
道德危机 的英文翻译、例句


moral hazard
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At the price of a spiritual and moral crisis in society.


On account of the grave moral dangers which lurked in the assertion that outside of unbelief there can be no serious sin destructive of Divine grace in the soul, the Council of Trent was obliged to condemn Sess.


This paper studies the internal and external crises factors in supply chain management, as well as the adverse selection and moral hazard under principal-agent relationship.


The molding of an ideal moral personality is regarded as the basic object of moral teaching, because we need to make a response to the moral crisis in China. Moreover, the history of man's development is, to some extent, just the history of continuous pursuit and molding of an ideal personality. Furthermore, the sole and essential purpose of moral education is the successful molding of ideal moral personality as it is precisely in moral quality and action are its downright representation; and as moral personality is a somewhat motive force, and will definitely display its moral attribute constantly in practice.


MacIntyre's thoughts about moral rationality are based on his analysis of the crisis of the contemporary morality and moral theory.


It puts forward the significance of this paper. It points out that, in the time period of our economic reform, there exist serious social credit crisis and ethic crises in the economic order of society, which have made much negative influence on the development of our socialist economy. Then, the paper deplores into the reasons of these problems and draws a conclusion that at the time when new economic management system is replacing the old one, the confusion of social economic order is normal because of the imperfect new economic management system. The market disorder will necessarily lead to moral landslide and social credit crisis. Thus it will bring about market fluctuation, make worse the environment of system reform, and impede the deepening our reform.


The reason why the Enlightenment project has failed is that it results in modernity and emancipates man from moral traditions.


Callans ; moral crisis ; moral edcuation ; the tendency of reform ; revelation


Teenagers' moral crise is one of the greatest crises nowadays that the schools all around the world must be faced with.


At last, the thesis points out Lord Jim is a perfect combination of form and meaning by analyzing the moral theme embodied in Conrad's impressionistic writing.


更多网络解释与道德危机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




在名为"信条"(Credo)责任的道德准则的指引下,强生成功树立了负责任的社会公民的形象. 强生的"信条"责任强调公司对员工以及广泛意义上的健康社区的承诺. 几十年前,强生因为泰诺事件接受审查而陷入危机,

The cyrenaic school:居勒尼学派

The crisis in morals道德危机 | The cyrenaic school居勒尼学派 | The cynic school犬儒学派

moral hazard:道德风险

管理者世界之:"道德风险"(Moral Hazard) "道德风险"(Moral Hazard) 亦称道德危机,是上世纪80年代西方经济学家提出的一个经济哲学范畴的概念,即"从事经济活动的人在最大限度地增进自身效用的同时做出不利于他人的行动.

moral hazard:道德危機

从广义上讲,产权经济学,激励经济学和博奕论(Game Theory)都可以视为微观信息经济学的范畴,而其核心议题则是"反向选择"(Adverse Selecting)和"道德危机"(Moral Hazard)以及与此相关的"委托人-代理人"问题.

moral hazard:逆向选择

他认为,保持资本市场的正常运转比避免道德逆向选择(moral hazard)更加重要,政府应该也不得不救市. 他赞扬美联储在这次危机中积极干预债务市场,创造流动性,不机械、不教条、富于想像力. 库珀对财政部在拯救这次危机中的政策表示支持.



Court of Justice:法院

财务支援最大的问题是所谓道德危机(moral hazard)的难题,一般欧洲联盟发展沿革 一、一九五0 年五月九日法国外交部长苏曼(Robert Schuman)在部长会议中提出长特别理事会、共同议会(Common Assembly)与法院(Court of Justice),建史巴克(Pau

Merrill Lynch:美林

2000年9月4日>一篇名为"无处不在的道德风险--评华尔街信任危机"文章中,其作者发现,如果把"利益冲突"和"美林"(Merrill Lynch)放在一起搜索,结果显示今年以来,"利益冲突"一词的使用频率,甚至超

conventional morality:习俗道德

.习俗道德(conventional morality)科尔伯格提出的道德发展的第二个水平,个体的行为和道德判断是受众人的期望所引导的,并且完全遵从社会规则. .发展危机(developmental crisis) 每一发展阶段都有必须要解决的问题,然后才能顺利进入下一个阶段.